

单词 provided
释义 pro·vid·ed 英prəˈvaɪdɪd美prəˈvaɪdɪdAHDprə-vīʹdĭd BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹



只有…才…; 以…为条件

and only; on condition that

动词 provide:
give something useful or necessary togive what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenancedetermine what is to happen in certain contingencies, especially by including a proviso condition or stipulationmount or put upmake a possibility or provide opportunity for; permit to be attainable or cause to remainsupply means of subsistence; earn a livingtake measures in preparation for来自provide,规定。即在某规定下的,引申词义如果,假如。provided that倘若provide供给be provided with 装备有有 …provided school公立学校provided with 装备有(有 …
provide提供,提前准备好+ed过去分词形式→已经提前准备好了…作为条件⇒假如,以…为条件。非常记忆provide提供〖熟词〗+ed过去式〖词缀〗⇒以前提供这么多东西给你必须是以你给钱非常记忆pro不如 vided⇒wide 以…为条件不如宽松些近义词 ifsupposing
用作连词conj.I will go, provided you go too.如果你去,我才去。
用作连词I shall goprovidedthat it doesn't rain.假如不下雨我就去。
I will comeprovidedthat I am well enough.只要我身体好一定来。
Provided that circumstances permit, we shall hold the meeting next week.只要情况允许,我们下周将举行会议。用作形容词Please put your litter in the binprovided.请你把废物扔到预备好的垃圾箱里。
To get these features working you first have to install the softwareprovided.获得这些功能的工作,你首先必须安装该软件提供的。
The newspaper articleprovidedhim with fuel for his speech.报纸上的这篇文章为他的演讲提供了启发。
Many social services are stillprovidedby voluntary societies in our city.在我们的城市,许多社会服务仍然是有志愿团体提供的。
The recent scandal hasprovidedthe government's opponents with plenty of ammunition.最近的丑闻给政府的反对派提供了大量的炮弹。as in.depending on
同义词 conditional,contingent,controlled by,determined by,providing,regulated by,subject toas in.equipped
同义词 armed,clothed,dressed,furnished,rigged,suppliedaccoutered,appareled,appointed,arrayed,assembled,bedecked,completed,decked,fitted,harnessed,implementedreadied,set upas in.fitted
同义词 accoutered,appointed,armed,furnished,implemented,outfitted,suppliedrigged out,set upas in.furnished
同义词 equippedas in.served
同义词 apportioned,dealt,furnished,offered,prepared,supplied
depending onadjective contingent upon
conditional,contingent,controlled by,determined by,providing,regulated by,subject to
equippedadjective outfitted
accoutered,appareled,appointed,armed,arrayed,assembled,bedecked,clothed,completed,decked,dressed,fitted,furnished,harnessed,implemented,provided,readied,rigged,set up,supplied
fittedadjective equipped
accoutered,appointed,armed,furnished,implemented,outfitted,provided,rigged out,set up,supplied
furnishedadjective supplied
servedadjective dressed
apportioned,dealt,furnished,offered,prepared,provided,supplied The code you need is provided with this article, but it is commented out.
本文中提供了您所需要的代码,但是这些代码被注释掉了。 ibm

The local government provided special buses for the guests.

The new law provided for equality of human rights.

The responsibilities of these roles are defined by their types, which are the interfaces provided or required by the service specification.
这些角色的职责都被它们的类型所定义,这些类型就是由服务规范提供的或者要求的接口。 ibm

Well, not so much in the sample provided, as you can see below.
正如下面可以看到的,提供的示例中代码并不太多。 ibm

You invoke the utility whenever you need input from the user, and then return to your script to continue processing whatever data was provided.
当您需要来自用户的输入时调用该实用程序,然后返回到您的脚本继续处理提供的任何数据。 ibm

“ But we think figures provided by individuals exaggerate pollution problems in our area, ” he said.
“但是我认为个体提供的数据夸大了地区的污染问题,”他说。 yeeyan

All of these relationships provided material for his stories and poems.
所有这些关系,都为他的小说和诗歌提供了素材。 yeeyan

Because a component has an implementation type, all of the operations provided by all interfaces of that export have to be implemented the same way.
因为一个构件可以有一个执行类型,所以该导出所有界面提供的所有操作,都必须按照相同的方式执行。 ibm

Command execute logic should be provided in this method.
在此方法中,应该提供命令执行逻辑。 ibm

Each of these attributes helps to determine which content is provided for which user.
其中的每一个属性都可帮助确定向哪个用户提供哪些内容。 ibm

Each of these steps will be explained in detail and the code necessary to execute them will be provided.
这些步骤中的每一步都将加以详细说明,并将提供执行它们所必需的代码。 ibm

If you do so, then any application within the cell can look up the resource, and then implicitly use the provided user ID and password.
如果这样做,计算单元内的任何应用程序就都可以查找该资源,然后将隐式地使用提供的用户 ID和密码。 ibm

If no entry content is provided, there must be at least one alternate link pointing to the content.
如果没有提供任何条目内容,那么就必须至少要有指向此内容的可选链接。 ibm

It is worth noting, however, that it is often possible to port a virtual appliance to another format, provided that the specification of the new format is open or that you have access to it.
但是,有一点值得注意,假如这种新格式的规范是公开的,或者您拥有访问它的权限,那么将一种虚拟设备移植到另一种格式通常是可行的。 ibm

My job is to delivery business value and these communities provided tools that helped me do it.
我的工作是要传递业务价值和由社区提供的帮助我做到这一点的工具。 infoq

Not only to test it, but also to retrieve the columns that are provided by the stored procedure.
不仅是为了对其进行测试,还要检索那些由此存储过程提供的列。 ibm

On previous projects, we'd been able to write much more code for the same amount of money; however, on those projects we never could have provided as much functionality for the money.
在我们之前的项目中,在相同数量的金钱下,我们能够编写更多的代码;然而,在那些项目中对于同样的金钱我们从来没有提供过如此多的功能。 ibm

Start by pruning your watch list to learn how to use the clues that this crisis and recession have provided.
从整理你的观察名单开始,学会利用这次危机和衰退提供的线索对名单进行精简。 yeeyan

The AVOs thanked me for the support I provided that helped them do their job better.
在备忘录里,因我提供的支持帮他们更好的完成工作而向我致谢。 yeeyan

The key enhancement provided in this area is the ability to persist the parameter information entered for each procedure or function.
在这一方面提供的关键增强是持久存储为每个过程或函数输入的参数信息的能力。 ibm

The list provided above should be familiar to those experienced in the definition, planning, and mobilization of large initiatives.
上面提供的列表对于那些经历过大型计划的定义、计划,及动员的人来说应该是熟悉的。 ibm

The template can be any empty model, but you can use the one provided with this example for convenience.
这个模版可以是任何一个空模型,但是您可以利用它提供便利的案例。 ibm

These studies have not provided evidence that RF exposure from the transmitters increases the risk of cancer.
这些研究没有提供证据说明接触来自发射机的射频会加大癌症风险。 who

They have also provided most of the impetus for the adoption of these practices.
同时,它们也为这些实践方法的采用提供了很大推动力。 ibm

This object provided the correct scaling and translation for each cell, and whenever the component was repainted from its parent, the scale and position were correct.
该对象为每个单元提供正确的缩放和平移,并且每当组件从其父容器重新绘制时,比例和位置都是正确的。 ibm

Thus, the server must validate all state content on every transaction, if the state is provided by the client.
因此,如果状态是由客户机提供的,服务器就必须检查每个事务中的所有状态信息。 ibm

You can do these modifications yourself or use the provided image and coordinate file for filling the states.
您可以自己执行这些修改,也可以使用提供的图像和坐标文件来填充各个州。 ibm




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