

释义 PSIICOCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺
A planar plasma sheath model with secondary electron emission from the target surface has been established for the PSII.
本文建立了 PSII技术中靶表面有二次电子发射的等离子体鞘层演变平板模型。 cnki

In green plants, oxygen evolution is one of the most important physiological function of photosystem II PSII.
光合放氧是植物光系统 II PSII的重要功能之一。 dictall

Natural colonies were insensitive to UV radiation. Its PSII photochemical activity could be reactivated under the sun light when re-hydrated, and was not affected by PAR, UV- A and UV- B.
天然原植体对阳光紫外辐射具有较强的耐受性,其 PSII光化学活性的吸水恢复过程不受阳光 PAR, UV- B和 UV- A处理的影响。 iciba

Oxygenic organisms have evolved an efficient repair mechanism to maintain PSII in a functional state.
光合生物在漫长的进化过程中形成了一个高效的修复体系来维持 PSII的正常功能。 fabiao

Plasma Source Ion Implantation PSII is a new kind of ion implantation technique, and it can be used in a larger range when combination with other related technologies.
等离子体源离子注入 PSII是一种新的离子注入技术。该技术与其它相关技术的结合又扩大了其应用。 cnki

The LD10 aluminum alloy was processed by PSIIPlasma Source lon Implantation in the microwave ECR plasma.
使用微波 ECR等离子体对 LD10铝合金材料进行全方位氮离子注入。 cnki

Apparent quantum yield AQY can partly reflect the photochemistry activity of PSII.
表观量子效率 AQY可在一定程度上反映 PSII光化学效率的大小。 cnki




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