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词汇 prove
释义 prove 英pruːv美pruvAHDpr›v ★★★★☆初中高四六研I牛4COCA⁹⁹⁵BNC¹⁶⁹⁶iWeb¹⁰⁸⁹Economist¹⁰⁹⁹

vt. & vi. 证明

show that sth is true and right

vt. 检验,试验

establish that sth is genuine; show that sth has been properly made

be shown or be found to be;

She proved to be right

The medicine turned out to save her life

She turned up HIV positive

establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment;

The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound

The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture

provide evidence for;

The blood test showed that he was the father

Her behavior testified to her incompetence

prove formally; demonstrate by a mathematical, formal proofput to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to;

This approach has been tried with good results

Test this recipe

increase in volume;

the dough rose slowly in the warm room

cause to puff up with a leaven;

unleavened bread

take a trial impression ofobtain probate of;

prove a will

prove, testify


1.testify是指证明某事的真实性; prove是指证明某人或某物具有的某种品质特性。

2.testify指通过某人证明; prove指通过事实证明。


4.用作及物动词时, testify后可接从句作简单宾语; prove后可接复合宾语。用作不及物动词时, testify后常接against, for〔on〕 behalf of或to等词。

prove, turn out

这两者的共同意思是“证明”。其区别在于:prove的主语可以是人,也可以是事物; 而turn out的主语一般是物,有时含有“意外”的含义,常用于口语中。例如:

His first attempt proved successful.他的第一次尝试证明是成功的。
They proved that he was guilty.他们证明他有罪。
As it has turned out, there was no need to worry.结果证明当初不必担心。prove,certify,demonstrate,establish,testify







用作动词 v.
~+名词prove a gun验枪prove a man's worth证明某人的价值prove a meter检验仪表prove a new car model试验一种新型汽车prove a new weapon检验新武器prove a will查验遗嘱prove gold验金prove sb's courage考验某人的勇气prove sb's honesty考验某人的诚实prove the truthfulness证明…的真实性~+形容词prove capable证明某人能干prove unhappy证明不幸福prove wrong证明某人错了~+副词prove amply充分证明prove clearly清楚地证明prove conclusively最后证明prove incontestably无可争辩地证明prove indisputably无可辩驳地证明prove statistically统计证明prove ultimately确凿无疑地证明prove undeniably确凿无疑地证明prove undoubtedly毫无疑问地证明prove out证实有预期的结果prove up探明prove up the copper deposit探明铜矿矿床~+介词prove against sb证明对某人不利prove by another fact由另一事实证明prove from another fact由另一事实证明prove of great value证明很有价值prove of no use证明无用prove to向…证明prove this to sb向某人证明这一点prove to one's advantage证明对某人有利prove to the police向警方证明
prove to v.+prep.

向…证实; 证明 give proof of sth to sb; show sth beyond doubt to sb

prove sth to sb/sthWhat are you trying to prove to the public?你打算向大家证明什么呢?
Can you prove that to the court?你能向法庭证实这一点吗?prove to sb/sth that-clauseI shall prove to you that the witness is quite unreliable.我将向你证明,证人十分不可靠。
You will have to prove to the police that you were at home that night.你必须向警方证明那天夜里你是呆在家中的。
This will prove to the world that we are right.这将向全世界证明我们是对的。
prove up v.+adv.

勘探,探明 explore

prove sth ⇔ upThe geologist proves up a coal deposit.地质学家探明了一个煤矿的藏量。
They proved up the copper deposit.他们勘探了那个铜矿。钱博士prov=prob-,证明+e⇒证明,证实
故事记忆太上老君 Move搬家却抬不动 Stove炉子想尽办法 Solve解决耗费天数 Twelve十二始终没有 Achieve完成都是笨蛋被 Prove证明方振宇词汇奥秘比较记忆provableadj.可证明的,可查明的provenadj.被证明的非常记忆pro飘柔〖拼音〗+ve维E〖编码〗⇒专家证明飘柔含有维E成分prov=prob-,证明+e⇒证明,证实。近义词 showassaycheckattestanalyseconfirmjustifyevidenceexperiment反义词 falsifydisprovediscredit
S+~+to be n./adj.This has afterwardsproved to be the correct explanation.后来证明这是正确的解释。
She may prove to be the most suitable person for the job.可能证明她最适合做这工作。
Heproved a coward.他证明是个懦夫。
Sheproved a very strict teacher.结果证明她是一位非常严格的老师。
Maryproved a qualified teacher.玛丽被证实是个称职的教师。
Sheproved a good wife.她证明是一个好妻子。
Heproved a reliable friend of the Chinese people.事实证明他是中国人民的可靠朋友。
I imagined it would prove an easy task.我想它将证明是件容易的工作。
This hasproved an effective preventive.这种药证明是很有效的预防剂。
The concertproved a great success.音乐会取得了巨大成功。
His efforts, however,proved a failure.但他的努力结果都失败了。
The reportproved to be true.这报告证明属实。
The new typistproved to be useless.那位新打字员终于被发现是无用的。
The plantproved salutary.那植物证明是有益于人体健康的。
The instrument hasproved most useful.这种仪器证明非常有用。
The machineproved highly valuable in heart surgery.这种机器做心脏手术证明是非常有价值的。
Her rash marriageproved unhappy.她轻率结婚,很不幸福。
His first attemptproved successful.他的第一次尝试证明是成功的。
These methods haveproved quite effective.这些办法证明是很有成效的。
Isotopes also prove helpful in other conditions.事实证明,在其他情况下,同位素也很有用处。
As it happened, my adviceproved wrong.当此事发生时,我的意见证明是错误的。S+~+to be prep. -phraseResults from these projects haveproved of great value.这些研究的成果证明很有价值。
It hasproved of great assistance in such training.事实证明,这类训练很有好处。
It will prove of little use.结果会证明它没有什么用。
This book will prove of some use to you in your studies.这本书对你的研究终将是有用的。
S+~+ n./pron.Who can prove it?谁能证实这一点呢?
This furtherproved the strength of our economy .这进一步证明了我国经济的实力。
Facts will prove my sincerity.事实将会证明我是真心实意的。
His actionproved his kindness.他的行动证实了他的善意。
Heproved his courage in action.他以行动证实了自己的勇敢。
This fact proves the necessity of conservation.这一事实证明自然保护的必要性。
In order to prove the servant's honesty she left a bag containing money on the desk.为了考验佣人的诚实,她在桌上留下了一个装着钱的手提包。
She showed her pupils how to prove their answers.她教学生们怎样验算答案。
His guilt was clearlyproved.他的罪行被清楚地证实了。
It has beenproved by evidence.有证据证明它。S+~+that-clauseTheyproved that he was guilty.他们证明他有罪。
How can you prove that you are right?你如何能证明你是正确的呢?
He hasproved that his hypothesis is correct.他已经证明自己的假设是正确的。
The fact proves that the report is false.事实证明那项报告是假的。
These documents will prove that we are telling the truth.这些文件可以证明我们讲的都是事实。
Doesn't this fact prove that you are to blame?难道这事实不足以证明你该受到责备吗?
The marks of the prisoner's fingers on the gunproved that he was the guilty man.囚犯留在枪上的指纹证实了他就是罪犯。
It has beenproved that the practice can only do good.事实证明这样做只有好处。
It was soonproved that he was the guilty man.不久就证明他是个罪人。S+~+wh-clauseCan you prove where you were on March 2nd?你能证明你3月2日在什么地方吗?
S+~+ n./pron. +to be/as n./adj./prep.- phraseSheproved him to be the thief.她证明他就是那小偷。
I'll prove it to be erroneous.我将证明它是错误的。
He hasproved himself to be worthy of revering.他证明自己值得尊敬。
Again historyproved them wrong.历史再次证明他们错了。
Theyproved themselves talented and capable.他们证明自己很有天赋和能力。
One mad action is not enough to prove a man mad.做一件疯事并不足以证明一个人就是疯子。
Their calculations have all beenproved to be castles in the air.他们的算计证明不过全都是空中楼阁。
They wereproved effective after testing in the fields.经过田间试验,证明它们是很有效的。其他v -ed as Attrib.She is a woman ofproven ability.她已被证明是个有能力的人。


prove既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、从句作宾语。prove还可接“to be+ n./adj./prep. -phrase”充当补足语的复合宾语, to be一般可以省略,但当to be是完成式即to have been时不可省略。prove还可用作系动词,意思是“显现出是,被发现是”,其后可接“to be+ adj./prep. -phrase”或介词短语作表语。

prove的过去分词在英国是proved; 但在美国往往用proven, proven常用作形容词,在句中作定语。

用作动词There wasn't enough evidence toprovehim guilty.没有充分的证据证明他有罪。
He hasprovedhis courage in the battle.他已在这场战斗中证明了自己的勇气。
The students are asked toprovethe purity of copper.要求学生们检验铜的纯度。
Leave the dough toprovefor half an hour.让面团发酵半小时。
She mayproveto be the most suitable person for the job.她结果可能是最适合干这工作的人。
The old methodsprovedbest after all.采用老方法结果反而是某事物最好。
Leave the dough toprovefor half an hour.让面团发酵半小时。verb.establish facts;put to a test
同义词 confirm,convince,demonstrate,determine,explain,find,justify,result,show,substantiate,test,try,turn out,validate,verifyaffirm,analyze,ascertain,assay,attest,authenticate,back,certify,check,corroborate,declare,document,evidence,evince,examine,experiment,fix,manifest,settle,sustain,testify,uphold,warrant,witnessadd up,bear out,end up,have a case,make evident,pan out,show clearly,show once and for all,trial
反义词 conceal,confuse,deny,disprove,hide,invalidate,miss,refuse,veto,aid,assist,contradict,disavow,disclaim,help,refute,reject,unsettlediscredit,hypothesize,theorize
adduceverb affirm
cite,illustrate,point out,show
assayverb analyze
appraise,apprise,assess,check,check out,estimate,evaluate,examine,eyeball,inspect,investigate,measure,peg,prove,rate,read,see,size,size up,survey,test,try,valuate,value,weigh
attestverb affirm, vouch for
adjure,announce,argue,assert,asseverate,authenticate,aver,bear out,bear witness,certify,confirm,corroborate,countersign,declare,demonstrate,display,exhibit,give evidence,indicate,prove,ratify,seal,show,substantiate,support,sustain,swear,testify,uphold,verify,warrant,witness
authenticateverb establish as real, genuine
accredit,attest,authorize,bear out,certify,confirm,corroborate,endorse,guarantee,justify,prove,substantiate,validate,verify,vouch,warrant
aververb maintain
averringverb maintain
affirming,asserting,avouching,claiming,contending,declaring,emphasizing,insisting,justifying,predicating,proclaiming,proving,stating,swearing,verifying And can you prove no one tempered with them within that time?

The existing data, however, do not prove this.
但是就现有的数据,还不能证明这些。 ecocn

To prove one technology against another?
证明一种技术比另一种更优? infoq

As to this question, a reasonable people must admit that we could not prove the rightness of some past opinion.
在这个问题上,一个明事理的人一定也会承认,我们不可能去证明某个说法是正确的。 kekenet

But even from the figures they present, it is clearly an important factor, and one that is likely to apply in other parts of the world where the records needed to prove it are not so good.
但是即使从他们所掌握的数据来看,这种关系明显是一个重要的因素,在其他所需记录不足以证明这一关系的世界上其他地方,这一因素也可能得到应用。 ecocn

But how do we prove it?
可是我们怎么证实这点呢? ebigear

But I would like to prove to them that I can do something for this area— at least, for the women.
但是我希望能证明给他们看,我可以为这个地区做些什么——至少给女人们。 yeeyan

But if we fail at the thing by which we define ourselves and at which we hope to prove special, that’s serious.
但是如若在我们定义自我或者我们希望证明自己与众不同的事上遭遇失败,那么它将意义非凡。 yeeyan

But in38 out of50 states, the burden of proof is on him to prove his innocence.
但在美国的50个州里,有38个都要求申诉人自己找证据证明他的清白。 ecocn

Faraday used no mathematics at all to prove his rule.

I had no choice but to write it down, so I could prove to my friends that nothing ever changes.
我别无选择,只有把它记录下来,这样我就可以向我的朋友证明:没有任何东西改变过。 yeeyan

I had something to prove, but they all had something to do.
我感觉非常地孤独,我要证明一些事,但是他们都很忙。 yeeyan

I know I have to prove myself.
我知道我需要重新证明自己。 yeeyan

If you love someone, a gift should show that; it should also prove how well you know that person, and that includes their clothes or shoe size.
如果你爱一个人,那么礼物应展示出你的爱,而且还应该证明你对那个人的了解程度——包括他们衣服和鞋子的尺码。 yeeyan

In order to prove his point he showed them the latest sales figures.

No, he does not believe it, but he knows that if he had time, he could prove it.
不,连他自己都不相信,可是他知道如果他有时间,他可以证明出来。 yeeyan

She defied him to prove her guilty.

So, then I would prove to her that it does.
所以,我要证明给她看,真爱确实存在。 yeeyan

The committee disinterred a few old studies done by the predecessors to prove their point.

Then, to prove the point, he will send one in the opposite direction.

They fear no one and have nothing to prove.
他们不怕谁,也没有什么事情需要证明。 yeeyan

To prove their theory researchers have turned to other avenues to explain how we came to be.
为了证明他们的理论,研究人员已转向其他途径来解释我们是如何“来”的。 yeeyan

We have freedom of speech to prove it.
我们有言论自由,以证明这一点。 yeeyan

We want to prove that in Mexico.
我们要在墨西哥证明这一点。 yeeyan

When you start off with a new idea like this, all your scientific pals set out to prove you wrong.
如果你一开始就提出这样的新观点,你所有科学上的同行都会开始去证明你是错的。 yeeyan




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