

单词 publicists
释义 publicists ˈpʌblɪsɪsts COCA³⁹⁵⁰⁶BNC⁵¹⁰⁴⁰Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
n.宣传人员publicist的名词复数;宣传代理人;政论家原型publicist的复数 He wowed critics with his line-up, but producers, publicists and movie goers who flocked to the Lido for the 61st edition of the festival say organizers bit off more than they could chew.
穆勒凭着强大的演员阵容赢得了评论家们的好评。但是那些涌入利多岛参加第61届威尼斯电影节的制片人、评论家和影迷们却认为组织者有些不自量力。 tdict

In the summer of1920, William H. McMasters, one of Boston’s top publicists, was in a pickle.
1920年夏天,波士顿的主要的广告人之一,威廉 H.麦克马斯特,面临了一个决择。 yeeyan

Publicists revealed this week that Hall is being treated for Hodgkin's lymphoma and that the cancer is in remission.
本周新闻透露,豪尔正在接受霍齐金淋巴瘤的治疗,他的病得到了缓解。 yeeyan

At one table, the designer Naeem Khan was personally overseeing, with a team of three publicists, where each of the872 guests will sit at his runway show on Sept.16 at Lincoln Center.
在其中一张桌子旁,设计师纳伊·姆汗 Naeem Khan亲自监督工作。 他和他的三人公关团队要一起决定9月16号那天,林肯中心他的天桥秀上,872位来宾的座位安排。 yeeyan

But Spears' publicists declined to comment on the media accounts.
然而,布兰妮公司的公关人员却拒绝对媒体的报道做出评论。 cri

Companies that rent out paparazzi are becoming hot in the US. Clients can hire their own temporary entourage, including photographers, publicists and bodyguards.
狗仔出租公司最近开始在美国流行,它们为客户提供一整套仿明星服务,包括狗仔队、经纪人及贴身保镖。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Due to the positive exposure and prestige of the ceremony, studios spend millions of dollars and hire publicists specifically to promote their films for Oscars.
鉴于荣膺小金人和获得提名的巨大影响,电影公司经常花费数数百万美元并雇用专门的公关人员专门为其影片“申奥”而努力。 yeeyan

If Roberts publicists doesn't like the questions of the reporters or the answers that he has given they just delete the tape with the interview on it.
如果 Rob的公关人员不喜欢记者的问题或是他的回答,那么他们就会要求把带子删除。8684

In a field populated by more than its fair share of shallow self- publicists, Prof Aaker has the respect of academics and executives alike.
在他所处的领域,浅薄、自吹自擂的宣传家太多了,但艾克教授却得到了学术界人士和企业管理者的一致尊敬。 xici

In this case, as in many others, the judges have shown themselves to be able self- publicists.
在这件事上,和其他别的事情一样,法官们即应表明他们是有能力的自我宣传家。 ecocn

Jackson had trouble sleeping as far back as1989, said one of his former publicists, Rob Goldstone, who spent a month on the road with Jackson during the “ Bad” tour.
杰克逊睡眠难题应该追溯到1989年,他的前发言人罗伯戈德斯特说,该发言人在那场“糟糕的”旅途中陪伴杰克逊在路上渡过了一个月。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Just in case a star's clothes don't draw enough coverage, brands' publicists fire off press releases the minute their star steps outside.
以防明星的衣着不能带来足够的曝光率,品牌的宣传人员会在明星踏上红地毯的那一刻发布新闻稿。 voa365

Salesmen use so-called free gifts as bait and publicists use them as bribes;
推销员用所谓的免费赠品作为诱饵,公关人员用它们来行贿; hlj7.com

They were primarily movie stars, and their publicists totally controlled the news about them.
他们主要是电影明星,他们的宣传人员完全控制关于他们的消息。 tianya

This year, publicists have already begun making inquiries on behalf of their clients and the event's organizers are prepared for an avalanche of requests when tables go on sale.
今年,政治评论家们开始就他们的委托人的利益提出问询,活动的组织者已经为即将到来的雪崩般的请求做好准备了。 yeeyan

This is the spirit for all publicists to handle crisis.
这也是所有公关人员应对危机时应具备的精神。 blog.sina.com.cn

You know in real life scenarios such as product launch, the publicists are supposed to be reached24/7.
你知道在现实工作环境中,比如产品发布会,公关人员应该是可以7天24小时被联系到的。 blog.sina.com.cn

Publicists manipulate the stars personal lives, to help publicise their new movie.
电影公关人员操纵着明星的私生活,帮助宣传他们的新电影。 blog.sina.com.cn




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