

单词 proposer
释义 pro·pos·er 英prə'pozɚ美prə'pozɚ 高COCA¹¹⁵¹⁷³BNC⁴⁵⁸⁶⁶iWeb³⁵⁰⁷²

someone who advances a suggestion or proposal;

the suggester of this absurd strategy was a fool

parliamentary procedure someone who makes a formal motion来自propose,提出,建议。蒋争熟词记忆propose提议-er者⇒提议者;提出者propose提议-er者⇒提议者;提出者近义词 advocate提倡backer援助者sponsor保证人champion拥护者nominator提名者supporter支持者advocator拥护者exponentC拥护者…mover移动的人或物…suggestersuggest的名词形式…
as in.advocate
同义词 backer,campaigner,defender,lawyer,promoter,proponent,supporterapostle,attorney,champion,counsel,exponent,expounder,pleader,speaker,spokesperson,upholder
反义词 opponentantagonist,assailant,enemy,opposition,protestor
advocatenoun person supporting an idea or cause publicly
advocatesnoun person supporting an idea or cause publicly
apostles,attorneys,backers,campaigners,champions,counsels,defenders,exponents,expounders,lawyers,pleaders,promoters,proponents,proposers,speakers,spokespersons,supporters,upholders By the communication of notice of revocation by the proposer to the other party;
提议人通过废止沟通的通知给予另一方; kenliew

Misrepresenting or failing to explain any matter affecting the rights and interests of the proposer or the insured.
就影响要保人或被保险人权益之事项为不实之说明或不为说明者。 cntranslators

The proposer, seconder and candidates must not be disqualified at the date of nomination.

The composition proposer disposed of the components.
作文提议者处理掉了那些元件。 huixue

The system functions of the prior execution should include two aspects. One is to offer relief timely and effectively when the legal rights of the proposer are damaged.

To quote the jury in its notes on the competition: “The proposer has seen the importance of the railway for the development of the city and taken this element and created a new future for the city.”
大赛评委会对这个方案给出这样的评价:设计者留意到了铁路在城市建设中的重要性,并用它们为这座城市创造了一个崭新的未来。 cdtv

Universally, people reject any share lower than20%— apparently to punish the greed of the proposer. People do not act like Homo economics. Instead, they are the arbiters of fairness.
总的来说,人类将会拒绝任何自己所得低于20%的分法,显然,是为了惩罚建议者的贪婪,人类的表现并不像一个经济人,而像一个对公平的仲裁者。 topsage

We proposer a complete and efficient GUI software test cases generation framework GSTCGF4SEI.
提出了一个比较完整有效的基于 GUI软件的测试用例生成框架 GSTCGF4SEI。 dictall

Where the ID card number of the proposer is not provided, or is wrong or unclear.
提案人未填具本人国民身分证统一编号或有错误、不明者。 cntranslators

A proposal may be revoked at any time before the communication of its acceptance is complete as against the proposer, but not afterwards.
对提议人一个建议随时可废止在它的接受沟通还未完成前,但不是事后。 kenliew

Each twin of a pair played the ultimatum game, both as proposer and as responder.
每对双胞胎中的每个人都参与了最后通谍游戏,都扮演了建议者和回应者。 ecocn

In the game, a “ proposer” is given a sum of money, part of which he or she offers to share with a “ responder.”
在这个游戏中,“申请人”会得到一笔钱,他们可以把其中的一部分钱提供给“回应者”,和他们分享。 yeeyan

Issuing bank trusts all the importing documents to proposer will not result in out of hand of issuing bank, and regulations in trust law do not conflict with guarantee law.
开证行将具有全套进口的单据信托给开证申请人不会脱手,担保法上的要求和信托法上约定并不构成冲突。 cnki

Obstructing the giving of notification by the proposer or insured.
妨害要保人或被保险人为告知者。 chaci

One is by restricting patent right subjects, including defining and dividing inventor, patent proposer and patentee.
一是通过限制专利权的主体来推动科技发展,包括限定发明人、专利申请人和专利权人; cnki

One participant in the game— the proposer— is given20 Swiss francs and told to pick an amount to share with the other player.
游戏规则是给与其中一个游戏者提议人20瑞士法郎,并告知其拿出一部分给另外一名游戏者。 dxy

People in general thought him a lunatic, and blamed his Reform Club friends for having accepted a wager which betrayed the mental aberration of its proposer.
总的来说人们认为福格是个疯子,还谴责福格的那几位朋友居然跟一个精神病打赌。 blog.sina.com.cn

Situation, proposer, and determination of topic of discussion and convening mode of the interim meeting to be convened by the decision-making body;
决策机构召开临时会议的情形、提议人和议题确定以及召开方式; enread

The model of micro- damage and mesoscale model based on micro- damage statistic, both of which were advanced by the proposer of the item.
考核了本项目申请人在预研过程中提出的材料细观损伤模型以及基于细观损伤统计的亚宏观损伤模型。 keyanjijin

Using exaggerated publicity or advertising or other improper methods to solicit insurance to a proposer, insured, or a third party.
对要保人、被保险人或第三人以夸大不实之宣传、广告或其他不当之方法为招揽者。 cntranslators




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