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词汇 provoked
释义 pro·voke·d 英prə'vəʊk美prə'voʊk COCA¹⁸⁶¹⁵BNC¹⁰⁶⁵³Economist⁴⁶¹⁷
vt. 激起; 惹怒

rouse or incite; make angry

call forth emotions, feelings, and responses;

arouse pity

raise a smile

evoke sympathy

evoke or provoke to appear or occur;

Her behavior provoked a quarrel between the couple

provide the needed stimulus forannoy continually or chronically;

He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked

This man harasses his female co-workers

provoke, excite, galvanize, pique, quicken, stimulate


provoke强调激发动作或感情的原因; excite除了指激起感情或兴趣等之外,还暗示其原因的性质和动作的强烈或深刻程度; galvanize指用人工方法来激活衰老、僵硬或濒死的人或物; pique指激起好奇心、兴趣等; quicken指激发活力、生气或使生命、感情等复苏,强调其结果是有益的; stimulate专指人或物因外界因素而受到刺激,也指激励人从懒散、心灰意冷中振作起来或对某事物产生兴趣。






用作动词 v.
~+副词provoke constantly不断地激怒provoke deliberately〔intentionally〕故意地激怒provoke disagreeably不平等地激怒provoke foolishly愚蠢地激怒provoke greatly大大地激怒provoke seriously严肃地惹怒provoke uncommonly不平常地激怒~+介词provoke at因…激怒provoke beyond激怒得…provoke into迫使provoke to激起
provoke into v.+prep.

驱使,迫使 cause or compel sb

provoke sb into v-ingHis impudence provoked her into slapping his face.他的粗暴让她气愤地给了他一耳光。
She provoked him into beating her.她迫使他揍她。近义词 egg蛋bait饵fire火dare敢prick刺stir激起needle针goad刺激rile激怒spur支脉urge驱策heat热度rouse唤醒cause引起anger愤怒incense香vex使恼怒pique生气peeve气恼irk使厌倦spite恶意wound创伤evoke唤起taunt辱骂beset包围raise上升incite煽动hassle困难elicit引出arouse叫醒enrage激怒nettle荨麻ruffle褶饰kindle燃烧hasten催促plague瘟疫molest骚扰chivvy催促inflame激怒disturb扰乱produce生产annoy使恼怒aggress攻击agitate煽动ferment发酵kick up引起irritate激怒excite使兴奋activate激活prompt迅速的occasion场合harass使疲乏enkindle煽动aggravate恶化trigger使发生stimulate刺激chivy打猎叫喊harry不断骚扰embitter使受苦call forth唤起bring about带来infuriate狂怒的animate使有生气antagonize使…对抗chevy打猎时的叫喊…exasperate使 … 恼怒反义词 appease安抚
S+~+ n./pron.If you provoke the dog, it will attack you.如果你去招惹那只狗,它就会咬你。
The insult provoked him.侮辱激怒了他。
Her constant nagging provoked him.她不断地唠叨激怒了他。
His foolish behaviour provoked laughter.他的愚蠢的举止引人发笑。
Don't throw one bone to two dogs; you'll only provoke a fight.不要把这块骨头扔给那两只狗,那样你会引起一场争斗。
He was provoked beyond endurance.他被激得怒不可遏。
The man was provoked by the insult.那个男人被侮辱激怒了。
S+~+ n./pron. +to- vHis refusal to answer provoked me to shout at him.他拒绝回答气得我大声叫嚷。
They were trying to provoke us to fight with each other.他们企图惹起我们相互争斗。
She was provoked to slap him by his rudeness.他粗暴无礼,惹得她打了他一记耳光。



用作及物动词If youprovokethe dog, he may bite you.你如果激怒了这条狗,它可能会咬你。
Don'tprovokethe animals in the cage.不要激怒笼中的动物。
His rudenessprovokedme to strike him.他的粗鲁惹得我揍了他。
Such a questionable assertion is sure toprovokecriticism.这种有问题的主张肯定会招致非议。
He tried toprovokethem into fighting.他企图挑拨他们打架。adj.exasperated
同义词 incensedaggravated,enraged,irritatedangry,mad
反义词 unprovokedadj.maddened
同义词 irkedirate
反义词 unprovoked
angrieradjective being mad, often extremely mad
angryadjective being mad, often extremely mad
affronted,annoyed,antagonized,bitter,chafed,choleric,convulsed,cross,displeased,enraged,exacerbated,exasperated,ferocious,fierce,fiery,fuming,furious,galled,hateful,heated,hot,huffy,ill-tempered,impassioned,incensed,indignant,inflamed,infuriated,irascible,irate,ireful,irritable,irritated,maddened,nettled,offended,outraged,piqued,pissed,pissed off,provoked,put out,raging,resentful,riled,sore,splenetic,storming,sulky,sullen,uptight,vexed,wrathful
excitedadjective inspired;upset
aflame,agitated,animated,annoyed,aroused,awakened,beside oneself,charged,delighted,discomposed,disconcerted,disturbed,eager,enthusiastic,feverish,fired up,frantic,high,hot,hot and bothered,hyperactive,hysterical,in a tizzy,inflamed,juiced up,jumpy,keyed-up,moved,nervous,on edge,on fire,overwrought,passionate,piqued,provoked,roused,ruffled,steamed up,stimulated,stirred,thrilled,tumultous/tumultuous,wild,wired,worked-up,zipped up
huffyadjective angry, in a bad mood
angered,annoyed,crabbed,crabby,cross,crotchety,crusty,curt,disgruntled,exasperated,fractious,grumpy,huffish,hurt,insulted,irked,irritable,miffed,moody,moping,nettled,offended,peeved,peevish,pettish,petulant,piqued,provoked,put out,querulous,resentful,riled,short,snappish,snappy,stewed,sulky,sullen,surly,testy,touchy,vexed,waspish
indignantadjective angry
acrimonious,annoyed,bent out of shape,boiling,bugged,burned up,disgruntled,displeased,exasperated,fuming,furious,heated,huffy,in a huff,incensed,irate,livid,mad,miffed,p.o.'d,peeved,piqued,provoked,resentful,riled,scornful,seeing red,up in arms,upset,wrathful
irateadjective angry
angered,annoyed,blown a gasket,enraged,exasperated,fuming,furious,incensed,indignant,infuriated,irritated,livid,mad,piqued,provoked,riled,steamed,ticked off,up in arms,worked-up,wrathful,wroth And cover not their iniquity, and let not their sin be blotted out from before thee: for they have provoked thee to anger before the builders.
不要遮掩他们的罪孽,不要使他们的罪恶从你面前涂抹,因为他们在修造的人眼前惹动你的怒气。 ebigear

THE death of Osama bin Laden provoked scenes of jubilation in America.
奥萨马·本·拉登之死在美国激起一片欢庆胜利的景象。 ecocn

The Turkish parliament provoked fury, especially in the Pentagon, when it voted in March2003 against letting American troops use the country as a route for opening a second front in Iraq.
由于在2003年3月投票拒绝美国部队利用该国作为开辟伊拉克第二战场的途径,土耳其议会激起了尤其是五角大厦的愤懑。 ecocn

When North Korea fired a less far- flying missile over Japan in 1998, it provoked outrage, and pushed the country to join America in developing missile defences.
1998年,朝鲜发射了一枚经过日本上空的短程导弹,这激起了日本的愤怒,并使日本加入了美国研制导弹防御的行动。 ecocn

“ I wish by God that America will regret bitterly that she provoked me and others to combat her with pen and sword,” he declared.
“我以主的名义期盼,美国人会为激怒我们、使我们拿起笔和剑来反抗痛悔不已。”他这样宣称道。 ecocn

“The Exception” subtly suggests that, however deeply buried, there may, if provoked, be a killer in everyone.
《例外》巧妙地暗示说,每个人体内都藏有一个杀手,不论掩埋的多深,一旦被激怒,就会爆发。 ecocn

And VCs have been provoked by their arrival into making a lot of angel- style investments themselves.
并且他们的到来已经惹得风投们自己也不得不进行了大量带有天使风格的投资。 yeeyan

But the IT industry, unlike aviation, has not provoked the wrath of environmental campaigners.
但 IT产业并没有像航空工业一样激起环保运动的盛怒。 ecocn

But the“ enthusiastic welcome” his book earned in America disquieted him almost as much as the savage attacks it also provoked.
但是该书在美国受到的“热烈欢迎”几乎和激起的强烈攻抨击一样使他心神不宁。 ecocn

But where devolving forest rights provoked local conflict, as quite often happens, the forest usually suffered.
但当下放森林权利激起地方冲突时这是经常发生的,森林通常会遭受损失。 ecocn

Dr Hwang provoked a flurry of excitement a year ago when he published a paper in Science that claimed to have cloned human embryos from embryonic stem cells.
一年前,黄博士在《科学》杂志上发表论文,宣称他已使用胚胎干细胞克隆出了人类胚胎,这在当时激起了一片兴奋。 ecocn

Her death last year provoked an outpouring of grief and a clamour for her son to run for president, despite his relative obscurity.
去年母亲的过世令他悲痛不已,激起他当总统的强烈愿望,尽管当时他还是个默默无闻的人物。 ecocn

Her magnanimity provoked his tears: he wept wildly, kissing her supporting hands, and yet could not summon courage to speak out.

I am not easily provoked, but his behaviour is intolerable!

Mrs T's policies provoked riots, protests and running battles with the police.
撒切尔夫人的政治激起了暴动,抗议以及和警察斗争。 ecocn

That has provoked a debate about whether the phenomenon is an aberration, or whether natural selection favours it, at least when it is rare in a population.
这激起了一场争论,到底这种现象是误差,或是自然选择偏爱的结果至少当它在群体中只占有稀少比例时。 ecocn

That trait, and the tension that it provoked between the two men, is evident from the time they meet at school.
自艾伦和盖茨在学校相识之日起,这种特征以及由它在两人间激起的紧张关系便一目了然。 ecocn

That provoked grumbling among the left wing of the Democrats.
这激起了在民主党左翼人士间的不满。 yeeyan

The affair has provoked a flurry of letters from those for and against foie gras.
此事激起了一连串来自鹅肝支持者和反对者的来信。 yeeyan

The disclosures have provoked criticism of the government over its claims that regulation of the oil industry in the North Sea is one of the toughest in the world.
此次揭露的事件已经激起了对政府的批评,指责其北海地区的石油工业的监管是世界上最严格的几个地区之一的说法。 yeeyan

The incident provoked angry protests online and in the streets.
这一事件激起了网上和街道上的大举抗议。 ecocn

While the opposition has said any action will be peaceful, other protests since the elections have led to looting and provoked violent responses from the police.
尽管反对党表示所有的示威活动都将是和平的,但是自选举以来举行的其他抗议活动已经导致抢劫,并且激起警方做出强烈反应。 kekenet

Yet the court decision provoked what were probably the biggest demonstrations in Barcelona since the transition to democracy.
但,法院的裁决激起了可能是自向民主过渡开始以来巴塞罗那当时最大的游行示威。 yeeyan




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