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词汇 Proust
释义 Proust 英pruːst美prustAHDpr›st COCA²⁸⁴³⁸BNC¹⁸⁷⁰¹

French novelist 1871-1922
At the same time, I began reading Proust.同时,我开始阅读普鲁斯特的作品。
Proust had his apartment soundproofed.普鲁斯特把他的公寓隔了音。 And through all these complications, in the case of Proust, what's interesting is that he should be explicitly attacking homosexuality while also being homosexual himself.

Perhaps, had he lived to see it, he might have chosen a copy of the magnum opus by his protégé, Marcel Proust, whose protagonist, the aesthete Charles Swann, is modelled partly on Ephrussi himself.
当然,如果他在有生之年可以看到,比如说,一直受他提携的剧作家——马塞尔。普鲁斯特的著作的话,他很有可能会选择它,要知道那部巨作的主角就是以他为原型创作的。 ecocn

The groping, anxious quest of a Proust, his meticulous collecting of flowers, of wallpapers, and of anxieties, signifies nothing else.
一个普鲁斯特式的焦虑探索以及对花朵、对地毯、对焦躁细致入微的描述,就意味着这种创造而无其它。 yeeyan

The same, in truth, that is found in Proust's work or in the landscape of Plotinus: a nostalgia for a lost paradise.
事实上,普鲁斯特的作品或普罗提诺的风景画中也均有相同的发现——对失落天堂的留恋之情。 yeeyan

What’s more, she read some of them, from Proust to Dostoyevsky to Freud to Carl Sandburg’s six- volume biography of Lincoln given to her by husband Arthur Miller, collecting a library of400 books.
她甚至读过其中的一些,从普鲁斯特到陀思妥耶夫斯基到弗洛伊德再到卡尔·桑德堡所著共六卷的林肯传她的丈夫阿瑟·米勒给她的,她还拥有400本藏书。 yeeyan

A bond dealer need not appreciate Proust, but he must be able to do sums in his head.
一个债券经销商不需要感激蒲鲁斯特,但是他必须能够心算。 ecocn

But, Nabokov's relationship to this modernist past is not just the burlesque that he visits on Eliot, is not just this complicated attraction and dis- identification that he works on with Proust.

By his writing style against the tradition and by his revolting artistic ideals, Marcel Proust has caused an exciting shock in the fields of literature and literary critique.
法国意识流小说大师普鲁斯特以反传统的写作风格和反叛的艺术思想在文学界和文学评论界引起了强烈的震撼。 cnki

Forster loved Richard Wagner and felt an affinity with Marcel Proust, a writer for whom musical phrasing was a paradigm both for art and for life.
福斯特喜爱理查德•瓦格纳,和作家马塞尔•普鲁斯特惺惺相惜,普鲁斯特觉得乐句可供艺术与生活效仿。 ecocn

He's told us how Proust can change our lives, debated the pleasures and sorrows of work, and explored how status anxiety plagues us all.
他告诉我们普鲁斯特可以怎样改变我们的生活,他论争过工作的喜乐哀愁,还探索过身份的焦虑如何困扰我们所有人。 yeeyan

In her case, and that of Marcel Proust, Dillon seems more interested in the psychic consequences of real physical symptoms than in paranoid delusions of disease.
与她相似的例子是马塞尔·普鲁斯特,在这两个案例中 Dillon更关注的不是偏执狂的错觉,而是由生理疾患引起的心理精神症状。 yeeyan

In Proust's In Search Of Lost Time, the narrator is prompted to unlock the secrets of memory after some quiet time contemplating a biscuit.
普鲁斯特的《寻找丢失的时间》一书中,讲述者主张在经过一段时间的安静思考之后开启记忆的秘密是一块饼干。 yeeyan

Jonah Lehrer is a contributing editor at Wired and the author of How We Decide and Proust Was a Neuroscientist. He’s also contributed to the New Yorker, the NY Times Magazine and WNYC’s Radiolab.
Jonah Lehrer是 Wired的特约编辑,是《我们如何决定》和《普鲁斯特是神经学家》的作者,同时也是 New Yorker, NY Times Magazine和 WNYC’s Radiolab的特约撰稿人。

Nor did the surveys distinguish between those who read the complete works of Proust or Dickens and those who read one Nora Roberts novel or a single piece of fan fiction on the Internet.
同样,数据也未对阅读质量加以区分,有些人读了普鲁斯特或狄更斯的全部作品,有的则读诺拉·罗伯茨的小说或是一篇热门的网络小说。 yeeyan

Not that Keokuk was anything like wicked Sodom, or that Proust’s Charlus would have been tempted to settle in Benton Harbor, Mich.
这倒不是说基奥卡克就像邪恶的所多玛,或者普鲁斯特的夏吕斯原本会经不住诱惑而定居本顿港。 ecocn

Over the past decade or so he has cast a world- weary eye over travel, status and architecture, as well as writing a fine book about philosophers and an excellent meditation on Proust.
过去十多年来他把厌世的目光投向过旅行、社会身份和建筑诸多领域,写过有关哲学家们的好书和关于普鲁斯特的沉思录。 yeeyan

Over lunchà deux, the president quoted Camus, Sartre, Proust, Maupassant, Corneille and Racine.
在两人的一次午餐期间,总统分别引用了加缪、萨特、普鲁斯特、莫泊桑、高乃依和拉辛的话。 ecocn

Paul Valéry, who eulogised Marcel Proust despite brazenly admitting he had only skimmed the writer's work, claimed this critical distance better enabled him to comment on it.
保罗•瓦莱里 Paul Valéry对马塞尔•普鲁斯特 Marcel Proust大加褒扬,却大言不惭地承认仅仅扫过普鲁斯特作品一眼,还说这个距离意指不细读——译注至关重要,能让他更好地对其作出评价。 ecocn

So, I'll list Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Chekhov, Stendhal, Melville, Hemingway, Faulkner, Dos Passos, Proust, Zola, Mann, Goethe, and, oh yes—curses— Shakespeare!
所以说,托尔斯泰,陀思妥耶夫斯基,契科夫,司汤达,梅尔维尔,海明威,福克纳,多斯·帕索斯,普鲁斯特,佐拉,托马斯·曼,歌德,哦,对了,还有——逃不掉的——莎士比亚! yeeyan

The entry for D&D on Wikipedia is twice the length of the article on Proust.
维基百科上有关龙与地下城的条目是有关普鲁斯特注释2作品的文章的两倍多。 topsage

The opening sentence of Proust’s “In Search of Lost Time” comes out as an ungrammatical“ Long time I went to bed early,” and the results for most other modern classics are just as unusable.
在普鲁斯特的“寻找失落的首句时间”出来作为一个不通“长的时间我就很早上床睡觉,”和其他大多数现代经典的结果,也同样无法使用。 ecocn

When I was a boy“ discovering literature”, I used to think how wonderful it would be if every other person on the street were familiar with Proust and Joyce or T. E. Lawrence or Pasternak and Kafka.
孩童时,我逐渐发现文学之美。那时,我常常想:如果街上的其他每一个人都熟知普鲁斯特和乔伊斯,或者 T• E•劳伦斯、帕斯捷尔纳克和卡夫卡,那将是一件多么奇妙的事。 ecocn

Proust had his apartment sound proofed.
普鲁斯特把他的公寓隔了音。 iciba




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