

单词 psychological
释义 psy·cho·log·i·cal 英ˌsaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkəl美ˌsaɪkəˈlɑdʒɪkəlAHDsī'kə-lŏjʹĭ-kəl ★★★☆☆高四六GIMS46八COCA²⁷⁶⁶BNC²⁹⁰²iWeb³⁹⁰⁵Economist⁸²²⁷


of or affecting the mind


of or relating to psychology

mental or emotional as opposed to physical in nature;

give psychological support

psychological warfare

of or relating to or determined by psychology;

psychological theories

词根词缀: -psych-心灵 + -o- + -logical…学的psychological moment心理最佳时刻…psychological warfare心理战the psychological moment心理上的适当瞬间; …psychological scar心灵创伤psychological training心理训练psychological fitness心理健全psychological testing心理测验psychological pricing心理定价法psychological aging心理老化psychological stress心理紧张状态…psychological isolation心理隔离psychological measurement心理测量psychological field心场,心理场地…psychological group心理群体psychological selection心理选择psychological present当前心理体验…psychological statistics心理统计学psychological test心理测验psychological damage心理损害
非常记忆psycho精神病人+logical逻辑的⇒精神病人在看心理和逻辑方面的书词根记忆psycho心灵,精神+log说+ical…的→心理学的psycho心理,精神+log学科+ical形容词后缀⇒心理学的。词根记忆psycho心灵,精神+log说+ical…的→心理的来自psychologyn. 心理学近义词 inner内心的mental思想的inward内部的inwards向内地emotional感情的spiritual精神的psychosomatic身心的
~+ n.It gives the worker an extraordinary psychological lift.这使那个工人受到巨大的精神鼓舞。
At the university he made psychological research.他在大学里进行过心理学研究。Ppsychologicallyad.心理上从心理学角度

用作形容词There could be somepsychologicalexplanation for his bad health.他的健康不佳可能有心理上的原因。
Inhibition of natural impulses may causepsychologicalproblems.压抑自然的冲动可能会引起心理上的问题。adj.concerning the mind
同义词 cognitive,emotional,intellectual,mental,subjectivecerebral,experimental,imaginary,in the mind,intellective,psychical,subconscious,unconscious
反义词 physicalbody
inneradjective mental, private
intellectualadjective very smart
intrapersonaladjective within one's self
inwardadjective private
mentaladjective concerning the mind
psychicadjective extrasensory in perception
analytic,cerebral,clairvoyant,immaterial,impressible,impressionable,intellective,intellectual,mental,metaphysical,mystic,occult,preternatural,psychal,psychical,psychogenic,psychological,responsive,sensible,sensile,sensitive,sentient,spiritual,supernatural,supersensible,supersensitive,supersensory,supersensual,susceptible,susceptive,telekinetic,telepathic,transmundane,unworldly The psychological effects of surgery appear to be one factor.
手术带来的心理因素似乎是一个主要因素。 yeeyan

“ You do judge a book by its cover, but a beautiful book leads you to read it more closely,” he said in an Association for Psychological Science news release.
他在心理科学协新闻发布时讲到,“虽然你确实会由封面来评判一本书的好坏,但是封面漂亮的书会引导你更加仔细地阅读。” yeeyan

Applying psychological concepts and principles to the software process might be another way to help our industry move the needle, ever so slightly perhaps, in the right direction.
将心理学的理念和原则应用再软件过程中,也许能帮助我们的行业取得进步,可能只是一点点,但确实是向正确的方向。 infoq

At the next session I suggested that for his psychological well-being he might consider, at least for now, forgoing a relationship with his parents.
在第二次会面中,我建议为了他的心理健康着想,最起码现在这段时间,他可以考虑放弃和他的父母联系。 yeeyan

Finally a real psychological term to describe some of the people I have worked with in the past.
终于有了这么一个心理学专业术语可以让我来形容某些曾经与我共事的人了。 ecocn

From a psychological point then, animals have evolved to be nice to their kin, particularly their children, and particularly in birds and mammals.

How will they cope with the huge psychological pressures?
他们将如何应付巨大的心理压力呢? yeeyan

In every instance, these dumb things were the product of some psychological or emotional impulse.
事实上,这些没有用的东西只是某些心理或感情冲动的产物。 yeeyan

In a series of experiments a team of researchers have come up with some intriguing answers in a report just published in Psychological Science.
一个研究小组在做了一系列实验后提供了一些有趣的答案,他们刚刚发表在了《心理科学》的一篇报道上。 ecocn

In this article I will tell you about psychological curses, how they affect your life and how to prevent others from cursing you.
在文章中,我将会告诉大家一些心理诅咒,它们是如何影响你的生活,以及如何去防范他人诅咒你。 yeeyan

It is not that she has labored to conceal the organic and psychological facts of her constitution, but that men have showed no interest in exploring them.
原因并不是她极力隐瞒了关于自身生理与心理的事实,而是男人从来就没有对探索这些事实表现过兴趣。 hjenglish

It improves your physiological and psychological well being.
它改善你身体和心理的健康状态。 yeeyan

Lewin believed that there is tension in a person whenever a psychological need or an intention exists, and the tension is released only when the need or intention is fulfilled.
卢因认为每当一个人有心理学需求或者意愿存在的时候会有一个张力;这种张力只有在需求或者遗愿被满足时才会被释放。 yeeyan

Now, however, there is some psychological research on this question in a paper recently published in the European Journal of Social Psychology.
无论如何,现在有篇关于这个问题的心理学研究论文最近发表于《欧洲社会心理学杂志》。 yeeyan

One of the biggest challenges for these towns was psychological.
这些城镇面临的最大挑战之一是心理上的。 yeeyan

One would think that explicit knowledge of these well-documented psychological biases and years of experience with them would allow a person to cognitively override the biases.
人们会认为对这些研究得比较清楚的心理学偏见的显性知识和和多年的经验将让一个人认知上克服这些偏见。 yeeyan

Our preference for sweets and fats is an evolved psychological mechanism. We do not consciously choose to like sweets and fats; they just taste good to us.
人们偏爱糖果和油脂就是一种精密的心理演化机制,我们不是有意识的去选择喜欢甜食和脂肪,只是它们的味道实在不错而已。 yeeyan

Raising the stamp tax was a relatively minor move but it had a huge psychological effect and investors decided to secure their profits rather than wait for new government measures.
提高印花税是一个相对小的举措,但是,它有着巨大的心理影响,投资者决定保护他们的股票收益,而不是等待政府再出新措施。 bioon

Since I have no psychological training my job is to get that person off the bridge as quickly as possible.
不过因为我没有接受过心理训练,我的任务就是尽快把想自杀的人从桥上弄下来。 yeeyan

These findings appear in the March issue of Review of General Psychology, published by the American Psychological Association.
这些研究结果刊登在美国心理学会出版的《普通心理学评论》三月号上。 hjenglish

These ideas and their psychological and moral implications run through his fiction.
这些想法及其心理和道德的暗示贯穿他的小说创作。 ecocn

They also seem to have a high tolerance for physical pain and psychological setbacks.
对于生理疼痛和心理挫折,他们似乎还具备很高的耐受性。 yeeyan

This technique builds a profile of which psychological triggers work best for a given person, and uses these triggers to drive new behaviors in the future.
这一技术为何种心理触发机制对给定的人影响最为明显建立了档案,并在未来用这些触发机制来驱动新的行为。 yeeyan

We should take such findings with extreme caution. So says a review published this week in Current Directions in Psychological Science.
对于这样的发现我们要特别慎重对待。这周在《心理科学》发表的一篇评论也是这样说的。 yeeyan




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