

单词 psyches
释义 psyches saɪkiz COCA⁴²⁸¹⁵BNC⁷⁵¹⁶²
n.灵魂;心灵psyche的名词复数原型psych的三单 In other words, Western parents are concerned about their children's psyches.
换句话说,西方家长关心的是孩子的心理。 yeeyan

Many of these traits are highly sought after attributes in a male suitor and accordingly the fireman archetype is deeply entrenched in many women's psyches.
这些特征正是女性在男性身上所追求的特质,因此消防员的原型深入女性的心灵。 yeeyan

The feeling of arousal and sexual desire is the same for most everyone; what changes is the ways in which these desires express themselves in our psyches.
对大多数人来讲各自的激情和性欲都是一样的,只是每个人自己的经历导致各自欲望的不同。 yeeyan

The long hardship of roughly two-and-a- half years in space with only a few people in a potentially lethal environment will undoubtedly challenge the psyches of Mars explorers.
大致2年半在太空的艰辛历程,寥寥无几的几个人在一个潜在有毒害的环境下--无疑,这对火星探索者们的心理是一个考验。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

The separation of heaven and earth, of male and female, the split of the archetypal parents into separate quarters, remains a strong and influential component in our collective and individual psyches.
天与地的分离,男性与女性的区分,与原型父母的割裂,在我们个人的灵魂层面有着强烈的影响。 blog.sina.com.cn

All of us wear masks. They can be worn out of love and the desire to remain close to those around us to spare them from the complicated reality of our frayed psyches.
我们都戴着面具,这样做,有时是因为爱,有时是因为渴望与身边的人保持亲密的关系,他们无需直面我们复杂脆弱的内心。 blog.sina.com.cn

And now, Bogdashevsky is training the psyches of a couple of wealthy foreigners.
现在博格达什维斯基在为几个国外富翁做心理训练。 yeeyan

Garry found the study of people's psyches a fascinating subject.
加里认为研究人的精神是门有趣的学科。 blog.sina.com.cn

He's the dark creature inhabiting repressed, frustrated Japanese psyches, who instead of bowing and kowtowing, is allowed to mutilate his way through twisted, dysfunctional, millennial Japan.
有别于弓腰叩首的传统形象,他在压抑、受挫的日式精神中栖身,在扭曲失调的千年日本里横冲直撞。 mtime

I don't know what is missing in their psyches that they need to feel they have the power to kill.
我不知道,在他们那感到有权杀人的心灵深处,缺少了什么。 blog.sina.com.cn

If writer had to wait until their precious psyches were completely serene, there wouldn't be much writing done.
如果作家不得不等到他们心灵完全沉静下来才写作,那么他们就写不出多少东西来。 blog.sina.com.cn

IN AMERICAN psyches, the war with Mexico of1846-48 is muddled in with many others, and earns no more than a passing mention in history books.
在美国人心里,1846-48年与墨西哥的战争对很多人是模糊的,它只在历史书中一笔带过。 ecocn

Is it harmful to our psyches to wallow in sadness?
徘徊于悲哀之中对我们的灵魂是一种伤害吗? yeeyan

It takes time before a new language begins to inhabit us deeply, to enter the fabric of our psyches and express who we are.
让一门新的语言在体内扎根、真正进入心灵的架构、最终表达自己,需要时间。 yeeyan

It of the life be all vitalities psyches that the natures living to work properly spirit.
它的命就是所有自然生灵精神的元气魂魄。 cctv

Our psyches naturally seek a release from the internal pressure caused by the repression of the disowned aspects of ourselves.
我们的心灵会自然去从寻求释放压抑自我的某些方面中产生的内部压力。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

People in the past who have not strengthened their nervous system or prepared their bodies and psyches to hold these vibrations have had problems.
过去人们因为没有加强他们的神经细胞和准备好他们的身体和心智来承受这些振动就会有问题。 blog.sina.com.cn

Richter gives us a way to view the carnage: the image is so imprinted on our psyches that we recognize it even, or especially, in a painting that is close to obliterated.
里希特以一个全新的视角像我们展示了这场灾难:我们不得不承认,这样的画面带给我们巨大的心灵震撼,即使是,或者应该说特别是这样一幅几乎被全部抹掉的画面。 yeeyan

The company believes blue lighting has a calmingeffect on distressed psyches.
该公司认为蓝色照明灯能缓和自杀心理。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The survey results provide a gimmicky glimpse into cultural psyches in the G-2 nations.
这两项调查结果可以巧妙地让人管窥到美中两国的文化气质。 hjenglish

There's no evidence that subdivision housing will catch up with their newly liberated psyches.
但没有迹象表明小的地块公寓的设计会赶上年轻人自由精神的发展。 blog.sina.com.cn

They can be worn out of love and the desire to remain close to those around us, to spare them from the complicated reality of our frayed psyches. we trade honesty for companionship.
这样做有时是因为爱有时是因为渴望与身边的人保持亲密的关系,是他们无需直面我们复杂脆弱的内心。我们舍弃诚实换取别人的陪伴。 blog.sina.com.cn

To avoid another paranoiac in the White House, journalists began to probe the very psyches of the nation’s leaders.
为了避免白宫再度出现偏执狂患者,记者们开始调查每个国家领导人的心理状况。 yeeyan

We wonder: to what extent did his policies and repression deform the psyches of millions of citizens who suffered the atrocities of his rule?
我们怀疑:他的政策与压迫在多大程度上摧残了遭受残酷统治的数百万民众的身心? blog.sina.com.cn




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