

单词 psoas
释义 pso·as 英ˈsəʊəs美ˈsoəsAHDsōʹəs 高COCA¹⁰³⁹³⁸iWeb³⁰⁶⁴⁰
either of two muscles of the abdomen and pelvis that flex the trunk and rotate the thighThe left kidney andpsoasshadows may be indistinct.左肾和腰肌阴影可模糊不清。
The schwannoma is over the para-spine, nearpsoasmuscle and causes muscle atrophy.神经鞘瘤位于脊髓附近且靠近腰肌,并造成肌肉萎缩。 A healthily functioning psoas provides a sensitive suspension bridge between the trunk and the legs.
健康的腰大肌能提供一个感应灵敏如吊桥一般的连接双腿与躯干。 blog.sina.com.cn

And a released, flowing psoas, combined with a stable, weight- bearing pelvis, contributes to the sensations of feeling grounded and centered.
释放儿活动自由的腰大肌与稳定承受重量的坐骨盆是我们内在安定安稳感的来源。 blog.sina.com.cn

Ideally, the psoas guides the transfer of weight from the trunk into the legs and also acts as a grounding wire guiding the flow of subtle energies.
正常的运作的话腰大肌可以引导身躯与双腿之间的承重移转还能如同一条稳定的管道让精微能量可以顺畅运行。 blog.sina.com.cn

In walking, a healthy psoas moves freely and joins with a released diaphragm to continuously massage the spine as well as the organs, blood vessels, and nerves of the trunk.
当行走时腰大肌与释放的横膈膜一起持续按摩脊柱,内脏器官,血管和躯干的神经。 blog.sina.com.cn

At each segment, the psoas muscle, lumbar plexus, and nerve roots were dissected.
在每个节段均暴露出腰大肌、腰丛和神经根。 oaopdoc

But if you constantly contract the psoas to correct for skeletal instability, the muscle eventually begins to shorten and lose flexibility.
但如果你一直使用收缩的腰大肌来修正骨架的稳定长期下来很容易会失去肌肉的正常长度和柔韧度。 blog.sina.com.cn

Either emotional trauma or an ongoing lack of emotional support can also lead to a chronically contracted psoas, and thus to a loss of core awareness.
不管是情感的创伤或欠缺感情的抚慰都有可能积累成长期紧缩的腰大肌进而失去对身体核心感知力的觉知。 blog.sina.com.cn

In your yoga practice, if you feel strain in your knees or lower back in seated and standing poses, your body may be telling you that you need to lengthen your psoas.
如果你在瑜伽坐姿与站姿感到膝盖和腰部有负担那是你的身体在传达给你一个讯息-你该延展你的腰大肌了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Inset: combining activation of the front leg psoas and the back leg gluteus maximus. This action creates a wringing effect across the pelvis, stabilizing the pose.
插图:前腿的腰肌和后腿的臀大肌共同运作。这个动作使盆腔产生了扭转的效果,使这个体式更加稳定。 blog.sina.com.cn

Losing touch with your core can happen in myriad ways. You may be born with structural imbalances that eventually lead you to engage the psoas for support.
失去与你身体核心的连结有许多原因。或许你是先天性的有结构上的不均衡而终究寻求腰大的援助。 blog.sina.com.cn

Once you've learned to sense and release your psoas, you can apply these lessons to your yoga practice and everyday life.
一旦我们感受到自由的腰大肌我们就可以把这种感觉放在我们的瑜伽练习和日常生活里。 blog.sina.com.cn

Releasing your psoas encourages this process by allowing you to trust your skeletal stability instead of holding yourself up by muscular effort.
释放的腰大肌使我们更能信任身体骨架的平衡稳定而不是强用肌肉的力量支撑着。 blog.sina.com.cn

Since the psoas can contract and release independently at any of its joint attachments, it can compensate for structural imbalances in many ways.
由于腰大肌可以自由的在两端与骨头连接处收束或释放所以它可以对身体结构的不平衡用许多不同方式来修正。 blog.sina.com.cn

Swelling of the right psoas.
右腰大肌肿胀。 cnki

The psoas major on the right is a very strong and powerful muscle.
腰肌主要是右侧是非常强壮有力的肌肉。 chinahorse

The psoas and pectineus tilt the hip slightly forward.
腰肌和耻骨肌使骨盆轻微前倾。 blog.sina.com.cn

The psoas the, rectus femoris and Sartorius muscles to bend the straight leg hip.
腰肌与耻骨肌、股直肌和协作,使直腿一侧髋部折叠。 nikanwo

The psoas works two ways: in the front hip, it helps it bend, while it holds the back hip steady, stabilizing the extended leg.
腰肌以两种方式工作:骨盆前侧的腰肌帮助弯曲,同时它固定髋部后侧,使伸展腿稳定。 blog.sina.com.cn

This creates the phenomenon of body clairvoyance where the brain“ anticipates” actions where using the psoas would be beneficialother yoga poses and automatically engages it for that activity.
这建立了身体洞察力,头脑会预先做出反应,这会无意识地运用腰肌从而更有效地维持该体式。 blog.sina.com.cn

This is a stretch for the deep psoas muscle that when tight compresses the lumber spine, tilts the pelvis and can contribute to sciatica and lumber pain.
这是对肌肉紧绷压迫脊柱问题的深层腰肌伸展运动,侧倾骨盆对坐骨神经痛和脊柱疼痛有利。 chinahorse

We accomplish this by first contracting the psoas in poses that face forward, then in poses that face the side.
通过在面朝正前方和侧面的体式中收缩腰肌,从而完成这些站立体式。 blog.sina.com.cn

With a properly functioning psoas, the bones bear weight, the muscles move the bones, and the joints connect the subtle energies of the body.
在腰大肌正常运作下,骨架支持体重,肌肉帮助活动骨骼,骨关节也能连结身体内更细微的能量。 blog.sina.com.cn

Working as a hydraulic pump, a freely moving psoas stimulates the flow of fluids throughout the body.
就好像一个水泵-水帮浦,灵活的腰大肌可以促进身体滑液的流动。 blog.sina.com.cn




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