

单词 psychiatry
释义 psy·chi·a·try 英sɪˈkaɪətriː, saɪ-美sɪˈkaɪətri, saɪ-AHDsĭ-kīʹə-trē, sī- ★☆☆☆☆高研IS四八COCA¹³⁰⁶⁰BNC²⁰²⁰⁴iWeb¹³⁰³⁷Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

the branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorderspsych-,精神,灵魂,-iatry,治疗,词源同podiatry.anti-psychiatry反传统精神病学…forensic psychiatry法医精神病学,司法精…community psychiatry社区精神病学…dynamic psychiatry动力精神病学…experimental psychiatry实验性精神病学…cultural psychiatry文化精神病学…occupational psychiatry职业精神病学…descriptive psychiatry描述性精神病学…clinical psychiatry临床精神病学…psychiatry and neurology精神病学和神经病学…administrative psychiatry行政精神病学…social psychiatry社会精神病学…family psychiatry家庭精神病学…industrial psychiatry工业精神病学…folk psychiatry民族精神病学…combat psychiatry战时精神病学…psychoanalytic psychiatry精神分析的精神医学…comparative psychiatry比较精神病学…
psych心理,精神+iatr治疗+y抽象名词后缀⇒精神病治疗法,精神病学。GRE难词记忆psychiatry→ psychiatr精神病专家+y→精神病治疗词根记忆psych精神+iatry→精神病学近义词 psychopathology精神病理学psychological medicine心理医学

用作名词Psychiatry has the character of transdiscipline.精神病学具有跨学科性质。
Psychiatry is the area of medicine that treats mental and emotional conditions.精神病学是对待心理和情绪条件的医学领域。 And yet despite this, the issue of free will in psychiatry seems almost completely neglected outside of forensics.
然而,尽管这样,精神病学中自由意志的问题似乎几乎完全被忽略出辩论话题之外。 yeeyan

For the longest time psychiatry was heavily influenced by psychoanalysis. And psychoanalysis has a lot of strengths, but doing basic research is not one of them.
很长一段时间,精神病学被心理动力学严重影响,心理动力学有很多股势力,但没有一个做基础研究。 yeeyan

The study is published in the February issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry.
这项研究已经在普通精神病学档案二月号上发表。 yeeyan

“Can’t say the same for humans, ” said Dr. Francisco Tausk, a professor of dermatology and psychiatry at the University of Rochester School of Medicine.
“不能说对于人类也同样如此,”罗彻斯特大学医学院皮肤病学和精神病学教授弗朗西斯科·陶斯克如是说。 yeeyan

Berger studied medicine, neurology, psychiatry and psychology at the University of Jena.
贝格尔在耶拿大学学习过医学、神经学、精神病学和心理学。 yeeyan

But a new study, published in the Journal of Child Psychiatry and Psychology, suggests that children might actually benefit from watching their parents sort problems out.
但一项发表在儿童精神病学和心理学杂志上的新研究表明,儿童可能会受益于他们的父母通过争吵解决问题的过程。 hjenglish

But it's not without controversy: The proposed changes suggested this year have sparked a kind of civil war within psychiatry.
但是这并不是没有争议的:今年被提议的改变已经在精神疾病学领域引发了一场内战。 yeeyan

Consultation- liaison psychiatry, he predicted, will expand its role in sleep medicine.
会诊-联络精神病学将会扩大其在睡眠治疗中的作用。 yeeyan

In addition, she teaches child and adolescent psychiatry fellows about school consultation.
另外,她给儿童青少年精神病学研究员开学校咨询的课。 yeeyan

In it, he argued that psychiatry was a branch of medical science and should be investigated by observation and experimentation like the other natural sciences.
在书中,他主张精神病学是医学的一个分支,应当像其他自然科学一样以观察和实验为研究手段。 yeeyan

It was published in the Archives of General Psychiatry journal.
研究结果发表在《普通精神病学文献》杂志上。 yeeyan

John Weinman, professor of psychiatry at King’s College London, monitored the stress levels of a group of volunteers and then inflicted small wounds on them.
伦敦国王学院的精神病学教授约翰韦曼检测了一组志愿者的压力水平,然后给他们造成一些小伤害。 ecocn

Not that psychiatry on film is ever quite true to life.
影片上的精神病学并非总是逼真于生活。 ecocn

Results appeared in the October Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
研究结果发表在《美国儿童与青少年精神病学会十月月刊》上。 yeeyan

So in psychiatry, when I was a resident, we were discouraged from doing science.
所以我当精神病学住院医师时,我们被建议别去做科学。 yeeyan

Study results were published in the May British Journal of Psychiatry.
研究结果发表在五月《英国精神病学期刊》上。 yeeyan

The results of the study have been published in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
这些研究结果发表在精神病学加拿大的期刊里。 yeeyan

The study, which appears in the Archives of General Psychiatry, used three different methods.
被普通精神病学文献收录的这项研究采用了三种研究方法。 yeeyan

The study, published this week in the British Journal of Psychiatry, is the first to examine the association between overall diet and depression.
本周发表于《英国精神病学杂志》的这项研究,首次对总体饮食与抑郁症之间的关联性进行了调查。 yeeyan

The study, reported in the journal Archives of General Psychiatry, found that bipolar parents recognised early symptoms in their children.
发表在《普通精神病学文献》中的这项研究发现,双相父母在他们的子女中能识别出初期症状。 yeeyan

The events would prove to be a watershed in Cold War politics, one that would eventually draw Western psychiatry into a confrontation with the Soviets.
这些事件不久即被确证为冷战政治的分水岭,最终将促使西方精神病学与苏联体系发生对峙。 yeeyan

The finding was reported in the February Archives of General Psychiatry.
这项发现发表在二月份的《普通精神病学档案》上。 yeeyan

These developments highlight a revolution in psychiatry, the last bastion of symptom- based medicine.
这些发展突显了症状医学的最后堡垒——精神病学的革命。 ecocn

Under his direction, the Munich Clinic became a renowned center for teaching and research in psychiatry.
在他的领导下,慕尼黑诊所成为了在精神病学方面享有名望的教学和研究中心。 yeeyan

Psychiatry has a role to play, if only we become more involved.
精神病学可以扮演其中一个角色,只要我们变得更投入。 yeeyan

Psychiatry began to seem less like an art form and more like a science.
精神病学开始变得不那么像艺术而更像一门科学。 yeeyan

Psychiatry is the area of medicine that treats mental and emotional conditions.
精神病学是对待心理和情绪条件的医学领域。 yeeyan




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