

单词 prospects
释义 Pros·pect·s 英'prɒspekt美'prɑːspekt COCA⁵⁶²⁰BNC³⁴⁵⁸Economist¹⁸¹⁰

a wide distant view


reasonable hope of sth happening; sth which is probable soon

C可能成为主顾的人; 有希望的候选人

a person who may perhaps buy one's goods, accept a job one is offering, etc.

the possibility of future success;

his prospects as a writer are excellent

belief about or mental picture of the futuresomeone who is considered for something for an office or prize or honor etc.the visual percept of a region;

the most desirable feature of the park are the beautiful views

a prediction of the course of a disease
search for something desirable;

prospect a job

explore for useful or valuable things or substances, such as minerals
prospect, scene, scenery, sight, view


1.prospect指从高处眺望所见到的景色,前景; scene指局部的、一眼可见全貌的风景或景色,不限于自然的风景,也常指戏剧、电影、小说等的场景、布景; scenery则指某一国家或某一地区的整体的自然风景; sight指眼见的景色,如供人游览之地的“景”或“景色”,尤指人工制成的景; view则主要指从高处俯视到的景色。例如:

The prospect from the hill is yet more beautiful.从山上眺望风景更为美丽。
The West Lake is remarkable for its scenery.西湖以其风景著名。
The Great Wall is one of the most breath-taking sights in the world.长城是世界上最惊人的壮观景象之一。
There is a lovely view from this window.从这个窗子可以看到一片秀丽的景色。


15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的prospectus:pro- 向前) +specere (看),意为观点
用作名词 (n.
动词+~brighten the prospect照亮前程enjoy the prospect赏景shut out the prospect挡住景色形容词+~bleak prospect荒凉的景色bright〔brilliant〕 prospect辉煌的前程depressing prospect暗淡的前景distant prospect远景favorable〔promising〕 prospect很有希望的前景
用作名词n.in prospect

可以指望,即将出现going to be necessary

近义词 hopeoutlookpromiselandscape反义词 retrospect回顾
用作名词n.From the top of the hill there's a beautiful prospect over the valley.从山顶俯视,山谷间的美景一览无余。
John is in high spirits at the prospect.约翰对前景充满希望。
He doesn't like the prospect of having to live alone.他不喜欢未来可能要独居。
He recognized an easy prospect when he saw one!他一眼就能看出来可能会成为主顾的人。
She's a good prospect for the national team.她有可能选入国家队。


He has good prospects.他大有前途。

have a reasonable prospect of doing及have no prospect of doing是正式的书面英语用法。

用作名词A rich harvest is inprospect.丰收在望。
I see littleprospectof an improvement in his condition.我看他的情况没有什么改进的希望。
What do you think about the marketingprospect?你觉得市场前景怎么样?
Theprospectfrom the balcony was breathtaking.从阳台上看去景色美极了。用作动词They went there toprospectfor gold .他们去那儿勘探金矿。
Additionally, theprospectidentification process for the Rotary Centers Major Gifts Initiative will be useful to garner support for other programs as well.此外,扶轮中心巨金捐献活动潜在人士的寻找将同样有助于获得其它计划的支援。as in.circumstances
同义词 assets,capital,chances,class,command,degree,dowry,footing,income,lifestyle,lot,means,outlook,position,precedence,prestige,property,prosperity,rank,rating,resources,situation,sphere,standing,state,station,status,substance,timesfinancial status,net worth,way of life,worldly goods
反义词 debt,poorness,povertyas in.mailing list
同义词 recipients,subscribersas in.outlook
同义词 chance,expectation,forecast,opportunity,possibility,prospect,riskappearances,likelihood,opening,probabilitylaw of averages,normal course
反义词 certainty,unlikelihoodindifference,pastas in.possibilities
同义词 capabilities,potentiality,promise,talent
反义词 impossible
circumstancesnoun state of affairs in one's life
assets,capitals,chances,classes,commands,degrees,dowries,financial statuses,footings,incomes,lifestyles,lots,means,net worths,outlooks,positions,precedence,prestige,properties,prosperity,ranks,ratings,resources,situations,spheres,standings,states,stations,statuses,substances,times,way of lifes,worldly goods
mailing listnoun address list
outlooknoun probable future
appearances,chance,expectation,forecast,law of averages,likelihood,normal course,opening,opportunity,possibility,probability,prospect,prospects,risk
possibilitiesnoun potential
capabilities,potentialities,promises,prospects,talents Against this background, let me profile our new prospects for success that you will be exploring during this forum.
在此背景下,让我概述一下你们将在本论坛期间探讨的成功的新前景。 who

Although the books disagree somewhat about Pakistan’s prospects, they are not far apart on at least one important aspect of its past.
虽然这两本书在巴基斯坦的前景问题上有点不一致,但它们至少在过去重要的一面观点相去不远。 ecocn

And, we fear for the future of this nation, for the prospects of equality and democracy for our grandchildren.
而且,我们为这个民族的将来感到担忧,为我们子孙平等与民主的前景感到担忧。 yeeyan

But as they build up debts, not all these students will be improving their job prospects.
但是这么做像是在高筑债台,并非所有同学的就业前景都会有所改观。 topsage

If that were right, prospects for the zone as a whole would be little brighter.
如果这些都正确,那么它将对于整个欧元区的预期带来一丝光明。 ecocn

In any case, you can decide during each round whether to gamble more of your chips to buy more information about your prospects of a win, or to fold based on what you know already.
在任何情况下,你都可以在每一轮决定是否要更多的牌以购买更多的关于你获胜前景的信息,或是基于你已经知道的而放弃。 ibm

It needs to, since the prospects of some of its allies elsewhere are even worse.
它也必须这样,因为该党在其他地方的一些盟友前景更糟糕。 ecocn

Job prospects are bright.

She spent the next decade teaching and working as a research associate but soon realized that, as a woman, her prospects for advancement at a research institution were limited.
接下来的十年间,她作为一名研究助理,一面教学一面工作。但是,她很快了解到,作为一名女性,她在研究机构发展的前景实在有限。 newchannel

Stores that cater to well- off women have perhaps the best prospects this season.
迎合手头宽裕的女士的商店在本季也许会有最好的前景。 ecocn

There are elements of your business that you take for granted, but prospects would be amazed if they knew the details.
在你的公司里有很多你认为是理所当然的元素,而“前景”却会为它们惊叹如果它知道细节的话。 yeeyan

These people make excellent prospects for your products or services because of your indirect association with them.
这些人,因为你与他们间接的联系,为您的产品或服务创造良好的前景。 yeeyan

Think about it: your customers and prospects go online every day, but what if you’re not there for them when they need you?
这样考虑一下:你的顾客和和潜在顾客每天都在线上,如果他们需要你时,你不在线上? yeeyan

This would only harm us and our prospects for recovery.
这些只会伤害我们,损害复苏的前景。 ebigear

Unless we begin to pay attention and meet our challenge as stewards of a priceless heritage, our nation and the prospects of all individuals dwelling here in years to come will suffer.
除非我们作为无价遗产的掌管人开始关注并迎接我们的挑战,否则我们的国家和居住于此的每一个人的前景将在未来多年蒙受损失。 yeeyan

What are the prospects for finding planets farther out?
在更深的宇宙找到行星的前景是什么? yeeyan

When you do, what happens to your job prospects?
当你这么做了,你的就业前景会是怎样的呢? yeeyan

Without money or prospects, some have turned to crime, helping to swell a prison population estimated to be up to 70% Muslim.
没有钱也没有前景,一些人就走上了犯罪的道路,导致监狱人口中估计有多达70%是穆斯林。 yeeyan




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