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In the 1990s Sao Paulo was more influential and better run: it is the stronghold of the Party of Brazilian Social Democracy PSDB, the national party of government from1995 to2002.
二十世纪九十年代,圣保罗影响力强,经营良好:巴西社会民主党1995年到2002年在圣保罗执政,圣保罗是该党的大本营。 ecocn

Now the PSDB is in its third term of opposition in Brasilia, and though it still governs Sao Paulo state, it is weakened by internal feuds.
但现如今社会民主党第三次成为在野党,在巴西利亚执政,圣保罗州仍受其管制,而党内明争暗斗使社会民主党实力有所削弱。 ecocn

São Paulo is the stronghold of the largest opposition party, the Party of Brazilian Social Democracy PSDB.
圣保罗是巴西最大反对党,巴西社会民主党的根据地。 ecocn

That voters who turned away from Ms Rousseff chose Ms Silva is bad news for Mr Serra’s centrist Party of Brazilian Social Democracy PSDB.
对于塞拉领导的中间政党巴西社会民主党来说,部分选民由罗塞夫转而支持席尔瓦是个坏消息。 ecocn

But both São Paulo and Minas Gerais, Brazil’s two most populous states, elected PSDB governors this year.
但是今年在两个人口最多的州——圣保罗州和米纳斯吉拉斯州,社会民主党人阿尔克明和安东尼奥•安娜斯塔西亚都成功当选州长。 ecocn

Meanwhile the PSDB’s grandees will swing big states to Mr Serra, where they will be joined by most of Ms Silva’s voters.
与此同时,社会民主党新贵将把几个州纳入塞拉阵中,与其同道者大都将是席尔瓦的选民。 ecocn

Middle- class Brazilians, the PSDB’s bedrock supporters, could also defect.
巴西的中产阶级社民党的铁票区也可能背叛社民党。 ecocn

Mr Serra and Mr Neves, both of the opposition Party of Brazilian Social Democracy PSDB, will be among the strongest contenders.
那时,萨拉和内维斯,这两个同属于巴西社会民主反对党的兄弟将会成为选举最有实力的争夺者。 ecocn

ON PAPER, Jóse Serra of the Party of Brazilian Social Democracy PSDB, Brazil’s biggest opposition party, should be able to win the presidential election due on October3rd without breaking a sweat.
理论上,巴西最大反对党巴西社会民主党的总统候选人Jóse Serra,应该可以十月三日举行的总统大选不费一兵一卒轻易赢得胜选。 ecocn

ON PAPER, José Serra of the Party of Brazilian Social Democracy PSDB, Brazil’s biggest opposition party, should be able to win the presidential election due on October3rd without breaking a sweat.
从理论上讲,巴西最大反对党---社会民主党的候选人José Serra应该将毫不费力的在10月3日举行的大选中胜出。 ecocn

So it is more than a mere curiosity that the running-mates of both Ms Rousseff and her main challenger, José Serra of the Party of Brazilian Social Democracy PSDB, are causing problems.
因此,关注此次选举,不仅仅是因为好奇心,而是因为 Rousseff女士和她的主要对手——巴西社会民主党的 José Serra——这两个重要候选人都处于麻烦之中。 ecocn

So it is more than a mere curiosity that the running-mates of both Ms Rousseff and her main challenger, Jose Serra of the Party of Brazilian Social Democracy PSDB, are causing problems.
所以不只是出于好奇心, Dilma Rousseff和主要对手巴西社会民主党 PSDB的 José Serra如何挑选竞选搭档正引起外界关注。 ecocn

The PSDB is unlikely to give Mr Serra the third shot at the president he seems to crave.
看起来巴西社会民主党将不会在给塞拉他渴望已久的第三次机会了。 ecocn

The PSDB governed Brazil for eight years under Fernando Henrique Cardoso, who laid the foundations for the country’s subsequent economic success.
社民党在 Fernando H. Cardoso时代治理巴西八年, Fernando H. Cardoso为巴西后来的经济成功奠立基础。 ecocn

The PSDB also hopes to woo the20m Brazilians who voted for a third candidate, Marina Silva of the Green Party.
社会民主党同样希望获得投票给大选首轮得票第三名、绿党候选人玛莉娜•席尔瓦的2000万选民的支持。 ecocn

There is now little ideological distance between the PT, whose roots are in the labour movement, and the PSDB.
现在,工党搞工运起家与社民党之间几乎没有意识形态差距。 ecocn

Unlike the PT, the PSDB was always more of a club of brilliant technocrats than a mass organisation.
不同于工党,社民党一直以来比较像是一群杰出技术官僚的俱乐部,而不是群众组织。 ecocn




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