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词汇 province
释义 prov·ince 英ˈprɒvɪns美ˈprɑvɪnsAHDprŏvʹĭns Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹


any of the main divisions of some countries, and forms a separate whole for purposes of government control


an area of knowledge, activity

the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation;

his state is in the deep south

the proper sphere or extent of your activities;

it was his province to take care of himself








英语单词province在中文中一般译为“行省”或“省”,它来自拉丁语provincia,指的是古罗马帝国所征服的、除意大利本土以外的地区的最大行政划分单元。拉丁语provincia由pro前+ vincere获胜、征服构成,字面意思就是“所征服的”。
province:'prɒvɪns n.省,行省
Provence:prɔˈvɑ:ns n.普罗旺斯
用作名词 n.
动词+~discover new provinces发现新领域tour the provinces周游各省形容词+~coastal〔inland〕 provinces沿海〔内地〕省份native province故乡proper province本分special province特权名词+~hinterland provinces内陆省份介词+~beyond one's province越权in the provinces在地方,在乡下in the province of在…省,在…领域内outside〔within〕 one's province在职权以外〔内〕~+介词province of chemistry〔research〕化学〔研究〕领域province of the police警察的权限the P- of Quebec加拿大魁北克省
非常记忆pro飘柔〖拼音〗+vince文斯〖谐音〗⇒这个省的飘柔被文斯承包了pro以前+vinc征服+e→以前征服过的地方→古罗马的行省⇒省。近义词 dutyfieldstateregionterritory
用作名词n.Canada is divided into 10 provinces and 2 territories.加拿大分为十个省和两个区。
The pop group is now touring the provinces.这个流行乐队正在外省作巡回演出。
The play was produced first in the provinces but has now moved to the west End in London.这个剧起初在外地演出,而现在来到伦敦西区演出。
Sales forecasts are outside my province—you should discuss them with the sales manager.销售预测不是我的领域——你应该同销售经理讨论这个问题。
Everything to do with our finances is my wife's province.一切有关钱财的事都由我妻子管。
Judging the legality of the ordinance is within the province of the courts.判决这条法令是否合法是由法院来决定的。Pprovincesn.外省边远地区乡间


province作“省份”解时,一般指“首都或大都市以外的地方行政区”或“外省”,在英国指伦敦以外的各地。用于省名时,在专有名词后,不加定冠词; 在专有名词前,加定冠词。


用作名词British Columbia is aprovinceof Canada.不列颠哥伦比亚是加拿大的一个省。noun.area of rule, responsibility
同义词 colony,county,department,district,part,region,territory,zonearena,bailiwick,business,calling,canton,capacity,champaign,charge,concern,demesne,dependency,division,domain,dominion,duty,employment,field,function,jurisdiction,line,office,orbit,post,pursuit,realm,role,section,shire,sphere,terrain,tract,walk,work
反义词 avocation,entertainment,fun,recreation,retreat,unemployment,whole
affairnoun matter or business to be taken care of;happening activity
assignment,avocation,calling,case,circumstance,concern,duty,employment,episode,event,hap,happening,incident,interest,job,mission,obligation,occupation,occurrence,office function,proceeding,profession,project,pursuit,question,realm,responsibility,subject,task,thing,topic,transaction,undertaking
arenanoun area of activity
bailiwicknoun domain
callingnoun chosen profession
art,business,career,craft,day gig,do,dodge,employment,gig,go,handicraft,hang,life's work,lifework,line,metier,mission,métier,nine-to-five,occupation,play,province,pursuit,racket,rat race,slot,swindle,trade,vocation,walk of life,work
classnoun kind, sort, category
classesnoun kind, sort, category
ancestries,births,bourgeoisies,breeds,calibers,castes,circles,clans,cliques,clubs,companies,conditions,connections,coteries,cultural levels,degrees,derivations,descents,estates,extractions,families,genealogies,grades,hierarchies,influences,intelligentsia,leagues,lineages,moieties,nobilities,origins,pecking orders,pedigrees,pigeonholes,places,positions,prestige,qualities,sects,social ranks,sources,spheres,standings,states,stations,statuses,stocks,strains,strata,the right stuffs,tiers,titles Among the mineral deposits of the province, tin occupies first place; copper comes second.

The arrangement of light industry in the province needs adjustment.

The attack took place in the town of Rabiyaa in Nineveh province near the border with Syria.
这起攻击事件发生在伊拉克与叙利亚边界地区尼尼微省的拉比耶镇。 iciba

The family helped her win the vast majority of votes in the province in the2004 presidential election.
在2004年总统选举中,该家族帮助她赢得了在这一省份的绝大多数选票。 yeeyan

The focus of this activity will be Crimea, a southern province of Ukraine.
这一活动的重点将在克里米亚,乌克兰的一个南部省份。 ecocn

Born in a coastal Chinese province in 1968, Wendi grew up during a bloody period in her country’s history.
邓文迪1968年出生在中国的一个沿海省份,她的成长时期正值中国历史上的动乱年代。 yeeyan

But that sensitivity comes as drug- related violence continues along the Mekong River, which flows south from Yunnan Province in southwestern China.
但是,与毒品有关的暴力事件在湄公河沿岸持续敏感,湄公河位于中国西南省份云南的南部。 yeeyan

But there has been no response from Moscow, which has been bombing areas outside the perimeters of the breakaway Georgian province.
但是俄罗斯方面没有作出回应,并且一直在轰炸格鲁吉亚这个要求分离的省份周边的一些地区。 kekenet

But it was a province of Serbia and that difference means Kosovo, for the foreseeable future, will not be a state like the others.
但是,它却是塞尔维亚的一个省份,这本质上的不同意味着科索沃在可预知的未来不会像其它国家那样成为独立的国家。 ecocn

By the way, which province are you from?

Each pair represents one South Korean province.
每一对都代表了南韩的一个省。 yeeyan

He told me he attended a seminar in a North West frontier province town of Mortem.
他告诉我他曾在伊斯兰堡西北边境省摩尔特姆镇参加了一个研讨会。 kekenet

I met the three rising stars in the capital of the province.

In2007, the northernmost province of Heilongjiang reported a summer drought, which is almost unheard of in what is usually a flood season.
在2007年,中国最北部的省份黑龙江报告了夏季干旱,这几乎是闻所未闻的事情,通常这时候是汛期。 yeeyan

In2009 Serbia will accept, de facto if not de jure, the independence of its former province, in exchange for a promise of EU membership negotiations.
在2009年,塞尔维亚将接受,事实上的即使法律上尚未承认,其前省科索沃的独立,以换取承诺加入欧盟的谈判。 ecocn

It took an eastern province from them in1812.
它在1812年夺走了罗马尼亚东部的一个省。 ecocn

Next, let each province or state choose their leaders and place them in a National Council.
然后,让每个省或者州选出他们的领导人,将他置于国民议之中。 yeeyan

Pending further information from the Ministry of Health, WHO will issue details showing dates of onset, outcome, and province for all24 cases in tabular form.
在收到卫生部的进一步信息之前,世卫组织将发布详情,以表格显示所有24例的发病日期、结果和省份。 who

Some believe it should be named after a province.
有些人认为它应该使用一个省的名称。 yeeyan

Some jobs are far away, in another province.
有些工作地点遥远,在另一个省份。 kekenet

The Helmand Taliban have been able to capture territory and hold it, mostly in the south of the province.
赫尔曼德省塔利班有能力攻占领土并进行占领,尤其是在这个省的南部地区,。 yeeyan

This is particularly a problem in Indonesia, where the tsunami damage in Aceh province is extensive, and the wood requirements for reconstruction are very large.
在印度尼西亚这是一个明显的问题,海啸对该国亚齐省造成广泛的破坏,重建工作对木材的需求量非常大。 fao

We have this all the time in the Northern Province.
类似谋杀事件在北方省一直有发生。 yeeyan




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