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PRVBNC⁹⁷²³³⁺⁷ 基本例句 n.半导体峰值反向电压减压阀,Pressure Reducing Valve;伪狂犬病病毒Pseudorabies virus,PRV Adrenalinergic neurons control of the premotor neurons of the pharyngeal muscle was studied using PRV and PNMT immunohistochemical double labeling method. 用 PRV和 PNMT免疫组化双标记方法研究脑内肾上腺素能神经元对咽肌前运动神经元的调控。 zidian8 The alteration of nuclear matrix proteins was analyzed in MDBK cells induced apoptosis by PrV with 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis. 高分辨率双向电泳分析细胞凋亡前后核基质蛋白的表达差异。 cnki The results revealed that the PRV isolate was virulent and the spleen was the most sensitive target organ for PRV detection. 证实,该分离株为猪伪狂犬病强毒株,脾为病毒检测的首选靶器官。 zgsykx.com A specific band was amplified from suspicious samples collected from dead piglets on a Jiangsu pig farm using PCR with a pair of specific primers for porcine pseudorabies virus PRV. 用猪伪狂犬病病毒 PRV特异性引物对江苏省某猪场疑似猪伪狂犬病的病死仔猪组织病料进行了 PCR鉴定,结果可扩增到特异性的条带。 zgsykx.com Based on CSGC- PRV equation, a physical property estimation software was developed which can estimate compound's vapor pressure and enthalpy of vaporization with high precision. 同时在 CSGC- PRV方程基础上开发出计算机模拟估算软件,用于估算有机物的饱和蒸气压和蒸发焓,并能达到较高的精度。 cnki Control of somatostatin-like neuron in the medulla and pons on the pharyngeal premotor neurons in the rat was investigated using PRV and SOM immunofluorescence double labeling method. 用 PRV和 SOM免疫荧光双标记法研究了大鼠延髓和脑桥中 SOM样神经元对咽肌前运动神经元的调控。 cnki In the procedure, after immunization, level of PRV antibody of post- weaning piglets was low, which may be the reason why in this period the piglets were most susceptible to PRV. 该免疫条件下,断乳后仔猪体内伪狂犬病毒抗体的水平较低,表明临床上这一时期仔猪易发生伪狂犬病。 cnki In this assay, research progress on PRV gene- deleted and virus vector vaccine used extensively today was discussed. 文章对伪狂犬病基因缺失疫苗及活载体疫苗的研究进行了综述。 cnki In pig production, A group PRV virus is one of the main cause and virulence pathogens of diarrhoea. 在养猪生产上, A组 PRV是引起幼猪腹泻的主要病毒性病原体之一。 cnki Innervation and control of5 HT neurons to the pharyngeal muscle were studied using PRV and5 HT immunohistochemical double labeling method. 用 PRV和5-HT免疫组织化学双标记方法研究脑内5-HT能神经元对咽肌的神经支配及调控。 cnki It is worth to set eyes on the problem of PRV latency infection and infect with other virus. PRV的潜伏感染及与其他病毒的混合感染问题值得注意。 fabiao NPIC have finished the design of PRV head package based on the design experience of PRV head package of naval ships and the advanced design technology used in the nuclear power plants in the world. 中国核动力研究设计院 NPIC在吸取过去的设计经验和跟踪国外核电站先进技术的基础上,成功地完成了秦山核电二期工程反应堆堆顶的设计。 dictall Operator assembly Pack PRV in wrong way opposed right to left, How to avoid this issue? 操作员汇编组装 PRV用错误方式被反对的右到左,如何避免这个问题?08translation.cn Pseudorabies virus PRV parasites at peripheral nervous system after infection and is able to spread to synapse- linked neurons or organs. 假狂犬病毒能在感染后寄生于周围神经系统,并跨突触感染相连的神经元或器官。 dictall Pseudorabies is caused by Pseudorabies virus PRV, which is a member of family herpesviridae and is the agent of acute infectious disease in many domestic and wild animals. 伪狂犬病是由伪狂犬病病毒引起的多种畜、禽及野生动物的一种以发热、奇痒、脑脊髓炎为主要症状的急性传染病。 cnki Swine was the natural host and reservoir of PRV, this sickness may cause the serious reproduction barrier, has created the huge economic loss to the pig industry. 猪是本病毒的天然宿主和贮存者,该病可引起严重的繁殖障碍,给养猪业造成了巨大的经济损失。 fabiao The peak forward velocity PFV, peak reverse velocity PRV, acceleration time AT, and deceleration time DT were determined and compared. 对正向波峰速 PFV、反向波峰速 PRV、加速时间 AT和减速时间 DT进行了测量和比较。 cnki The aetiological study has isolated and identified PRRSV and PRV for the first time in Gansu, it confirmed the existence of the above two diseases in Gansu. 通过病原学研究,在甘肃省首次分离并鉴定了 PRRSV和 PRV,确诊了以上两病在甘肃省规模化养猪场中的存在。 fabiao The genetic engineering vaccines based on PRV developed by Huazhong Agricultural University bring into an important role on the prevention and elimination of PR in our country. 由华中农大已经研制成熟的伪狂犬病毒基因工程疫苗在我国伪狂太病的预防和净化上起了重要的作用。 fabiao The research also has a great significance in exploration of molecular epidemiology of PRV and the development of diagnosis and prophylaxis against PRV. 该研究从病原、分子水平证实新疆存在 PRV野毒株,对于新疆 PRV的流行病学研究及诊断和防治具有重要意义。 fabiao The PRV nucleotides were detected widely in organs and tissues of the naturally infected piglets by PCR method, and the detection ratio in spleen was as high as 100%. 通过对自然感染 PRV病死仔猪脏器进行 PCR检测,发现 PRV在仔猪体内广泛分布,其中以脾的检出率最高,可达100%; zgsykx.com This technology should accelerate greatly the pace at which recombinant PRV can be generated and, thus, facilitate the use of recombinant viruses for detailed mutagenic studies. 该技术将大大加快重组伪狂犬病毒的构建步伐,为病毒基因结构和功能的深入研究奠定基础。 virol Virus neutralization VN test showed that the isolate could be neutralized by PRV positive serum. 细胞中和试验表明,该病毒能被猪伪狂犬病病毒标准阳性血清所中和。 dictall We utilized recombinant antigen and developed an indirect ELISA assay for detecting PRV antibodies. 本研究应用重组抗原,成功建立了检测猪伪狂犬病病毒血清抗体的间接 ELISA诊断方法。 cnki PRV inactive vaccine induced weakly humoral immune response, so it was not reasonable to choose inactive vaccine to prevent PRV infection. PRV灭活苗引起的体液免疫反应较弱,所以用灭活苗预防该病是不合理的; cnki |