释义 |
prose style短语³¹⁶²⁹ 基本例句 散文风格 Abundant in splendidness, the court verdicts of the Tang Dynasty takes the form of rhythmical prose style, a wonder in the Chinese ancient law history. 唐代判牍采用骈体,文采绚烂,是中国古代法制史上判文中的一朵奇葩。 cnki The creation of Chinese modern new poetry have ignored theoretical construction of its own, but put undue emphasis on the colloquial and prose style, and opposed the metrical and standard patterns. 中国现代新诗创作长期以来忽视自身理论建设,片面强调口语化、散文化,而反对新诗的格律化和规范化。 dictall As for her prose style, even the greatest cynic has to marvel at the control with which she employs her characteristic irony. 至于文风呢,即便是最伟大的讽刺大师也不得不为她驾驭她标志式讽刺的能力啧啧称赞。 topsage |