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pseudonyms ˈsu:dnˌɪmz COCA⁴⁷⁵¹⁵BNC⁵²⁸⁸⁴ 基本例句 n.假名;化名;尤指笔名pseudonym的名词复数原型pseudonym的复数 All materials should bear the writer's name, address and phone number, and may be published under pseudonyms. 文章可用笔名发表,惟投稿者须附真实姓名、地址及联络电话。 chant As such, please avoid using pseudonyms for your name. 您的资料绝对保密,所以请用真姓名。 joeyyap The sender of this1937 telegram is unclear: Stephen was one of many pseudonyms used by Howard Hughes, the reclusive businessman who courted Ms. Hepburn. 一封1937年的电报发信人已经模糊不清了:史蒂夫是霍华德·休众多笔名中的一个,这位低调的商人迷恋着海普女士。 yeeyan Almost invariably, people who use their real names in these reviews are more credible than those who use pseudonyms. 基本上,那些在评论中使用真名的人比使用假名的可信度更高。 yeeyan Anons, though they know each other only by their pseudonyms, develop trust over time through constant participation in the organising chats. 无名氏们仅仅通过彼此的假名相识,并随着时间推移,通过不断参与群体聊天加深信任。 yeeyan But much of his energy was devoted to publishing stories, often under pseudonyms, in pulp magazines such as Astounding Science Fiction. 但是他的大部分精力都致力于发表虚构故事,经常以各种笔名发表在像《惊骇奇幻小说》这样的纸浆杂志上。 yeeyan By hiding behind pseudonyms, commenters here are exposed to no danger of damaging their reputations by spouting nonsense. 通过藏身于化名背后,这里的评论者可以滔滔不绝地发表无稽之谈,而无需担心其名誉遭受损失。 yeeyan Company officials told him by e- mail that Facebook has a strict policy against pseudonyms and that he must use the name issued on his government ID. 该公司通过官方邮件通知他, Facebook对于使用笔名申请账号有着非常严格的政策,他必须使用身份证上的名称。 yeeyan He posts his novels chapter by chapter or in sections online under different pseudonyms as he writes. 他在写小说的同时,用不同的网名一章一章的或者一段段的发布在网上。 yeeyan In their first experiment, the researchers collected images from 5,000 profiles of people on a popular American dating site in a particular city— most of whom used pseudonyms. 在第一项试验中,研究人员先选定某一特定城市,在流行的约会网站上选择该市5000个用户的侧面像——他们大多使用化名。 ecocn Japanese Web users, even popular bloggers, typically hide behind pseudonyms or nicknames. 日本网民,即使是流行博客撰写人,大多也是隐匿于笔名或昵称之后。 yeeyan Jurors viewed the singer's medical records, compiled by doctors who assigned him the pseudonyms Omar Arnold and Paul Farance to evade tabloid scrutiny. 陪审团仔细看了杰克逊的医疗记录,为了避开小报的追踪,医生们给他用了奥马尔.阿诺德与保尔.弗朗斯的化名。 yeeyan Kierkegaard wrote the book under a series of false names, or pseudonyms. 克尔凯郭尔写这本书下了一系列的假名,或用假名。 lwdx123.com Like most foreigners, I've encountered several strange pseudonyms outside of Carol's classes. 就像许多外国人一样,我在卡洛尔班级以外的地方也发现了一些奇怪的英文名。 www.91fane.com Mixi has grown by letting users sign up with pseudonyms, and gives its subscribers fine-tune controls over who sees posts and other uploads. Mixi的成长源于允许用户用假名注册,并给予用户自己日志和照片查看权的完全控制。 yeeyan Mostly, they use pseudonyms online, and those interviewed for this report insisted on made-up names. 一般来说她们都是使用网络名称,而即使接受访问的人群也坚持不使用实名。 yeeyan Up to now, Swedish readers have been able to log on to the newspapers' comment pages using pseudonyms or nicknames. 到目前为止,瑞典的读者们还能够通过匿名或昵称登录这些报纸的评论页面。 hxen Users opt to register aliases and pseudonyms for different reasons. 用户会出于各种原因选择注册别名或者假名. yeeyan Using the pseudonyms has a two- fold purpose. 她们使用假名有着双重的目的。 yeeyan Writing under pseudonyms, many users that frequently post on BBS build reputations and sizable followings. 很多用户使用笔名写作,通过频繁发帖建立了很高的声誉,并获得了大量的追随者。 douban |