

单词 prostheses
释义 pros·the·sis 英prɑs'θisɪs美prɑs'θisɪs COCA³¹⁴⁴⁴BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺
corrective consisting of a replacement for a part of the bodymechanical valve prosthesis机械瓣膜suture with weaving prosthesis编织假体缝合法…elbow prosthesis假肘blood prosthesis人造血液heart valve prosthesis人工心脏瓣膜…prosthesis replacement假体置换术finger prosthesis人工指nasal prosthesis假鼻dental prosthesis假牙blood vessel prosthesis人造血管joint prosthesis人工关节faulty prosthesis不良假体vascular prosthesis人工血管, 血管人工…ocular prosthesis人工眼,眼修复术,假…forearm prosthesis前臂假肢fixed prosthesis固定修复hip prosthesis instruments set人工髋关节手术器械包…diaphragmatic prosthesis人工横膈stapes prosthesis人工镫骨装置…
prosth-eseS,⇒n.弥补;假体⁹⁰;添字首音³近义词 prosthetic device假肢器官

用作名词Visual prosthesis is a new technology which can restore some of the blind vision.视觉假体是一种能帮助盲人恢复部分视觉的新科技产物。as in.artificial limb
同义词 artificial arm,artificial leg,fake limb,pegleg,wooden leg
artificial limbnoun prosthetic device
artificial arm,artificial leg,fake limb,pegleg,prosthesis,wooden leg Because geometrical tolerances of manufacturing hip joint prostheses matching section are usually not strict, hip joint prostheses can be manufactured without CNC machine tool.
通常髋关节股骨侧假体匹配段尺寸公差要求并不严格,加工这种髋关节股骨侧假体可不采用数控加工中心。 cnki

As various prostheses become available for widespread usage, both surgical technique and implant design will dictate the success of this procedure.
由于不同假体的广泛应用,手术技巧和假体设计两者共同决定手术的成败。 opoadoc.net

Australian and American scientists are working on retina prostheses that produce biochemical impulses instead of electrical ones.
澳大利亚和美国科学家正在研究视网膜假体,采用生化脉冲,而不是电脉冲。 dxy

Biomaterials Survey: The composition and properties of selected biomaterials employed for the fabrication of permanent prostheses are summarized.
生物材料的寻找:在此摘要了被选用为制造永久弥补物的生物材料的成分和性质。 myoops

But I would primarily focus on this emerging new class of prostheses that aims to read information out of the brain to help some of the most paralyzed patients.
但是,开始我想重点介绍这一新兴的脑接口,旨在解读大脑外部的信息,帮助严重瘫痪的病人。 v.163.com

Fibrous ridges pose a prosthodontic challenge for the achievement of stable and retentive dental prostheses.
纤维性牙槽嵴修复的固位和稳定性充满挑战。 degree-distance

Grabowski and her colleagues examined how six elite sprinters, each with one amputated leg, ran with their prostheses.
格拉博夫斯基与她的同事研究了6名截去一条腿的优秀短跑运动员如何使用他们的义肢跑步。 yeeyan

He studied physics at university, on the basis that it would provide a good foundation for designing prostheses.
为了能给设计更好的义肢提供良好的基础,他在大学学习了物理学。 ecocn

Implant retained prostheses may not be most suitable treatment option for many patients.
对很多患者而言,种植体支持的修复体也并不适宜。 degree-distance

It is a great pleasure to be with you this afternoon to share some of the recent researches that my group here in Stanford has been conducting on neural prostheses.
今天下午,我非常高兴能与大家一起,分享我们斯坦福大学小组,近期在神经接口方面的部分研究成果。 v.163.com

Knee prostheses commonly include a femoral component to be affixed to the distal femur and a tibial component to be affixed to the proximal tibia.
膝假体通常包括固定在远端股骨上的股骨部件以及固定在近端胫骨上的胫骨部件。 pat365.com

Methods We discussed the choice of operation mode and the relation between the size of resected breast and breast prostheses model as well as some attentions of operation.
方法对手术的方法选择及实施,切除物体积与假体型号的关系,术后注意事项等问题进行探讨。 cnki

Micro-electronic based visual prostheses hold great promise for the treatment of such diseases.
基于微电子学的视觉假体给这些疾病的治疗带来了很大的希望。 fabiao

Objective This paper reported the results of augmentation mammoplasty by using implant of silicon gel breast prostheses simultaneously after radical operation of brest cancer.
目的报告乳癌根治术后,应用硅凝胶乳房假体同期置埋隆乳。 cnki

Our results show that the use of mobile-bearing prostheses instead of fixed-bearing prostheses reduced the risk of radiolucent lines and of complications by statistically insignificant amounts.
我们的研究结果显示使用活动负载假体能够较固定负载假体并不能显著降低假体周围透光线和并发症的发生数量。 oaopdoc

The most commonly used prostheses are body-powered, which capture remaining shoulder motion with a harness and transfer this movement through a cable to operate the hand, wrist, or elbow.
最常使用的义肢是由身体驱动的,它可通过一个固定带捕获残剩的肩膀运动,并将该运动通过一个电缆进行转换来操作手、腕或肘部。 dxy

The idea is to provide a stable foundation on which to place any prostheses and soft tissue used to reconstruct the patient’s pre- injury look.
这种想法为安置用来重构病人受伤前模样的假肢以及软组织提供了坚实的基础。 yeeyan

The idea is to provide a stable foundation on which to place any prostheses and soft tissue used to reconstruct the patient’s pre- injury look.
这个想法是提供一个稳定的基座,在这个基座上安置各种假体和软组织用来重塑患者原来的容貌。 ecocn

The idea is for the retina prostheses to release neurotransmitters according to spatially and temporally controlled patterns and thus stimulate the nerve cells.
这个想法是为了视网膜假体释放神经递质根据空间和时间控制方式,因此刺激神经细胞。 dxy

The passive prostheses come in parts of fingers, whole fingers, hands or arms.
这套被动假肢包括手指的几部分、整根手指、手和胳膊。 huanqiu

The practical uses for this are obvious: amazing new prostheses that can be controlled in an almost-natural fashion.
这项功能的实际用途是显而易见的,人们可以利用它来制造神奇的新型假肢,这种假肢用起来几乎像真的一样。 yeeyan

These wishes were documented by a survey conducted by a research team ten years ago to find out what patients' expectations of electronic retina prosthesesretina implants were.
十年前一个研究团队进行的调查记载下了这些愿望,此调查旨在了解患者对电子视网膜假体的期望。 dxy

This slide and the next will effectively teach you how to design neural prostheses.
这页幻灯片和下一页会告诉大家,如何有效地设计一个神经接口。 v.163.com

Prostheses that would replace the function of the semicircular canals and thus restore balance are under development.
代替半规管起作用从而恢复平衡感的假体正在开发中; yeeyan




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