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词汇 proudness
释义 proud·ness 英praʊd美praʊd

having too high an opinion of oneself and one's own importance


having, expressing, or causing personal satisfaction and; pleasure in sth connected with oneself

feeling self-respect or pleasure in something by which you measure your self-worth; or being a reason for pride;

proud parents

proud of his accomplishments

a proud moment

proud to serve his country

a proud name

proud princes

having or displaying great dignity or nobility;

a gallant pageant

lofty ships

majestic cities

proud alpine peaks

proud about, proud of

这两个短语的区别在于前者用于贬义,指“自高自大”; 后者用于褒义,指“为…而自豪”。试比较:

We are proud of our motherland.我们为祖国感到自豪。
He is proud about his success.他为自己的成功沾沾自喜。proud, conceited, haughty


1.proud常指对取得的成功或荣誉所感到的自豪; haughty指看不起人或目中无人; conceited指一个人过分地赞赏自己,不屑于与他人往来。


She is a haughty girl.她是一个高傲的女孩。
The nobles used to treat the common people with haughty contempt.贵族在过去惯于傲慢和轻蔑地对待平民。
She is such a conceited girl that she always walks home from school with her nose in the air.她是一个非常自傲的女孩,总是目中无人地从学校走回家去。
She became unbearably conceited after a handsome boy asked her out.一个英俊的男孩邀请了她之后,她就傲慢得使人不能忍受。直接源自晚期古英语的prud,prute;最初源自古典拉丁语的prodesse:pro- 居前的 +esse 作为,意为有用的
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词proud day令人骄傲的日子proud moment自豪的时刻proud parents自豪的父母proud owners得意洋洋的主人proud university名牌大学副词+~rather proud非常自豪too proud太骄傲childishly proud of幼稚地对…感到自豪foolishly proud of很愚蠢地对…感到骄傲justifiably proud of正当地以…为自豪~+动词不定式proud to admit骄傲得不肯承认proud to ask for help自尊心太强,从不求助于人proud to ask question骄傲得总不提问proud to know sb认识某人感到荣幸proud to see mistake骄傲得看不到错误proud to tell自豪地告诉动词+~do sb proud满意极了~+介词proud about因…而骄傲proud of对…感到光荣,以…自豪,夸耀proud of children为孩子们而自豪proud of sb's friendship因某人的友谊而自豪
用作形容词 proud as a peacock

极骄傲 extremely proud

do proud

待某人以上宾之礼 treat sb, especially a guest splendidly

do sb proudThe college did us proud at the century dinner.院方在一百周年校庆设宴款待我们。
They did us all proud at the hotel.他们在宾馆里盛情款待我们。近义词 vaincontenthaughtyarroganthonouredconceited反义词 humbleashamed
~+ n.It was a proud moment for John when he shook hands with the President.汤姆与总统握手,这是一个令其很自豪的时刻。
His proud parents congratulated him.他的父母感到光彩向他表示祝贺。
They are a proud and independent people.他们是自豪和独立的民族。
It was a proud day for us when we won the trophy.我们夺得奖杯那一天是值得我们骄傲的日子。
She is a proud woman who never accepts somebody else's help.她是一个高傲之人,从不接受别人的帮助。
S+be+~They were poor but proud.他们虽然穷,但是有骨气。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseJack was proud of his high score in the examination.杰克为考试中得到高分而自豪。
They were proud of their success.他们为自己的成功而骄傲。
I hope you feel proud of yourself; you've ruined the game!你可真出尽风头了,你把比赛搅得一塌糊涂!
The cement should stand proud of the surface and then be smoothed down later.施用水泥时应先高出于表面然后再将其抹平。
The filler should be worked firmly into the dent or groove and built up until it stands proud of the surrounding surface.填料应当被坚实地塞进凹处或槽沟里,一直增填到凸现出来。
He was proud of having such a good friend.他为有这样的好朋友而自豪。
I'm proud of knowing her.我以和她结识为荣。S+be+~+to- vShe is a remarkable person; I am proud to know her.她是位杰出的人物,认识她我感到荣幸。
I'm proud to tell you that my son has just won the first prize in the short distance race.我自豪地告诉你我儿子刚在短跑比赛中获得第一名。
He had been too proud to ask for help.他的自尊心太强,从不求助于人。
He is too proud to ask question.他太骄傲了,总不提问。
He is too proud to admit that he had been grossly in error.他骄傲得不肯承认他的错误是严重的。
He was too proud now to be seen with his former friends.他现在忘乎所以了,觉得跟以前的朋友在一起有失他的面子。
We are proud for you to win the championship.我们为你赢得冠军而骄傲。S+be+~+that-clauseWe are very proud that a pupil from our school has won the prize.我们学校的一个小学生得了奖,我们感到很自豪。
Lord Ponsonby is so proud that he won't even speak to people like us.庞森比勋爵非常自负,甚至不愿同像我们这样的人说话。

proud的基本意思是“有自尊心的”“高出周围表面的”。用于褒义,可指“自豪的”; 用于贬义,则指“傲慢的”。

proud作表语时后常接of短语、动词不定式或that从句。of后可接名词,也可接动名词; 动词不定式可带有自己的逻辑主体由for引出。

用作形容词If your father had still been alive, he would have felt very proud of you.你父亲如果还健在的话,他会为你骄傲的。
It was a proud day for us when we won the trophy.我们夺得奖杯那一天是值得我们骄傲的日子。noun.arrogance
同义词 airs,aloofness,audacity,bluster,braggadocio,brass,cheek,chutzpah,conceit,conceitedness,contemptuousness,crust,disdain,disdainfulness,ego,egotism,gall,haughtiness,hauteur,high-handedness,hubris,imperiousness,insolence,loftiness,lordliness,nerve,ostentation,overbearance,overbearingness,pomposity,pompousness,presumption,pretension,pretentiousness,pride,pridefulness,priggishness,scornfulness,self-importance,self-love,smugness,superciliousness,superiority,swagger,vanity
loftinessnoun arrogance
lordlinessnoun arrogance
overbearingnessnoun arrogance
pridefulnessnoun arrogance
superciliousnessnoun arrogance




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