

单词 protective
释义 pro·tec·tive 英prəˈtektɪv美prəˈtɛktɪvAHDprə-tĕkʹtĭv ★★☆☆☆高四六I4八COCA⁵⁵²⁵BNC⁵³³³iWeb⁴²³⁸Economist⁷²¹⁷


that gives protection


having or showing a wish to protect

intended or adapted to afford protection of some kind;

a protective covering

the use of protective masks and equipment

protective coatings

kept the drunken sailor in protective custody

animals with protective coloring

protective tariffs

showing care;

a protective mother

usually followed by `of' solicitously caring or mindful;

protective of his reputation

用作形容词 adj.
~+名词protective clothing防毒衣protective color〔device〕保护色〔装置〕protective foods保健食品protective instinct〔tariff, trade〕保护本能〔关税,贸易〕~+介词protective towards对…有保护的protective towards one's children袒护自己的孩子
pro在前面,向前+tect遮盖+ive形容词后缀,表功能和倾向→用来在前面遮盖的⇒保护的,防护的。非常记忆protect保护〖熟词〗+ive衣服〖谐音〗⇒这是一件受保护的金丝衣服方振宇词汇奥秘pro前面+tect掩盖+ive…的→保护的,防护的蒋争熟词记忆protect保护-ive…的⇒保护的;防护的近义词 warmcarefulwatchful反义词 aggressivethreatening
~+ n.He wears a protective clothing.他穿了一件防护衣。
We feel safe with a protective device in the house.我们因为家里有了防护装置而感到安全。
S+be+~+ prep .-phraseA mother naturally feels protective towards her children.做母亲的天生要保护自己的孩子。
She's too protective towards her children; she should let them be more independent.她对孩子太过爱护,她应当给她们更多的独立性。Pcryoprotectivea.防冷冻的Patheroprotectivea.抗动脉粥样化的Poverprotectivea.过分保护的过分溺爱的

用作形容词The earth's magnetosphere is at onceprotectiveand dangerous.地球的磁层既具有保护的功能,却又极其危险。
During the launch phase, it would ride in aprotectivealuminum shell.在发射阶段,它盛在一只保护的铝壳里。adj.guarding, securing
同义词 careful,defensive,jealous,possessive,vigilant,warm,watchfulconservational,conservative,covering,custodial,emergency,guardianinsulatingpreservative,protecting,safeguarding,sheltering,shielding
反义词 careless,inattentive,negligentattacking,harmful,hurtful,injurious,threatening
carefuladjective cautious;painstaking
accurate,alert,apprehensive,assiduous,attentive,chary,choosy,circumspect,concerned,conscientious,conservative,cool,deliberate,detail-oriented,discreet,exacting,fastidious,finicky,fussy,going to great lengths,guarded,heedful,judicious,leery,meticulous,mindful,observant,particular,playing safe,precise,prim,provident,prudent,punctilious,regardful,religious,rigorous,scrupulous,selfdisciplined,shy,sober,solicitous,solid,thorough,thoughtful,vigilant,wary
fatherlikeadjective fatherly
fatherlyadverb parently
jealousadjective desirous;wary
maternaladjective motherly
more carefuladjective cautious;painstaking
accurate,alert,apprehensive,assiduous,attentive,chary,choosy,circumspect,concerned,conscientious,conservative,cool,deliberate,discreet,exacting,fastidious,finicky,fussy,going to great lengths,guarded,heedful,judicious,leery,meticulous,mindful,observant,particular,playing safe,precise,prim,protective,provident,prudent,punctilious,regardful,religious,rigorous,scrupulous,selfdisciplined,shy,sober,solicitous,solid,thorough,thoughtful,vigilant,wary No hospital staff involved in the care of patients, in some instances without adequate personal protective equipment, have developed the disease.
从事护理患者的医院工作人员,在某些情况未穿戴充足的个人防护设备,均未染上该病。 who

The turbine hall. It is rather noisy in the hall, all workers go in special protective headpieces or earplugs.
涡轮大厅。大厅中的噪音相当大,所有的工人进入大厅都穿戴特殊的保护性头盔或耳塞。 yeeyan

“ So you can see that many of us are below that threshold level that we believe confers protective benefits, ” says Arendash.
“所以你可以看到,我们许多人的摄入量低于能收到保护效果的阈值水平,”阿里达什说。 yeeyan

An internal head injury is usually more serious because the skull serves as the protective helmet for the delicate brain.
而闭合性损伤通常是更严重的,因为颅骨就像一个头盔一样,保护着我们精密的大脑。 yeeyan

Before he starts he must put on two sets of protective clothing, four pairs of gloves and a helmet with breathing apparatus, all of which is taped up so that not a particle of skin is exposed.
在他工作之前,他要穿上两套防护服,四双手套,一个带有呼吸系统的安全帽,这所有的一切都是为了把自己规整的实在,确保没有一丁点的皮肤暴露在外。 ecocn

Besides their protective gear, Tokyo Electric is limiting the amount of radiation to which the workers can be exposed.
除了他们的防护装备,东京电力正在限制工作人员们可以接触的放射线的剂量。 yeeyan

Even with the protective gear, the scientists often operated at the edge of safety.
即使有保护装置,科学家们仍然常常是在危险的边缘进行工作。 yeeyan

Having sworn my source to protective secrecy as well, I declined to say.
由于承诺要对消息来源加以保护和保密,我拒绝说明。 yeeyan

However, almost all of these are owned at least in part by the government and benefit from protective barriers in their home market.
然而,几乎所有这些中国公司至少部分地由政府拥有并从国内市场的保护性壁垒中渔利。 yeeyan

However, any increase in surface build-up of gritty dust and dirt should be a warning for taking protective measures.
然而,任何地表沙粒和土尘堆积物的增加,即应当是要采取保护性措施的一种警报。 yeeyan

If melanin does have this protective effect, one question that comes to mind is why melanin is not found in all testicles.
如果黑色素的确拥有防护效果,另一个问题是黑色素为什么没有在其他所有的睾丸中被发现。 yeeyan

If you actually succeed in making one of them and you do not possess and use the proper protective equipment, it will probably be the last thing you do.

Most of the cells in our bodies contain long molecules of DNA called chromosomes that have protective caps at either end called telomeres.
我们身体中的大部分细胞都含有叫作染色体的 DNA分子长链。 染色体在其两端有保护帽,叫做端粒。 yeeyan

Part of the fun of bombing down a trail is knowing it's just you ideally sporting some protective equipment, taking on whatever comes your way.
轰炸了线索的部分乐趣,是知道这只是你理想的运动有一定的保护设备对任何来自你的方式。 yeeyan

Researchers are not sure why, but they suggested that the potential protective effects of the female hormone estrogen and the skin pigment melanin should be investigated as potential reasons.
研究人员还不能确定为何会出现这种情况,不过他们建议,应该把雌激素和皮肤黑色素的潜在保护作用作为可能的原因进行调查。 cri

The members themselves welcomed this decision as a protective measure, and not as an attempt to veil their deliberations and decisions in secrecy.
委员会成员们欢迎这一决定,认为这是一项保护性措施,而不是秘密掩饰其讨论情况和作出的决定。 who

The soldiers have good reason to be protective.
士兵们有充分的理由做好保护工作。 yeeyan

They have asked for a nurse, mini clinic, vehicle, protective clothing, gloves, and masks. So far, they have none of them.
他们申请配给一名护士、小型诊所、车辆、防护服、手套和口罩,可到目前为止,他们还什么都没有得到。 who

They anesthetized her to remove a piece of her scalp and skull and fold back a protective membrane underneath.
他们把她麻醉切去了她的一块头皮和颅骨,最后他们在下面用保护的假膜缝合起来。 yeeyan

They had so much rubble to clear, he says, that they often keeled over in the heat under the weight of their protective gear.
他们有如此多的碎石需要清理,他说,在那里他们经常需要在炙热、笨重的保护装置下面翻身。 ecocn

Universal precautions include washing hands and using protective barriers for direct contact with blood and other body fluids.
普遍预防措施包括洗手及在与血液和其他体液的直接接触时使用保护屏障。 yeeyan

WHO therefore recommends, for certain avian influenza viruses, a series of protective measures aimed at preventing human infections in persons at high risk of exposure.
因此,世卫组织针对某些禽流感病毒,建议采取一系列保护性措施,旨在预防在高危人群中出现人类感染。 who




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