

单词 prosaic
释义 pro·sa·ic 英prəʊˈzeɪɪk美proˈzeɪkAHDprō-zāʹĭk ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝COCA³²¹⁶⁹BNC²²⁶⁴³iWeb³⁰⁸⁴¹Economist¹⁵⁸⁰⁹

not fanciful or imaginative;

local guides describe the history of various places in matter-of-fact tones

a prosaic and unimaginative essay

lacking wit or imagination;

a pedestrian movie plot

not challenging; dull and lacking excitement;

an unglamorous job greasing engines

来自prose,散文,平白的文字。引申词义没有诗意的,平淡的。GRE红宝书源于: prosen 散文, aic-散文一般单调的pro前面, sai塞, c: 文章的前面塞了很多无聊的东西-单调的
源自prose 散文,散文散文,结构松散,无趣,不像诗那样规整
来自prose散文+aic →散文一般的→单调的
GRE难词记忆prosaic→prosa=prose 散文+ic→散文的→乏味的词根记忆prose散文+ic…像散文一样平淡的prosa=prose散文+ic→散文的⇒乏味的来自prosen.散文近义词 dull呆滞的plain清楚的banal陈腐的prosy散文的simple简单的literal逐字的humdrum单调的mundane平凡的ordinary平凡的everyday日常的practical明智的routine例行公事colorless无色的pedestrian徒步的boring令人厌烦的commonplace平凡的colourless不生动的unglamourous单调的earthbound扎根于地的straightforward易懂的unglamorous没有魅力的run-of-the-mill不出众的matter-of-fact实事求是的

用作形容词It was aprosaicdescription of the scene.这是对场景没有想象力的一个描述。adj.unimaginative
同义词 banal,drab,everyday,humdrum,mundane,workadayactual,blah,boring,clean,colorless,common,commonplace,dead,diddly,dry,dull,factual,flat,garden-variety,hackneyed,ho-hum,irksome,lackluster,lifeless,literal,lowly,lusterless,matter-of-fact,monotonous,nothing,nowhere,ordinary,pabulum,pedestrian,platitudinous,plebeian,practicable,practical,prose,prosy,routine,square,stale,tame,tedious,trite,uneventful,unexceptional,uninspiring,vanilla,vapid,yawn,zero
反义词 exciting,unusualcreative,imaginative,interesting,thinking
boringadjective uninteresting
bromidicadjective trite
colorlessadjective unlively, uninteresting
commonadjective average, ordinary
commonestadjective average, ordinary
commonplaceadjective usual, everyday
boiler plate,characterless,clichéd,colorless,conventional,corny,customary,dime-a-dozen,familiar,familiar tune,garden variety,hackneyed,humdrum,lowly,mainstream,matter-of-course,mediocre,middle-of-the-road,middling,mundane,natural,normal,obvious,ordinary,pedestrian,plebeian,prevalent,prosaic,run-of-the-mill,stale,starch,stereotyped,threadbare,trite,typical,uneventful,unexceptional,uninteresting,unnoteworthy,vanilla,widespread,workaday,worn-out Iceland’s power is trapped in Iceland, and if there is something poetic about the idea of trapped power, there is also something prosaic in how the Icelanders have come to terms with the problem.
冰岛的能量被困在冰岛内部,如果存在一些关于被困能量的诗意想法,那么也存在一些冰岛人的乏味的妥协措施。 yeeyan

The dictionary definition, dry and prosaic, is“ occupation, work, trade, commerce; serious, rightful, proper endeavor.”
词典里的解释枯燥而乏味,是“职业,工作,贸易,企业;正规性,严肃性,恰当的努力”。 yeeyan

Anxious to transform the prosaic into the romantic, his admirers speak of a poet of light and the poetry of silence.
崇拜者们称他为光的诗人,作品中的寂静也充满诗意,他们迫切地想把这单调无奇变成浪漫迷人。 ecocn

At the more prosaic end of the market, sales of dog and cat food are also soaring.
在更为平淡的市场终端上,销售狗食和猫食同样火爆。 ecocn

But then, with Singapore’s trade-dependent economy facing its worst recession in history, most people have more prosaic worries.
但是,在历史上,新加坡的贸易依赖型经济面临最严重的衰退,大多数人有更多平淡的忧虑。 ecocn

But amid all the celebration it is worth asking a prosaic question.
但是,在庆祝之时,有必要问一个平常的问题。 ecocn

But there is another story here, more prosaic but no less important to the future arc of global business and the global balance of power.
除此以外还有一段故事,相比之下稍显乏味但是对世界商业的发展趋势以及全球力量平衡有着不小的重要性。 ecocn

Can you think of many other executives who would turn something so prosaic into folklore?
你能找到很多其他执行官把一些简单乏味的事情变成习俗吗? yeeyan

Directly the assuring and prosaic light of the world's active hours had grown strong she crept from under her hillock of leaves, and looked around boldly.
在世界上这个充满活力的时候,天上使人放心的平凡的光明已经变得强烈了,她立刻从那一堆树叶中爬了出来,大着胆子查看了一下四周。 ebigear

Express non- prosaic data using links to objects such as images, stylesheets and the like.
使用到一些对象如图像、样式表之类的的链接表示特殊的数据。 ibm

Guardiola, though proud of Barca's system, has a more prosaic view.
尽管为巴萨的体系感到骄傲,瓜迪奥拉的观点却很平凡。 yeeyan

He was rejected as Provost of King’s for the more prosaic reason: that he was not an Etonian.
他被拒绝作为皇家学院院长,是出于更加缺乏想象力的理由,即他不是一个伊顿学派的人。 yeeyan

In contrast, the researchers say holding a more prosaic view of your loved one means you are less likely to be disappointed, and therefore more satisfied with your marriage.
相反,研究人员说,用平常心来看待自己的爱人就意味着你不太会失望,所以也就会对婚姻更加满意。 examw

Instead, we spent three months communicating through emails, text messages, and, yes, quick phone calls, usually about the most prosaic of things.
但恰恰相反,在三个月里,我们一直通过邮件,短信和快速电话联系,大部分都显得无聊乏味。 yeeyan

MISSOULA, Mont. — The flying abilities of even the most prosaic bird put airplane maneuvers to shame, and experts here at the University of Montana Flight Laboratory are cognizant of that every day.
蒙大拿州,密苏拉—蒙大拿大学飞行实验室的专家们每天都会认识到即使是最普通的鸟类的飞行能力也能使飞行特技相形见绌。 yeeyan

That's GTD, short for “Getting Things Done, ” the prosaic title of his best-selling book.
这就是 GTD,“尽管去做”的简称,同时也是他的畅销书的朴实无华的标题。 yeeyan

The best explanation for the uneven pattern of rich- world activity is also the most prosaic: America’s recovery is more advanced and its firms have rebuilt their stocks sooner.
对发达世界参差不齐的经济活动表现最合理的解释也是最平淡无奇的:美国的复苏开始得比其他国家早,美国企业对股市的重建也早于其他国家。 ecocn

The first and largest composition was in a decidedly prosaic location: a parking garage on the outer ring of the city.
第一组、也是规模最大的一组照片拍摄于一个十分“平凡”的地点:市郊的一个停车场。 hxen

The reality may be more prosaic, and the agreement of a final summit text on Thursday was the culmination of weeks of work by officials from20 countries.
事实或许要更加乏味,周四公布的峰会协议的最终版本是20个国家的官员数周努力工作的结果。 kuuai.com

The second is, maybe more prosaic, which is Hong Kong.
第二或许是更一般的例子香港的例子。 hjenglish

Their salespeople are passionate about their products, however prosaic, and dogged in their determination to open up new markets.
产品尽管很普通,但他们的店员对自己的产品充满热情,并顽强地决定开发新市场。 yeeyan




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