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词汇 PU
释义 PU AHDˈpü 高Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
abbr.钚=plutoniumabbr.推进装置=propulsion unit

a solid silvery grey radioactive transuranic element whose atoms can be split when bombarded with neutrons; found in minute quantities in uranium ores but is usually synthesized in nuclear reactors; 13 isotopes are known with the most important being plutonium 239近义词 plutonium钚放射性元素…
This was the first Buddhist temple ofPu'Tuo'Shan.普陀山上第一座佛教建筑就此问世。
YangjiangPuTe Hardware Co., Ltd.阳江市普特五金制品有限公司。 A plummeting water table, combined with an increasing number of take-offs and landings, led to the cracks, said airport deputy general manager Pu Shanlei.

Mr. Pu, an attorney known for being outspoken on sensitive issues, said he was given no warning before his site stopped working.

The Crab Farmer: Pu Jinggen grew up in one of the poorest families on Yancheng Lake.
养蟹人:浦静根音译成长在阳澄湖旁最穷的家庭之一。 yeeyan

The rise and fall of Pu’er partly reflects the lack of investment opportunities and government oversight in rural Yunnan, as well as the abundance of cash among connoisseurs in the big cities.
普洱茶价的起伏在一定程度上反应了人们对投资时机把握的不足,以及政府对云南农村的失察。大城市里行家手中捏着大量现金的现象也说明了同样的问题。 yeeyan

The tasting center inside the Nestle compound in Pu’er was tiny, but the first thing we saw was a table with cups of coffee on top and spittoons next to each chair for the Nestle tasting panel.
普洱雀巢公司内的品测中心也很小,不过首先映入我们眼帘的是放有数杯咖啡的桌子和桌子边椅子下的痰盂,这是给品测组成员准备的。 yeeyan

“ Most of us are ruined, ” said Fu Wei,43, one of the few tea traders to survive the implosion of the Pu’er market.
“我们这些人绝大多数都给毁了。”43岁的付伟说,他是普洱茶叶市场内爆中幸存下来的少数人之一。 yeeyan

A male northern white- cheeked gibbon left and a mother carrying her baby hang out in a treetop in Vietnam's Pu Mat National Park in a recent picture.
越南的菩玛国家公园,一只雄性北部白颊长臂猿左与一只带着幼崽的雌猿在树顶闲游。 yeeyan

According to Xiao Beiying, an associate professor at Huaqiao University, pu-wen-er fans tend to behave frivolously and the phenomenon might lead to the misunderstanding of Internet culture.
华侨大学副教授肖北婴表示,热衷给普文二青年分类的这些人往往轻浮,可能引发网络文化的误读误导。 kekenet

Actor Pu Cunxin has revealed that the secret to looking young and dapper at the ripe old age of57 is walking like a dog on all fours.
已经57岁的影视演员濮存昕看起来还是那么的年轻儒雅,近日,他透露了自己保养的秘诀,模仿狗的姿势用四肢爬行。 ebigear

After1950, the state controlled the production of pu'er tea mostly from farms.
1950年之后,国家通过农场控制了大部分的普洱茶的生产。 yeeyan

For tens of thousands of wholesalers, farmers and other Chinese citizens who poured their money into compressed disks of tea leaves, the crash of the Pu’er market has been nothing short of disastrous.
对于数以万计的批发商、农民和把钱砸到这种茶叶压缩片上的中国人来说,普洱茶市的崩溃就是一场灾难。 yeeyan

He made it into the Forbidden City then Pu Yi was evicted.
他进了紫禁城。可是溥仪被赶出了紫禁城。 yeeyan

He sat in the concrete hull of his shop, which he cannot afford to complete, and cobwebs covered his shelf of treasured Pu’er cakes.
他坐在无力完工的店面内,蜘蛛网布满了摆放普洱茶的货架。 yeeyan

In addition, relatives of a15-year-old Palaung girl in Nam Pu village in Kyethee Township said they were worried because she was arrested by government troops and has not returned home.
此外,在基赛镇南蒲村 Nam Pu一名15岁巴朗女孩的亲属说,由于这名女孩已被政府军逮捕,并至今为止没有回家,他们为此极为担忧。 yeeyan

Many investors were led to believe that Pu’er prices could only go up.
许多投资者都相信普洱茶的价格只会上涨。 yeeyan

Netizens also posted composite photos of celebrities, animals, plants, cartoon characters and video game characters with three apparent pu-wen-er statuses on social network websites.
网友们还在社交网站上贴出一些名人、动物、植物、卡通人物及游戏角色的合成图,来戏谑他们经典的三种“普文二”状态。 kekenet

Northern white- cheeked gibbons have specialized wrist joints and powerful arm muscles, which allow them to swing from tree branches, like the male pictured above in Pu Mat.
北部白颊长臂猿特殊的腕关节和强壮的上肢肌肉,可以让它们在树枝间荡来荡去,就如这张摄于菩玛公园的照片中显示的一样。 yeeyan

One of the important books about fragrance, Xiang Pu or Book of Fragrance, was written during the Song.
这一领域的一部重要历史专著《香谱》就是宋代的著作。 yeeyan

The cast also includes actress Jiang Wenli, wife of the director, and veteran Chinese actor Pu Cunxin.
演员阵容还包括导演的妻子,演员蒋雯丽,和中国老演员濮存昕。 hxen

The Chinese claim that pu-erh also can lower blood alcohol after drinking, prevent dysentery, and stimulate secretions from the spleen and other organs.
中国人声称,普洱茶还可以降低酒后血液中的酒精含量,防止痢疾,刺激脾以及其他器官的的分泌。 yeeyan

These tests showed pu- erh performed at least as well as clofibrate, the most advanced medicine for the purpose, without the drug's side effects.
这些试验表明普洱茶在这方面的功效不差于专门用于治疗高血脂的药物——对氯苯氧异丁酸乙酯,而且没有这种药物的副作用。 yeeyan

This Spanish company supplies cork and natural rubber insoles for sandals as well as soles in PU, TPU and TR.
该西班牙公司供应适用于拖鞋的软木和天然橡胶内底,此外还有 PU、 TPU与 TR 底。 iciba

Unlike other types of tea, which are consumed not long after harvest, Pu’er tastes better with age.
与其他茶叶不同,它们在采摘后不久最适合饮用,而普洱茶年代越久,口感越好。 yeeyan

Without direct protection in Pu Mat National Park, it is likely that Vietnam will lose this species in the near future.
如果没有菩玛国家公园中的直接保护,这个物种将在不久的将来在越南彻底灭绝。 yeeyan

Zhongheng, director of the Pu’er City Experiment Demo Coffee Farm.
他本人是普洱市咖啡实验示范农场的主任。 yeeyan




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