

单词 proton
释义 pro·ton 英ˈprəʊˌtɒn美ˈproˌtɑnAHDprōʹtŏn' ★☆☆☆☆高六IMSTCOCA¹⁷¹⁷⁸BNC¹⁹³⁷¹iWeb¹⁰⁸¹²Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a stable particle with positive charge equal to the negative charge of an electronproto-,原始的,最早的,-on,物理名词后缀,来自electron.nuclear proton核质子negative proton阴质子proton accelerator质子加速器proton inertia质子惰性proton irradiation质子辐照solvated proton溶剂阳离子proton magnetometer质子地磁仪recoil proton反冲质子proton gradient质子梯度proton bombardment质子轰击proton synchrotron质子同步加速器…proton donor质子给体proton spectrometer质子谱仪proton microscope质子显微镜proton number质子数,质子序数…proton recoil反冲质子proton shift质子移动proton theory质子论proton affinity质子亲和力
prot最初的+on形容词和名词后缀,在物理领域常表基本微粒→最初的基本微粒⇒质子。词根记忆prot第一+on近义词 molecule分子

用作名词Proton and neutron form a charge doublet.质子和中子构成电荷双重态。
Nitroform is such a strongprotondonor.三硝基甲烷是一个极强的质子给予体。 Hydrogen, the most common molecule in the universe, is just two atoms— each with one proton and one electron.
是宇宙中最普通的分子,仅有两个原子构成,每个原子仅包含一个质子和一个电子。 yeeyan

In this photo, a patient receives treatment at Loma Linda University Medical Center in California, the world's first proton accelerator built specifically for a medical environment.
这张照片中,一个病人在美国加州罗马琳达大学医学中心接受治疗,在那里质子加速器全球首次专用于医疗环境。 yeeyan

The advantage of hydrogen is its unrivalled simplicity: one electron circles a single proton.
氢的优势是其结构非常简单:一个电子环绕一个质子。 yeeyan

The radius of the proton is significantly smaller than previously thought, say physicists who have measured it to the best accuracy yet.
质子的半径竟然比预想的要小,虽然物理学家先前已经应用最准确的技术进行了测量。 yeeyan

When a particle, such as a proton, meets with its antimatter partner, the antiproton, the two annihilate each other in a powerful explosion.
就像正质子那样的粒子,如果它与其反物质的配偶——反质子相遇,这两个粒子就会在强大的爆炸中相互湮灭。 kle100

When a neutron inside an atom decays, it produces a proton, an electron, and a neutrino.
原子内的一个中子衰变后会产生一个质子、一个电子和一个中微子。 yeeyan

Which splits water into oxygen and the constituents of hydrogen, a proton and electron.
催化剂会把水分解成氧气和氢原子的构成部分:一个质子和一个电子。 yeeyan

A proton contains three charged quarks bound by the strong force and its radius is defined as the distance at which the charge density drops below a certain value.
一个质子由三个带电的夸克通过强相互作用力结合而形成,它的半径是由电荷密度降到某一确定值的距离来确定的。 yeeyan

And I think people would start looking to see, well, maybe other dimensionless ratios like the ratio of the mass of the electron to the mass of the proton are changing.
而且我认为人们也会开始考虑,像电子的质量对质子的质量的比值,也许其他无量纲的常数也在发生变化。 yeeyan

Because hydrogen atoms have a proton for a nucleus, this leaves the crew exposed to dangerous ionising radiation that breaks chemical bonds and damages DNA.
因为氢原子核含有一个质子,这使船员暴露在危险的电离辐射中,这些辐射能打破化学键,损坏 DNA。 yeeyan

But you can also look at it qualitatively, so, if you think about the force between the electron and the proton, you could just qualitatively think about what's happening.

Collider operators steered the proton beams, comprising billions of particles accelerated almost to the speed of light, into their first collision just after1 p. m. Geneva time.
日内瓦时间刚过下午1点,对撞机的操作人员操纵着由数十亿个粒子组成的质子束流,以接近光速的速度实现了首次对撞。 cri

Happily for us, they're all pretty unlikely— how many people do you know who have died by proton disintegration?
幸运的是,它们成功的可能性都不大——有多少你认识的人是被质子分解致死的? yeeyan

He then teamed up with the cancer centre at the University of California, Davis, to investigate the possibility of using a DWA for proton therapy.
于是,他与加利福尼亚大学癌症中心的戴维斯组成小组,对利用 DWA进行质子治疗的可行性进行了研究。 ecocn

If they exist, each string would be as thin as a proton, but incredibly dense.
如果宇宙弦存在,每根弦都像质子一样小,密度却极大。 yeeyan

Only then can they hope to describe conditions at the big bang, when all space and time was compressed into a volume far smaller than a proton.
只有这样他们才能指望描述一点大爆炸的那个情况,所有的空间和时间全部在那时被压缩成一个小于质子的体积。 yeeyan

Physicists had pointed out that the proton pulses that were used to generate the neutrinos that left CERN were of quite long durations, at10.5 microseconds.
物理学家曾指出,用来生成中微子的质子脉冲,它在离开欧洲核子研究中心时约有10.5微秒长的持续时间。 yeeyan

So although proton therapy has been available since1990, there are still only about25 clinics around the world that offer it.
因此,尽管从1990年起质子疗法就已得到应用,但目前全球仍仅有25家左右的医疗机构可以提供这种治疗。 ecocn

So we get at the number of neutrons indirectly because we know the proton number here.

The researchers think these may be able to work as proton- exchange membranes in their own right.
研究者们认为这些“完全的膜”其本身就具有交换质子的功能。 ecocn

These interactions are slightly different for electrons occupying the2S and2P energy levels and the resulting energy shift depends in part on the radius of the proton.
这些相互作用对于占据2S和2P能级的电子有微小的不同,他们的能量位移部分的依赖于质子的半径。 yeeyan

This is then fed into a complicated QED calculation to obtain the radius of the proton.
把这个测量值代入一个复杂的量子电动力学 QED计算公式然后得到质子的半径。 yeeyan

This Lamb shift is a result of the interactions between the electron and the constituent quarks of the proton as described by QED.
兰姆位移是电子与质子组分夸克相互作用的结果,这一现象被描述为量子电动力 QED。 yeeyan

This means you can vary the neutron number without changing chemical identity, because chemical identity is fixed by the proton.

Thus, the OPERA team repeated their experiment using proton pulses that were3, 000 times briefer than last time, giving greater precision to the start time of neutrinos.
因此, OPERA团队使用了比上一次短3,000倍的质子脉冲来重复他们的实验,这样就会大大提高了中微子开始行驶时间的精确度。 yeeyan

Unlike X-rays, the standard radiotherapeutic tool, a proton beam can be tuned in a way that causes it to dump its destructive energy at a particular depth beneath the skin.
不同于 X射线这种标准的放射治疗手段,质子束的强度是可以调节的,,它可以在皮下一个特定的深度集中释放具有杀伤力的能量。 ecocn

With a pile more money, you can cut the proton and neutrons into their smallest parts, quarks, you will still have magnets with North and South poles.
如果你还有大把的钱,你可以把质子和中子分成组成它们的最小组分:夸克,然而你还是只会得到拥有南北极的磁体。 yeeyan

Proton beams are zipping around the world's largest particle collider after more than a year of repairs.
经过一年多的修整后,质子束流又开始在世界最大的粒子对撞机快速前进了。 yeeyan




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