

单词 proscribed
释义 pro·scribe·d 英prə'skraɪb美proʊ'skraɪb 高COCA⁵¹⁹³³BNC⁴⁰²³³iWeb⁴²⁴³²
command against;

I forbid you to call me late at night

Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store

Dad nixed our plans

近义词 nix无ban禁止bar酒吧veto否决forbid禁止exclude排除inhibit抑制disallow驳回prohibit禁止rule out消除interdict禁止

The sale of narcotics isproscribedby law.法律禁止贩卖毒品。 For whereas society has sometimes banned incest, adultery, contraception, abortion, and homosexuality, the Church has glibly proscribed them all.
有时,而社会通奸、乱伦、禁止堕胎、同性恋、避孕,教会他们所有人。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

The condition of having been proscribed; outlawry.
被放逐被放逐的状况; iciba

The sale of narcotics is proscribed by law.

“ Even if official action is proscribed,” says Mr Hyman, “ that could just lead to unofficial strikes, which would be much harder to cope with.”
“即使官方行动被禁止,”海曼表示,“那也可以演变为非官方的罢工,结果将会愈加难以收场。” ecocn

After the attack we had no way to know how much of the proscribed material had been destroyed, but Iraq’s ability to produce and deploy dangerous weapons had plainly been reduced.
袭击之后,我们无法知道有多少违禁原料被销毁,但毫无疑问,伊拉克生产和部署危险武器的能力被大大削弱了。 yeeyan

And it has thought out loud about drafting a law that would subject investments from proscribed countries to special scrutiny.
并且印度还积极考虑起草一项法律,要求对受禁之列国家的投资予以特别的审查。 ecocn

But it was proscribed from recommending particular courses of action.
但根据规定,专家组不能向政府机构提出任何具体的行动建议。 yeeyan

But the Maoists, proscribed by America as terrorists, were on course for a clear majority in the first tranche, with119 seats out of 224.
但是,一直被美国视为恐怖组织的毛派,在直接选举产生的代表中占明显多数,获得224席中的119席。 ecocn

Eventually both LSD and psilocybin were proscribed.
最终 LSD和裸盖菇素都被禁止了。 ecocn

Iraq also continues to acquire banned equipment, with proscribed imports arriving as recently as last month.
伊拉克还继续谋求违禁设备,直至上个月还有违禁进口物到货。 www.soenglish.com.cn

It even proscribed the deliberate cultivation of lascivious thoughts.
它甚至违禁故意栽培的想法。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
材料不应由于党派意识或教义否定,而遭到禁制或移除。 city.finance.sina.com.cn

Since the law applies outside America, this means that contacts with proscribed organisations could leave mediators open to prosecution.
因为这项法律适用于美国以外,这意味着与受取缔组织进行联系会让调解人受到起诉。 ecocn

So far, the test stand has not been associated with a proscribed activity.
迄今为止,并未发现测试架涉及被禁止的活动。 iciba

Talking to or receiving aid from the proscribed organizations is illegal.
据悉,与名单中组织进行语言交流或接受援助均为违法行为。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The Maastricht treaty of1992 proscribed bail-outs of improvident member nations, which was meant to avoid such issues ever arising.
1992年的马斯特里赫特条约禁止对无远见的成员国实行救助,原本就是为了避免这样的问题出现。 renren

The sign states that eating, drinking, and smoking are proscribed in the auditorium.

There are proscribed“ right” and“ wrong” ways to behave when using an elevator.
使用电梯时,有约定俗成的正确的和错误的行为。 xindianti

They represent a proscribed, easily understood method for users to communicate with developers in a manner that validates the positions of both.
它们为用户与开发人员通信提供一种易于理解的方法,在通信时验证用户和开发人员的位置。 ibm

Why pork was proscribed by Hebraic law is still unclear, and some scholars believe that the Torah merely suggested not eating pork at certain restaurants.
希伯莱律法中,猪肉为何属于被禁止之列仍然未明,一些学者认为《律法书》只是建议在某些餐馆不要吃猪肉而已。 douban




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