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词汇 Proterozoic
释义 Prot·er·o·zo·ic 英ˌprɒtərəˈzəʊɪk, ˌprəʊtə-美ˌprɑtərəˈzoɪk, ˌprotə-AHDprŏt'ər-ə-zōʹĭk, prō'tər- BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺

from 2,500 to 544 million years ago; bacteria and fungi; primitive multicellular organisms
formed in the later of two divisions of the Precambrian era;

proterozoic life forms

用作名词EarlyProterozoichigh-pressure metamorphism in the Wutaishan.五台山早元古代高压变质作用研究。
Wangjiawaizi gold deposit occurrs in LowerProterozoicopimetamorphic rock series.王家崴子金矿床赋存于辽南古元古代浅变质岩系中。用作形容词Boron deposits of eastern Liaoning occur in a suite of EarlyProterozoicmetamorphic rocks, with boron orebodies existent in magnesian marble.辽东硼矿床产于早〈元古代的〉一套变质岩内,硼矿体赋存于镁质大理岩中。 Dating from the Eocene Epoch, the crater is likely less than50 million years old, but the impact bored into Proterozoic sandstones well over500 million years old.
它形成于始新世,距今可能不到5000万年,但是撞击钻入的原生代砂岩都已经超过5亿年。 yeeyan

In the end, the relation between the metallogenesis and the evolution of Archaeozoic and Early Proterozoic earth crust is discussed basing upon the theory of rift.
最后采用裂谷理论讨论了成矿作用与太古代和早元古代地壳演化的关系。 iciba

The age of this formation ought to belong to the Gantaohe group of Lower proterozoic era.
将这套含磷岩组称之为“吴家窑组”,其时代归属于下元古界甘陶河群。 cnki

The characteristics of the deposits show that they have mostly been controlled by Archean greenstone belt and carbonate rock strata since Early Proterozoic.
矿床特征显示出铅锌矿床的形成大多明显地受到了太古代绿岩带及早元古代以来碳酸盐岩地层的控制; cnki

The crust in South Jiangxi- West Guangdong began to form in the late Lower Proterozoic Subera , and the crust mature degree is lower.
赣南-粤西地区的地壳自早元古代晚期开始形成,地壳成熟度较低。 cnki

The data offered here favor that the collision between the Yangtze and Cathysia blocks happened in the late Proterozoic era.
现有资料支持华夏和扬子两地块在晚元古代碰撞拼合的解释。 iciba

The determination of above two rock layers proved that main growth layer of South China basement is composed of Proterozoic upper and lower greenstone suites.
上述两套岩层性质的确定.证明了元古宙上、下两套绿岩是组成华南基底的主要生长层。 cnki

The gold deposits hosted by Middle Proterozoic carbonate rocks at Western Liaoning and Eastern Hebei are new type of strata bound gold deposits, they have great resources potentialities.
辽西—冀东地区赋存于长城系上部和蓟县系下部碳酸盐岩中的层控金矿床为该区的一种具有良好找矿前景的新类型金矿床。 cnki

The plate activity in Tianshan can be traced back to Middle and Late proterozoic.
天山地区的板块活动可以追溯到中晚元古代。 cnki

The proved reserves in Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Upper Palaeozoic, Lower Palaeozoic, Proterozoic respectively are38%, 17%, 30%, 13% and2% in total.
新生界、中生界、上古生界、下古生界和元古界分别占总探明地质储量的38%、17%、30 %、13%和2 %。 iciba

A simulation experiment was made on kerogen from shales in the lower Xiamalin Formation of the Proterozoic in North China.
本模拟实验主要对华北上元古界下马岭组页岩干酪根的热演化特征和规律进行研究。 cnki

Before Later Proterozoic era, in this area more than two times of thermodynamic metamorphism took place.
在晚元古代以前该地区至少发生过两次热动力变质作用。 iciba

Early Proterozoic high-pressure metamorphism in the Wutaishan.
五台山早元古代高压变质作用研究。 kuenglish

Early Proterozoic Tongbaishan group cannot be the source rock of the granite by study in detail.
详细的研究表明了早元古界桐柏山群不能成为老湾花岗岩的源岩。 cnki

In recent years, Proterozoic and Archaeozoic buried hill reservoirs have been explored and developed in Liaohe Oilfield, but it is a problem to interpret these fracture- cavity reservoirs.
近年来,辽河油田元古界、太古界古潜山油气藏得到了比较好的勘探与开发,但对这些缝洞性储层的解释一直是一个难题。 cnki

On the basis of the study on regional tectonic, the tectonic evolution of middle and upper Proterozoic tectonism stratigraphic unit has been systematically analyzed.
在区域地质构造研究的基础上,本文以地球动力学的观点系统地分析了中上元古界构造特征和演化。 cnki

Since the Middle Proterozoic, metazoan trace fossils must have undergone an irreversible evolution from simple to complicated, and from lower to higher in quality.
中元古代以来后生动物遗迹的演化过程在质上经历了由简单到复杂,由低级到高级的发展、演变过程。 cnki

Studies on the change of chemical features of ancient oceans in the Proterozoic will be the fundamental means to probe the origin for Molar Tooth carbonate rocks.
从元古宙古海洋化学性质的变化着手研究将成为揭示臼齿碳酸盐岩成因的根本手段。 cnki

The above new data give the information of the possible existence of Proterozoic basement in this district, and Yanshanian magmatism is of great significance for mineralization in the district.
以上这些新资料说明该区可能存在元古代基底的信息,且燕山期岩浆活动对本区成矿具有重要意义。 cnki

The Dongshengmiao polymetallic sulfide deposit in Inner Mongolia occurs in the ore- bearing formation of Middle Proterozoic Langshan Group comprising a suite of fine clastic rocks- carbonate rocks.
东升庙多金属硫铁矿床产于中元古界狼山群一套细碎屑-碳酸盐岩含矿建造中。 iciba

The Precambrian intrusive rocks in western Shandong area mainly fall into two parts:the TaishanianArchean and the Aolaishanian early Proterozoic intrusive rocks.
鲁西地区的前寒武纪侵入岩分为太古代泰山期和早元古代傲徕山期二部分。 iciba

The results suggest that carbon isotope is very useful for Early Proterozoic carbonate strata correlation.
作者认为,碳同位素对于早元古代碳酸盐地层的对比是很有用的。 cnki

Uranium mineral is pitchblende which was formed in Lower Proterozoic.
铀矿物主要为沥青铀矿,形成于早元古代。 cnki




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