

单词 protectiveness
释义 pro·tec·tive·ness 英prə'tektɪv美prə'tektɪv 高COCA⁶⁷⁶⁷⁹BNC⁵⁰¹⁹⁹iWeb⁴⁸⁵⁴¹

that gives protection


having or showing a wish to protect

intended or adapted to afford protection of some kind;

a protective covering

the use of protective masks and equipment

protective coatings

kept the drunken sailor in protective custody

animals with protective coloring

protective tariffs

showing care;

a protective mother

usually followed by `of' solicitously caring or mindful;

protective of his reputation

用作形容词 adj.
~+名词protective clothing防毒衣protective color〔device〕保护色〔装置〕protective foods保健食品protective instinct〔tariff, trade〕保护本能〔关税,贸易〕~+介词protective towards对…有保护的protective towards one's children袒护自己的孩子
近义词 warmcarefulwatchful反义词 aggressivethreatening
~+ n.He wears a protective clothing.他穿了一件防护衣。
We feel safe with a protective device in the house.我们因为家里有了防护装置而感到安全。
S+be+~+ prep .-phraseA mother naturally feels protective towards her children.做母亲的天生要保护自己的孩子。
She's too protective towards her children; she should let them be more independent.她对孩子太过爱护,她应当给她们更多的独立性。
用作形容词The earth's magnetosphere is at once protective and dangerous.地球的磁层既具有保护的功能,却又极其危险。
During the launch phase, it would ride in a protective aluminum shell.在发射阶段,它盛在一只保护的铝壳里。 A Southern women dressed casually in jeans totes her child in one arm and a shotgun in the other, exuding an air of protectiveness.
一身休闲装扮的着牛仔裤的南方女子一手搂着孩子,一手拿着枪,空气中充满了保护欲。 yeeyan

In other words, I think Hermione reacted with fierce emotional protectiveness of Harry and then formulated a plan as she went along.
换句话说,我想赫敏疯狂的反应和对哈利的保护意识让她马上系统地想到了她之后进行的计划。 hoolee8

On the earlier stage of the reaction, the layer was loose and protectiveness;
反应初期,腐蚀层疏松,基本不具有保护性; cnki

There are many things about vaccine protectiveness that we still don't completely understand.
我们对疫苗预防效果的许多方面还不十分清楚。 dxy

And so there is now a new revolution under way, one aimed at rolling back the almost comical over protectiveness and overinvestment of moms and dads.
因此,现在一场新的革命正在酝酿之中,目标是扭转那股父母对孩子机会荒谬的过分保护和投资的潮流。 blog.sina.com.cn

Breed of dog known for its intelligence, strong and enthusiastic herding instinct, and protectiveness;
澳大利亚牧羊犬以其聪慧,强壮、满腔热情和充满保护欲的牧犬本能而闻名; blog.sina.com.cn

If you do this right, she should feel the tenderness and protectiveness behind your touch.
如果你做的合适的话她在你抚摸之外感到的是温柔和被保护的感觉。 yeeyan

In recent years, the study of environmental hydrogeology incessantly deepens. The assessment of natural protectiveness of the non- saturated zone develops from qualitative to quantitative way.
近年来,环境水文地质的研究不断深入,对非饱和带自然防护性的评价逐步由定性走向定量。 cnki

Likewise, when you feel tender feelings of attraction and protectiveness for your woman, and you stroke her hair, it makes her feel loved and safe.
同样的,当你让你的女人感觉到了富有吸引力和安全感的温柔时,同时抚摸她的头发,这会让她感觉到爱和安全。 yeeyan

One sibling can trigger a mother's inflexibility or anger or dependence, while another evokes protectiveness and empathy.
一个孩子可以惹出母亲的顽固或愤怒或依赖,同时另一个孩子又唤起母亲的保护和同情心理。 yeeyan

Possessiveness, jealousy, and protectiveness are high.
占有欲、嫉妒、保护性很强。 yeeyan

This might feel old-school to some, but I have three sons myself and a daughter, and acts of war make you look at your children with greater protectiveness.
这可能让某些人觉得太过守旧,但是我自己有三个儿子和一个女儿,战争让你希望能更大可能的去保护好你的孩子。 yeeyan

With their girl like innocence and fragile features they awaken in you almost a feeling of fatherly protectiveness, you want to protect them from everything bad and evil.
在她们的天真和脆弱的特点像小女孩,她们唤醒你几乎是慈父保护性能的感觉,你保护她们免遭一切坏、邪恶。 blog.sina.com.cn

Young Nim, adorably clothed in outfits more suited to a toddler than a baby chimpanzee, seems perfectly designed to excite feelings of affection and protectiveness.
小时候的尼姆,童装穿在身上即得体又可爱,与其说是小猩猩,倒不如说是一个真正的人类小宝贝,似乎总是恰到好处地激发人的怜爱和保护之情。 yeeyan




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