

单词 provosts
释义 provosts ˈprɔvəsts COCA¹¹⁵⁷⁶²BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
n.美国某些大学的教务长provost的名词复数;苏格兰的市长;英国某些大学中的学院院长;座堂主任原型provost的三单 It is rare indeed for department heads, deans, provosts or university presidents to groom potential successors.
实际情况就是这样的,系领导,教务长或者大学校长很少推荐有潜力的继任者。 yeeyan

Two faculty colleagues now serve as histhe associate vice provosts in the VPGE and their they are developing initiatives in leadership and professional development。
VPGE现在有两位联合副教务员,他们负责筹备与领导力以及专业技能发展相关的项目。 ecocn

We need to get rid of administrators who reward faculty members on printed pages and downloads alone, deans and provosts“who can't read but can count, ” as the saying goes.
我们必须将那些按发表论文页数和论文下载数量给予科研人员奖励的管理者清除出大学的管理团队,这些系主任或教务长通常被人们称为“只会数数不会阅读”。 yeeyan




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