

单词 PTI
释义 PTIEconomist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
He found the condom in the other unopened bottle, PTI reported.
夏尔马随后在这瓶可乐里发现了泥土和其它沉淀物,而在另一瓶还未开启的可乐里发现了避孕套。 cri

The Corp. also renders services of container repair, PTI inspection of freezer and etc.
公司还提供集装箱维修、冻柜的 PTI检验等集装箱服务业务。 iciba

The Press Trust of India PTI news agency said the Chinese troops told the builders to stop work and shouted at them.
印度报业托拉斯 PTI新闻发布机构说到,中国军队告诉建造者们停止工作,并对他们大吼大叫。 yeeyan

After dissecting the structure characteristic and the damage reason of the ejector sleeve from FUCHS in German and from PTI in America, we develop a new type of ejector sleeve.
在剖析德国 Fuchs和美国 PTI喷枪保护套的结构特点和损坏原因后,研制出可拆分体式喷枪保护套。 cnki

In chapter2, the precise time integration PTI method for the analysis of transient system is discussed.
第二章介绍本文采用的瞬态系统分析的精细积分方法。 cnki

London PTI: Good news for chocolate, wine and tea lovers as consuming the three delights daily actually helps improve your cognitive performance.
伦敦 PTI:好消息,巧克力、葡萄酒和茶的爱好者每天摄入这三种食物将有助于改善您的认知能力。 yeeyan

Objective To evaluate the effects and practical values of preventive trachea intubation PTI in the acute poisoned patients.
目的评价预防性气管插管在危重中毒病人洗胃时的疗效和价值。 dictall

Police pulled32 bodies, most of them charred remains, from the warehouse in Pallipat near Chennai, the capital of the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, PTI quoted local administrator as saying.
警察从南印度邦泰米尔人的首府钦奈附近位于 Pallipat处的仓库找到32具大多被烧焦的尸体,印度报业托玛斯引用地方官员palani Kumar的话说。 ebigear

Police have arrested two people, including the warehouse owner, as they investigate, PTI said.
根据调查,警方已经逮捕两人,包括仓库的拥有者。 PTI说。 ebigear

The government is indirectly encouraging the employment of those illegal foreign workers and especially from the illegal immigrants PTI.
政府根本是在间接的鼓励雇主雇用非法外劳 PTI。 dapsabah.org

The closed-loop system of flexible arm is obtained using I/ O feedback control, the Precise Time Integration PTI Algorithm is utilized to solve the system equations.
本文首先利用输出反馈控制给出了柔性机械臂的闭环控制系统,然后使用精细时程积分法对该系统进行求解。 cnki

The mathematical models for transient stability calculation in PSASP and PSS/ E respectively developed by China Electric Power Research Institute and PTI Inc., in USA are compared and analyzed.
对中国电力科学研究院开发的 PSASP程序与美国 PTI公司开发的 PSS/ E程序的暂态稳定计算数学模型进行了分析比较。 cnki

The pact would guarantee unhindered supply of uranium for Indian reactors and the right to reprocess spent fuel, PTI quoted unnamed officials as saying.
PTI引述不愿透露姓名的官员的话称,该协议将保证印度反应堆的铀供应不受阻碍,以及保证再加工用过核燃料的权利。 www.etiri.com.cn

The Rajasthan government announced a day of mourning, the PTI agency said.
在拉贾斯坦邦政府宣布日为哀悼日,公共交通交汇处机构说。 jzdzp.blog.china.com

The vessel will undergo two years of sea trials in the Bay of Bengal before being commissioned for full service, according to PTI.
根据公共交通交汇处消息,该船将在孟加拉湾接受两年的试航,然后将被委托进行全面的服务。 www.etiri.com.cn

This paper introduces a solution of PTI Programmable Transport Interface of set-top-box system.
介绍一种数字机顶盒系统中可编程传输接口的方案。 iciba




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