

单词 pseudoacacia
释义 pseudoacaciaCOCA¹⁶⁷³⁴⁸
Species diversity index, evenness index and ecological dominance index in the herbal layer of the artificial Robinia pseudoacacia community were all larger than these of the herbal shrub community.
林下草本层与灌木层相比其生物多样性指数、均匀度指数和生态优势度指数均较高。 cnki

The advances on the propagation technology and adaptability of Robinia pseudoacacia L. were given in this paper.
对刺槐的繁殖技术及适应性进行了综述。 cnki

The degradation of Robinia pseudoacacia plantation on Yellow River Delta took place in large area and the shoots of R. pseudoacacia trees were dried- up with different degree.
黄河三角洲大面积人工刺槐林出现了衰退现象,表现为树木梢头出现不同程度的枯稍。 sswcc

The number of total microorganism in soil of the R. pseudoacacia plantation decreased with aggravation of degradation.
不同退化程度刺槐林的土壤中微生物总量随退化程度的加重而减少。 sswcc

The diversity of fix forest is higher than pure stand, the species indices of Robinia pseudoacacia is the highest in pure stand.
混交林的多样性高于纯林,水土保持纯林中刺槐林的各种物种指数最高。 fabiao

The evaluation of the adaptability to drought and salinity of Robinia pseudoacacia L. needs a comprehensive index.
刺槐无性系间的比较研究较少,对适应性的评价缺少一个综合的指标和方法。 cnki

The optimum mathematical model was established by applying quantification theory to forecast volume growing rate of robinia pseudoacacia plantation in Henan mountainous district.
应用数量化理论,对河南山区刺槐人工林材积生长率进行预测,建立了最佳数学模型。 cnki

The soil nutrient contents and soil enzyme activities of different soil layers at different seasons in pure and mixed stands of Robinia pseudoacacia and Fraxinus velutina were studied.
研究了刺槐、绒毛白蜡纯林及其混交林中不同土层在不同季节的土壤养分含量、土壤酶活性的变化。 dictall

Through different thickness non-textile mulch and check treatments, in this paper the water soil content and some growth index of Robinia pseudoacacia during the growth period were studied.
在兰州市北山采用不同厚度的无纺布覆盖水平沟处理和无覆盖对照处理,在树木生长期内,对土壤水分和刺槐生长指标进行了测定。 cnki

Under same growth conditions, there would be relative higher volume and productivity in coppice forest than in seedling crop of Robinia pseudoacacia.
与实生林相比,在相同的生长条件下,萌生林具有较高的木材量和生产力。 cnki

A study was conducted on the technology of tissue culture and in vitro plantlet regeneration of Robinia pseudoacacia leaves as material.
以二乔刺槐叶片为试验材料,进行组织培养及其体外植株再生技术研究。 dictall

As a result, comparatively speaking, P. tabulaeformis is more suitable for the afforestation in Ziwuling Mountain of the loess plateau than R. pseudoacacia.
因此,相比较而言,油松比刺槐更适合作为黄土高原子午岭地区的人工造林树种。 magsci

Based on the filed data measured groups during6 years in Robinia pseudoacacia population in northwestern Shanxi, the characteristics of soil water were studied.
本文根据6年的土壤水分定位观测资料,对晋西北黄土丘陵沟壑区刺槐林的土壤水分特点进行了分析。 cnki

Based on the field monitoring data, this paper deals with the hydrologic ecology of R. pseudoacacia plantation in the hilly loess region, northwestern Shanxi.
本文以定位观测资料为基础,对晋西北黄土丘陵沟壑区人工刺槐林的水分生态特点进行了研究。 plant-ecology

By using soil- drilling method, this research investigated the root distribution characters of Robinia pseudoacacia in Weibei loess plateau.
采用土钻法研究了渭北黄土高原主要造林树种刺槐的根系分布特征。 dictall

Composition of stem quality classes and stocking volume of expected timber sorts are employed as an expression of stand quality of Robinia pseudoacacia L. and Pinus tabulaeformis carr.
林木质量等级组成和期望成材类型的蓄积量被作为表达渭北黄土高原刺槐和油松人工林的林分质量的数量指标。 cnki

Describes the growth condition of black locust Robinia pseudoacacia L. sprout stand in Weibei Loess Plateau, Shaanxi Province.
以渭北刺槐林为对象,对其萌芽更新前后生长状况进行了调查研究。 cnki

If we hope to change the “ short- old tree” situation completely, we should radically improve the water and fertility condition of the plantation Robinia pseudoacacia forest.
要想彻底改变刺槐生长“小老树”的局面,必须从根本上改变人工刺槐林的水肥条件; cnki

In order to reveal the degradation causes of R. pseudoacacia plantation, soil characteristics of R. pseudoacacia plantation were studied.
为了揭示该地区刺槐林衰退的原因,对不同退化程度刺槐林的土壤特征进行研究。 sswcc

It is suggested that changing light environment is the main factor for inducing leaflet movement of Robinia pseudoacacia, and the rhythmical movement does not attribute to the leaflet movement.
这说明变化的光环境是引起刺槐复叶运动的主要原因,而节律性运动不是刺槐复叶运动的诱导因素。 cnki

Native to North America, this species attacks leaf of black locust tree, Robinia pseudoacacia L.
该害虫原产北美洲东部,危害刺槐叶片。 www.insect.org.cn

Robinia pseudoacacia L. forest is the best in the backbone forest belt.
基干林带中刺槐纯林的空间结构最好; cnki

The effects on Robinia Pseudoacacia seed vigor appears different at various treatment.
试验研究表明,不同的预处理对刺槐种子的活力影响不同。 cnki

The forest age is about30y, but the Robinia pseudoacacia seedlings have not grown to arbor layer.
这表明尽管造林时间已经有30年左右,但是人工林下的刺槐幼苗还没有生长成乔木层。 cnki




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