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词汇 PSP
释义 PSP
abbr.分组交换处理机= packet switching processorsabbr.掌上游戏机=Play Station Portable
It s a pretty solid piece of kit, at182g, and that finish is going to show fingermarks even worse than a PSP.
握感相当实在、重182克,会在机子上留下你的指纹而且比 PSP还严重。 engadget

So as you can see, the architecture is essentially a clientRA, a server PSP, and resources PSTs that SPML manages.
可以看出, SPML管理的基本架构包括客户RS、服务器 PSP和资源 PST。 ibm

The upcoming PSP Go! is rumored to use a high-speed format such as the Memory Stick HG- Micro standard that debuted earlier this year, although the company has yet to confirm the reports.
此前曾有传言称 PSP GO会采用今年早些时候发布的 Memory Stick HG- Micro高速存储格式,不过公司并没有对此报道进行回应。 cnbeta

All of the schemas that are available with the PSP are returned to the RA.
PSP使用的所有模式都返回给 RA。 ibm

At first glance, you might think this pink PSP was made for breast cancer since pink has become synonymous with that.
乍一看,你恐怕会以为这是专为乳腺癌患者设计的,因为粉红色通常让人联想到这种病。 yeeyan

Check out the PSP Top200, an online ranking directory of PSP sites.
查看 PSP Top200,一个在线的 PSP站点排行目录。 yeeyan

However, since its launch the Sony PSP has been under much scrutiny with a poor game lineup& an equally lackluster battery life.
然而,自索尼 PSP问世以来就一直处在次等游戏机阵容的严密审视下,同样被诟病的是它那低迷的电池寿命。 yeeyan

I think it is going the right direction, despite the odd designer PSP.
尽管我不喜欢那款奇怪的粉色 PSP,我还是认为这是好的趋势。 yeeyan

If you’ve cracked your PSP, you can get nearly all films working on your device, but otherwise, your movie watching is entirely limited to MP4 files.
如果你已经破解了你的 PSP,你可以让机几乎所有的电影都能在上面观看,否则你就只能观看 MP4文件了。 yeeyan

In fact, I feel like this degrades the PSP, which I think is an amazing device.
事实上,我觉得这种设计策略让这款原本在我心目中惊艳的掌机的地位降低了。 yeeyan

In a strange disclosure Sony officials have admitted that the PSP Go has been an epic failure when it comes to sales.
在一个奇怪的声明中,索尼官员承认 PSP Go在它走向销售时获得了空前的失败。 yeeyan

In response, the PSP sends the mail ID created and the restriction on the size of the mailbox.
在响应中, PSP发送创建的邮件 ID和邮箱的大小限制。 ibm

Metrics for individual performance are described well in the Personal Software Process PSP developed by Watts Humphrey.
个体性能规格在 Watts Humphrey开发的个人软件过程 PSP中被很好地描述。 ibm

Most files published on PSP Mafia are copyrighted and thus illegal unless you own the original movie or live in a select few countries.
PSP Mafia上发布的大部分文件,都是有版权的,因此也是非法的,除非你拥有原始电影或者居住在某几个国家。 yeeyan

No matter who is to blame, consumers lose with PSP Go’s price.
但结果是无论谁该受到责备,输在价格上的还是消费者。 yeeyan

Of course you could just convert any existing video file to play on your PSP.
当然你可以只是转换现有的视频文件在 PSP 上面播放。 yeeyan

One of the virtues of having a PSP is the ability to play media on the go.
拥有一台 PSP的好处之一就是可以在路途中播放媒体文件。 yeeyan

Provisioning Service Point PSP: This is the component that listens to the request from the RA, processes it, and returns a response to the RA.
配置服务点 PSP:这部分负责监听并处理来自 RA的请求,然后将响应返回给 RA。 ibm

Research firm DFC Intelligence says growth for dedicated game machines like the DS and PSP has peaked and Apple products will drive the portable game market over the next five years.
研究公司 DFC Intelligence说, DS和 PSP等专门游戏机的增长已经见顶,苹果产品将成为未来5年推动便携式游戏市场的动力。

The first handset- maker to release a compliant device is Sony Ericsson, whose smartphone has a retractable PSP button-pad.
首家发布兼容掌机的制造商是索尼爱立信,其智能电话有个可伸缩的 PSP按钮盘。 ecocn

The request ID is maintained by the PSP for the duration of the request execution, and is returned to the client along with the response when the response is ready.
在请求执行期间, PSP负责维护请求 ID,准备好响应之后随着响应一起返回。 ibm

There are a number of PSP movie portals to be found on the internet, loaded with PSP- compatible films.
互联网上有许多的 PSP电影门户,提供兼容 PSP的电影。 yeeyan

They believe it is too confusing for most consumers due to the lack of a UMD drive which ultimately resulted in fans of the media staying clear of the new PSP device.
他们相信,对于大多数消费者而言,取消了 PSP游戏盘接口让他们很困惑,而这也最终导致了数码迷们选择远离这款新 PSP设备。 yeeyan

What these would entail isn't mentioned, but Sony already incorporates utilities such as Skype in PSP firmware.
他并没有提及这类 程序的详细内容,但索尼此前已经开始把 Skype等程序集成在 PSP固件中。 cnbeta

You can also drag files directly from Windows explorer to the PSP pane to have them transferred.
你还可以把一般窗口中的档案,直接拖曳到 PSP Media Manager 的软件窗口中。 engadget

PSP Mafia is a warez forum completely dedicated to PSP downloads.
PSP Mafia是一个致力于 PSP下载的盗版软件论坛。 yeeyan




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