

释义 PSUVEconomist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
A former PSUV leader, the late General Alberto Müller Rojas, once described the party as a“ nest of scorpions”.
前团结社会党领导人,已故的 Alberto Müller Rojas将军,曾经形容该党是「毒蝎子的巢穴」。 ecocn

And if the PSUV fails to reach99 seats, the president will no longer be able to legislate by decree.
如果统一社会主义党未达到99个席位,总统将不再能够通过颁布法令去制定法律。 ecocn

Because the government brought the elections forward, the new congress will not take office until January, giving the PSUV free rein to rule as it pleases for nearly three more months.
因为政府提早选举,新议会要到明年一月才能开始工作,这将给执政的统一社会主义党近三个多月无约束的随其所欲地统治。 ecocn

But changes to the electoral system rammed through by the government mean that a narrow lead is enough to give the PSUV a landslide victory.
但政府强行对选举法规的修改使得微弱的领先都足够使 PSUV获得压倒性的胜利。 ecocn

But the PSUV’s vanishing act on election night told a different story: its campaign headquarters emptied out by mid-evening, preventing journalists from obtaining comments from its members.
但是统一社会主义党在大选之夜的消失表明事有蹊跷:它的竞选总部在午夜被清空以防止记者从其成员处获得评论。 ecocn

In greater Caracas, the opposition won over860, 000 votes to the PSUV’s 634, 000.
在首都加拉加斯,反对派赢得860000张选票, PSUV仅有634000张。 ecocn

Last year the president abruptly announced that he was creating the PSUV as the “ sole party” of the revolution.
去年,总统突然宣布他将创建 PSUV作为革命的“唯一政党”。 ecocn

The National Guard, the militias, the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela PSUV and the consumer- protection agency were all deployed in this effort.
国民卫队、民兵、执政党联合社会主义党 PSUV和消费者保护机构皆投入打击物价的工作。 ecocn

The PSUV only retained its congressional majority because of gerrymandering and a drastic reform of the electoral law that eliminated proportional representation.
统一社会主义国家党仅保持了它在国会的多数派地位,因为选区改革和选举法的剧烈变革淘汰了比例代表制。 ecocn

While the president convalesces, he will need to demonstrate that he still has fire in his belly, or ambitious PSUV faction leaders may well openly start to conspire against one another.
当总统逐渐康复,他需要证明自己仍充满热情,否则具野心的团结社会党派系领导人可能明目张胆地开始彼此密谋对抗。 ecocn




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