

单词 prosopagnosia
释义 prosopagnosia 英prɒsɒpɑːɡ'nəʊzə美prɒsɒpɑːɡ'nəʊzə COCA¹¹⁸⁵¹⁷BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹iWeb⁵⁹¹²⁴
A person's response to prosopagnosia seems as varied as the response to vision loss.
一个人对人面失认症跟对视力丧失一样是各式各样的。 yeeyan

A person's response to prosopagnosia seems as varied as the response to vision loss. Heather Sellers, whose recent book discusses her own face blindness, became very social.
一个人对人面失认症跟对视力丧失一样是各式各样的。赫哲·塞拉近期的书说了她的人面识认困难,反而变得很会社交。 yeeyan

At this point, it's worth saying that there are various forms of prosopagnosia, an acquired version which people get after brain damage, and an inherited form, which Oliver Sacks and Chuck Close have.
此时,我们就有必要说说面容失忆症的多种形式:一种是后天的,病症发生在脑部损伤之后;一种是遗传的,就像萨克斯和克劳斯一样。 yeeyan

For some unlucky people, having a problem with facial recognition is more than just strange. It's an affliction known as prosopagnosia, or face blindness.
对一些不幸的人来说,对脸部识别有困难就不仅仅是奇怪的问题了。这种不幸被称为人面识认症或脸盲。 putclub

Functional MRI reveals compromised neural integrity of the face processing network in congenital prosopagnosia.

I wanted to talk about your prosopagnosia, which you write about in The Mind's Eye.
我想谈一谈你的人面失认症,你在《心灵之眼》中提到过。 yeeyan

Many individuals with congenital prosopagnosia- an impairment in face processing- exhibit normal blood oxygenation level- dependent BOLD activation in the core VOTC regions.
先天性面容失认症是一种面部加工损害的疾病,许多患者VOTC核心区域的血氧水平依赖 BOLD活化表现为正常。52medlive.com

Normal face perception is just picking up on the melody of faces while people with prosopagnosia generally lack this ability although to different degrees.
通常的脸部识别就像是在逐步熟悉脸部旋律,而面容失忆症患者一般就缺少这种能力尽管程度不同。 psyjoy

Of course, it's also possible you have a condition called prosopagnosia, or face blindness, in which people suddenly have trouble recognizing family members, friends, or even themselves.
当然,也有可能你符合一种叫做面容失认症的情况,这种病的患者会突然对辨认家庭成员,朋友,甚至他们自己都存在障碍。 yeeyan

She came forward after reading about work that Dr Duchaine had been doing on prosopagnosia, a condition where people are unable to recognise and remember faces.
她是在看到布拉德·迪谢纳博士关于面孔失认症一种无法识别和记忆面孔的病症的相关工作后前来咨询的。 yeeyan

Prosopagnosia can be caused by brain damage from a stroke or head trauma, or degenerative diseases.
重击造成的脑伤,头部创伤,或退化性疾病都能引起面容失认症。 yeeyan




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