

单词 prospers
释义 pros·per·s 英'prɒspəʳ美'prɑːspər COCA⁷⁴³⁵⁷BNC⁵⁵⁹⁷⁹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
vi. 成功;兴旺

be successful;thrive

make steady progress; be at the high point in one's career or reach a high point in historical significance or importance;

The new student is thriving

prosper, flourish, thrive


1.flourish和thrive都可指生物发育好, flourish用以指植物,强调枝叶茂密或花果累累, thrive既可指植物,也可指动物和人。

2.flourish, thrive和prosper均可引申表示在某方面兴旺发达, prosper强调在经济上兴旺发达; flourish和thrive强调在某事业上如文化、艺术、科学、体育或某行业上兴旺发达。

3.表示经济繁荣时, flourish, prosper和thrive可互换。

prosper in one's suit求婚成功
近义词 grow增加flower花fare车费thrive兴旺succeed成功burgeon发芽flourish茂盛do well做得好make money赚钱get on穿上,戴上fly high有雄心大志show a profit有利可图反义词 decay使衰退
S+~+AHis business is prospering.他生意兴隆。
用作不及物动词We are bound toprosperbeyond other countries.我们肯定要比其他国家更兴旺繁荣。
The schemes of the wicked oftenprosper.坏人的阴谋常常得逞。
She can'tprosperon the course she's going now.她现在所走的路是没有前途的。
With her at the wheel, the company began toprosper.有了她当主管,公司开始兴旺起来。
But for human selfishness, all mightprosper.如果不是人类的自私,一切就都会繁荣了。 Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.
我所使你们被掳到的那城、你们要为那城求平安、为那城祷告耶和华、因为那城得平安、你们也随著得平安。 bbintl

As the United States suffers under Obamanomics, China prospers under Capitalism.

The more Americans who prosper, the more America prospers.
有更多的美国人富起来,美国也才能更加繁荣。 yeeyan

As Indonesia prospers, its birth rate is falling; South Asia’s remains very high.
随着印度尼西亚走向繁荣,该国的出生率正在下降,而南亚的出生率则依旧保持在很高的水平上。 ecocn

But thanks to its unique position in the history of culture, fiction survives and prospers, absorbing all literary and cultural elements from historical documentation s, songs and lyrics.
然而恰恰因为它的独特地位,使其能够海纳百川,汲取史传、诗歌等话语系统的营养。 cnki

Developments in China over the last few years have shown that whenever an area carries out reform and opens to the outside world, it prospers.
我国几年来的发展情况表明,凡是实行改革、开放政策的地方都搞得好。 ebigear

If the company prospers the value of the stock will rise and distribution of profits also increases.
如果公司发展得好,股票价格会上升,利润分配也增加。 yeeyan

If we keep winning battles in the war on terrorism, they may need to find a line of work that prospers in peacetime.
如果我们继续赢得反恐战争胜利,那么他们需要重新找到一条和平时期实现繁荣的道路。 yeeyan

In the Arctic, above the ice and below, wildlife prospers in what might seem to be an inhospitable environment.
在北极圈,在冰层上下,野生动植物在一个看起来无法居住的环境中繁荣昌盛。 ebigear

Indeed, as China prospers, Hong Kong will benefit as well.
事实上,随着中国日趋繁荣,香港亦会受惠。 hotdic

One of the achievements of Chinese reform and opening-up is that, under the guidance of socialist market economy principles, the country prospers quickly.
中国改革开放的成果之一,就是在社会主义市场经济原则的指导下,使国家迅速得以富强起来。 cnki

Take a sheet of paper. Better still, take a whole sheaf; writing prospers with comfort and cushioning.
拿出一张纸,最好是一整沓纸,倚着一个靠垫舒舒服服地大写特写。 yeeyan

The country prospers under his leadership.
该国经他领导,繁荣昌盛。 blogbus

We conclude that when the rate of the RMB exchange rate appreciates, the present stock market prospers;
得出结论,人民币汇率升值幅度大,股票市场的呈现繁荣; fabiao

When Singa pore prospers, you will benefit from many government programmes: better designed HDB estates, higher quality schools and hospitals, more MRT lines and new places for recreation.
如果新加坡欣欣向荣,人民可以从许许多多的政策中受惠,包括更美观实用的组屋;素质更高的学校和医院;更多的地铁线; hjenglish

Yet, in reality, evil often prospers and never pays the price.
然而现实中,坏人却常常成功,而且不用付出代价。 yeeyan




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