

单词 Protean
释义 pro·te·an 英ˈprəʊtiːən, prəʊˈtiː-美ˈprotiən, proˈti-AHDprōʹtē-ən, prō-tēʹ- ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝COCA⁴⁸⁶⁵⁶BNC⁶¹⁰¹¹iWeb⁴⁵⁴⁴⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

taking on different forms;

eyes…of that baffling protean grey which is never twice the same

protean: 'prəʊtɪən; prəʊ'tiːən adj.千变万化的,一人分饰多角的,变形虫的GRE红宝书源于: Proteus普罗特斯, 一个能任意改变自己外形的海神
pro + ocean 海洋,原指希腊神话中的普罗特斯, 任意变化自己外形的海神;protein 蛋白质,改变基因顺序能变化成各种物质;
用作形容词Yet inproteanChina, one constant is that opposing the Communist state brings down a mailed fist.然而,在千变万化的中国,常有的现象是反对共产主义国家会导致铁腕手段。
In today's art world, a place without living culture heroes, you can't even imagine such aproteanmonster arising.在今天不存在文化英雄的艺术世界里,你甚至无法想像这样一位千变万化的怪物产生。adj.versatile
同义词 multifacetedable,accomplished,adaptable,adroit,all-around,all-purpose,all-round,ambidextrous,conversant,dexterous,elastic,facile,functional,gifted,handy,ingenuous,many-sided,mobile,plastic,pliable,puttylike,ready,resourceful,skilled,skillful,talented,variable,varied,various
all-roundadjective versatile
changeableadjective erratic
fluidadjective adaptable, changeable
interdisciplinaryadjective combining two or more academic fields
many-sidedadjective versatile
multidisciplinaryadjective combining several branches of learning
ambidextrous,associative,collaborative,combiningincorporativeintegrative,interdisciplinary,many-sided,multifaceted,protean,synthesizing,versatile A remarkably protean actor, Alec Guinness could take on any role.
艾外克?吉尼斯特别多才多艺,可以扮演任何角色。 my.pclady.com.cn

And yet the network has one proven advantage: its protean ability to adapt to circumstance.
经证实,这一网络有一个优势,即适应环境的高度灵活性。 ecocn

The borders of this new world will remain protean, subject to change over time.
世界新格局的界线还将随着时间的推移而不断变化。 yeeyan

The clinical manifestations are protean with multisystem involvement.
临床表现是千变万化的多系统参与。 syyxw.com

The strength, flexibility, velocity of the fingers and the protean piano fingering are the base of piano playing, hence, fingering training is extremely emphasized in piano teaching.
十个手指的力度、灵敏度、速度及千变万化的触健方式,是钢琴演奏之基础。 dictall

The witness' protean tactics under cross- examination gave the impression that he was untrustworthy.
在严密的询问下,证人反复无常的策略给人的印象是他不可靠。 blog.sina.com.cn

Against the difficult problems in protean month sales volume of goods, the method of cloud model is proposed to do month sale forecasting.
针对营销企业商品月销售数量变化不定的难点,提出了基于云模型的商品月销售量的预测方法。 com

He loved to show off his protean talent.
他喜欢炫耀他的各式各样的才能。 douban

Indeed, the world is protean, doubt is emerge in endlessly, the answer is rich and colorful.
的确,世界是千变万化的,疑问是层出不穷的,答案是丰富多彩的。 yulexiuxian5

Many people consider him much too close to California’s greedy unions for comfort, but he is sharp, politically protean and well known.
许多人认为他为了获得支持而和贪婪的联盟走得过近,但是他机警灵敏、政治多变和知名度高。 ecocn

Mr. Jobs, the brilliant and protean creator whose inventions so utterly transformed the allure of technology, turned those childhood lessons into an all- purpose theory of intelligent design.
乔布斯,这位才华横溢不拘一格的创造者,他的产品彻底的改变了科技的魅力,把孩童时的经历转变成了智能设计的通用理论。 yeeyan

No one believes such a resilient and protean enemy can be completely snuffed out by 2014.
没有人相信这种有很强适应性和变化多端的敌人能够在2014年被完全消灭。 ecocn

SEO's protean content and the chain is not a problem, the place also capable these two aspects.
合肥百度优化的千变万化无外乎就是内容和外链,出问题的地方也无外乎这两个方面。 blog.sina.com.cn

So protean are its forms and so varied its features that even specialist prognoses of aggressiveness, invasion and response to treatment have typically generated more exceptions than rules.
其形式如此千变万化,其特征如此诡异无常,以致专家预测其侵袭性、入侵和对治疗的反应通常造成了远比规则更多的异常。 ecocn

Sri Lanka is a protean and wonderful paradise.
斯里兰卡是一个千变万化和精彩万分的人间天堂。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The leaves began to volumes of falling, dark clouds start protean.
树叶开始大团大团的掉落,乌云开始千变万化。 qqniux

The results demonstrate that mostly composition of this gall-stones is cholesterol and intermixture with some protean and inorganic calcium salt.
结果表明:此胆结石形体的主要成份为胆固醇,仅含有少量的蛋白质和无机钙盐。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn

The weather becomes protean due to the pollution's influence of long duration.
因为污染的长期持久的影响,天气变化无常。 ebigear

Water, despite its protean appearance, has a lot of internal structure, particularly when it is cool.
尽管水无有定形,但却具有许多内部结构,当其冷却时则尤为明显。 ecocn




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