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词汇 Protesilaus
释义 Protesilaus
However, she gave a sharp cry when she saw Hermes coming at the fixed hour to takeProtesilausback to the lower world.然而,当海默斯预定的时间到来时,普洛忒西拉斯将被带回阴间,她痛苦地叫了一声。
However,shegave a sharp cry when she saw Hermes coming at the fixed hourto takeProtesilausback to the lower world.拉俄达弥亚很高兴再做一次新娘。然而,当海默斯预定的时间到来时,普洛忒西拉斯将被带回阴间,她痛苦地叫了一声。
Protesilaustold her the story of his self-sacrifice, and Laodamiawas happy to become a bride for a second time.普洛忒西拉斯给她讲述了他自我献身的故事。拉俄达弥亚很高兴再做一次新娘。
Moved by her fidelity, Zeus sent Hermes to escort the shade ofProtesilausback to the upper air to stay with his wife for three hours.她的忠贞感动了宙斯。宙斯派海默斯护送普洛忒西拉斯的幽魂回到阳间与他的妻子共度三个小时。
Protesilaus, a Greek chief, seeing that there was a good deal of hesitation among his comrades, leapt overboard and fell instantly, pierced through by Hector's spear.一位名叫普洛忒西拉斯的希腊酋长看着同伴踌躇不前,就从船上跳入水中,一瞬时他就倒下了,被海克特的长矛穿透了胸膛。




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