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词汇 prostrate
释义 pros·trate 英ˈprɒsˌtreɪt美ˈprɑsˌtretAHDprŏsʹtrāt' ☆☆☆☆☆高四GIS宝COCA³⁷⁸⁰⁰BNC²⁹⁴⁴⁵iWeb²⁵¹⁷¹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

stretched out and lying at full length along the ground;

found himself lying flat on the floor

lying face downward
get into a prostrate position, as in submissionrender helpless or defenseless;

They prostrated the enemy

throw down flat, as on the ground;

She prostrated herself with frustration

来自拉丁语prostratus,俯伏的,来自prosternere,俯伏,拜倒,来自pro-,向前,sternere,展开,张开,词源同stratum,structure.prostrate stem平卧茎
pro向前+stra伸展,铺开+te拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,=ed,在此构成动词和形容词→使身体向前伸展平铺到地上→使…俯卧,使…拜倒,使…沮丧,使…衰竭⇒俯卧的,拜倒的,被降伏的,沮丧的,衰竭的。GRE红宝书pro前, strate = staten 国家: 对于国家的前任领导人要屈服-俯卧
pro支持 + strategy 支持策略,佩服得五体投地
词根记忆pro前+strate=前后回一贯层次上=俯卧近义词 low低的down向下tire轮胎level数量flat平坦的lying说谎的overcome战胜bow down鞠躬prone易于 … 的helpless无助的obedient服从的powerless无力的exhausted用完的desperate绝望的miserable痛苦的depressed沮丧的horizontal水平的dispirited沮丧的face down正面朝下acquiescent默许的conformable一致的defenseless无防备的at a low ebb处于低潮drained动词drain的过去式,…reclining动词recline的现在…

用作形容词The prisoners were forced to lieprostratein front of their captors.囚犯们被迫在逮捕他们的那些人面前卧倒。
The country,prostrateafter years of war,began slowly to recover.这个国家连年战争元气尽失后
The illness left herprostratefor several weeks.这场病把她拖倒了几个星期。用作动词The slavesprostratedthemselves at their master's feet.奴隶们拜倒在主子的脚下.
The trees wereprostratedby the gales.这些树被大风刮倒了。
The competitors wereprostratedby the heat.竞赛者们由于天气炎热而力不从心。
Two of the runners collapsed in a state of prostration.有两名赛跑选手因虚脱而倒下了。adj.flat, horizontal
同义词 recliningprocumbent,prone,recumbent,supine
反义词 erect,upright,verticaladj.helpless
同义词 beaten,disarmed,open,overcome,overpowered,overwhelmed,paralyzed,reduceddefenseless,impotent,powerless,weak
反义词 hale,healthy,self-sufficient,strongadj.tired, worn
同义词 crippled,dejected,depressed,disarmed,drained,drowned,exhausted,fagged,frazzled,immobilized,incapacitated,overcome,paralyzed,spent,tuckered,weariedbowed low,inconsolable,knocked over,obedient,pooped,worn-out
反义词 cheerful,encouraged,happy,livelyhale,healthy,strongverb.fall on knees;submit
同义词 kneelabase,bow,cringe,grovel,kowtow,obey,surrenderbow down,cast before,fall at feet
反义词 fightstand,straightenverb.overwhelm;wear out
同义词 cripple,debilitate,defeat,destroy,disable,disarm,drain,drown,exhaust,fatigue,fell,floor,frazzle,immobilize,impair,incapacitate,level,mow,overcome,overpower,overthrow,overtire,overturn,paralyze,reduce,ruin,sap,tire,weary,whelm,wreckbring low,knock over,tucker out
反义词 activate,assist,build,construct,create,enable,encourage,energize,grow,improve,increase,invigorate,mobilize,raise,refresh,repair,strengthenassuage,erect,soothe
bedriddenadjective sick in bed
ailing,disabled,flat on one's back,ill,incapacitated,infirm,invalid,laid up
bring downverb reduce or hurt
KO,abase,cut down,damage,drop,fell,floor,injure,knock down,lay low,level,lower,mow down,murder,overthrow,overturn,prostrate,pull down,shoot down,slay,throw down,tumble,undermine,upset,wound
brought downverb reduce or hurt
KOED,abased,cut down,damaged,dropped,fell,floored,injured,knocked down,lay low,leveled,lowered,mowed down,murdered,overthrew,overturned,prostrated,pulled down,shot down,slew,threw down,tumbled,undermined,upset,wound
creepingadjective given to creeping
climbing,clinging,growing along the ground,horizontal,procumbent,prostrate,recumbent,reptant,reptilian,serpentine,spreading,stoloniferous,trailing,vermicular,vinelike
crippleverb disable;make lame
debilitateverb incapacitate
attenuate,blunt,cripple,devitalize,disable,enervate,enfeeble,eviscerate,exhaust,extenuate,harm,hurt,injure,mar,prostrate,relax,sap,spoil,unbrace,undermine,unstrengthen,weaken,wear out A prostrate commerce is to be rebuilt and all industries encouraged.
我们将重建不景气的商业,振兴所有的工业。 hjenglish

Full Papal Bow Fully prostrate, while kissing the runway.
罗马教皇式深鞠躬:完全卧倒,同时亲吻机场的跑道。 iciba

On the walls he had nailed a few pictures of gods cut out of old calendars, and made the children prostrate themselves in front of them before sending them away with a piece of sugar candy each.
墙上钉着的是一些从旧挂历上剪下来的神像,他让孩子们在这面前俯首跪拜,然后发给他们一人一块糖,把他们打发走。 yeeyan

An inner cloud of dust rose around the prostrate figures amid the general one of the room, in which a twitching entanglement of arms and legs was discernible.
屋内已是一片尘土,现在又在跌下去的人四周飞扬起更浓的尘埃,尘埃中隐约只见一些胳膊大腿纠缠在一起。 hjenglish

Apples are rich in vitamins and helps to reduce risks of colon cancer, prostrate cancer and lung cancer.
苹果富含维生素,有助于减少患结肠癌、前列腺癌、肺癌的可能性。 yeeyan

As the corpse cooled, all aspects of his life and legacy were detailed by a prostrate media.
随着体温的冷却,他的生活和遗产等所有方面都被媒体详细报导。 yeeyan

Berlin, which holds virtual veto power over E.U. decisions, has pushed prostrate euro- zone partners into painful reform programs in an attempt to rebuild investor confidence.
握有欧盟否决权的柏林,在敦促步履蹒跚的欧元成员国拿出壮士断腕的精神进行改革,以重建投资者信心。 yeeyan

By the dim light of the candle, a large tear could be distinguished on the pale and prostrate colonel's cheek, where it had trickled from his dead eye.
从那朦胧的烛光中,可以看到在躺着不动、颜色惨白的上校的脸上,有一大颗从那死了的眼里流出的泪珠。 ebigear

He remained there until daylight, in the same attitude, bent double over that bed, prostrate beneath the enormity of fate, crushed, perchance, alas!
他用同样的姿势呆到天明,在床上,上身扑在两膝上,被巨大的命运所压服,也许被压垮了,唉! ebigear

He stumbled over Luke's prostrate body.

I found most pitiful a family gathered around a prostrate brown-and-white brindled cow.
我看到的最悲悯的画面是,一家人围着一头衰弱的黄白相间的牛。 yeeyan

I lay prostrate before the LORD those forty days and forty nights because the LORD had said he would destroy you.
我因耶和华说要灭绝你们,就在耶和华面前照旧俯伏四十昼夜。 ebigear

Linton had sunk prostrate again in another paroxysm of helpless fear, caused by his father's glance towards him, I suppose: there was nothing else to produce such humiliation.

No Italian banks went bust, and rather than having to prostrate itself before the IMF or the EU, Italy became one of the biggest contributors to rescue funds for troubled European economies.
意大利银行没有一家宣布破产,也没有一家向 IMF或 EU低头要钱,相反意大利成为欧洲问题经济救助基金中最大的共享者之一。 ecocn

One day Murlock returned from gunning in a distant part of the forest to find his wife prostrate with fever, and delirious.
有一天,摩洛克打猎归来,在森林里较远的地方发现他的妻子因为高烧昏迷,倒在地上。 yeeyan

She agonized over its prostrate form, pulling her hair back from her face, her other hand pressed against her lips.
她为它倒伏的身影烦恼不堪,她掠开面前的头发,另一只手捂着嘴唇。 ebigear

Sumer and its great civilization lie prostrate.

The most repugnant thing is to prostrate yourself to another human being and adore him or her.

Then Deucalion and Pyrrha, entering a temple defaced with slime, approached the enkindled altar and, falling prostrate, prayed for guidance and aid.
这时丢卡利翁和皮拉走进了一个溅满了泥浆的神庙里,在香火未燃的祭坛前,他俩俯身在地祈求神祗的指引和帮助。 ebigear

This crisis is not simply about prostrate cancer or heart disease.
这种危机不是简单地指前列腺癌或者心脏病。 ebigear




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