

单词 propolis
释义 prop·o·lis 英ˈprɒpəlɪs美ˈprɑpəlɪsAHDprŏpʹə-lĭs 高COCA⁹²⁰⁸⁹iWeb³⁰⁹³³
Study on producing immunity time, immunity duration and storage life of piglet oedema disease multivalence propolis adjuvant inactivated vaccine.
对仔猪水肿病蜂胶佐剂多价灭活苗进行了免疫产生期、免疫持续期和疫苗保存期试验。 cnki

The protection of marrow micronucleus and fetal liver marrow by propolis against CP was investigated.
并观察蜂胶对 CP诱发的小鼠骨髓微核、小鼠胎肝微核损伤的保护作用。 cnki

Conclusion:The aloes and propolis ointment is more effective to skin burn in rabbits than Vaseline gauze.
结论:芦荟蜂胶膏对家兔的烧伤有较好的治疗效果。 cnki

Echinacea, Propolis and Slippery Elm have been added to complement this unique formula.
紫雏菊、蜂胶和滑榆树皮添加到其中成为特殊配方。 www.pm91.com

Flavonoids are the most important biological substances in propolis, which have many biological activities such as antioxidative and antibacterial activities.
类黄酮类化合物具有抗氧化、抗菌等诸多生物活性,是蜂胶中最重要的生物活性物质。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

Major ingredients: Propolis Cera, lavandula Angustifolia, Caramel.
主要成分:蜂胶,英国薰衣草,焦糖。 ecenjoylife

Methods: The burn wound on the back of rabbits was treated with aloes and propolis ointment and traditional vaseline gauze, respectively and the therapeutic effects were observed and compared.
方法:对家兔人为制造不同程度的烧伤,然后采用自制的芦荟蜂胶膏进行治疗,并与传统的凡士林纱布治疗方法进行比较,观察治疗效果。 chemyq

Methods: Kunming mice transplanted with Sh0 sarcoma were used to study the inhibition effect of propolis extract on tumor, and its lowering of toxicity caused by synergy with chemotherapeutant.
方法:通过整体动物实验,将昆明小鼠移植 Sh0肉瘤,观察蜂胶提取物抑制肿瘤作用及与化疗药物合用时的协同及减毒作用。 cnki

Micronucleus test of bone marrow cells and chromosome aberration test were performed in mice to assess the antagonistic effect of propolis to mutation induced by mutagens.
应用小鼠骨髓微核试验及小鼠睾丸染色体畸变试验,测试蜂胶对诱变剂诱发的染色体损伤的保护作用。 cnki

Objective To provide the scientific evidences for controlling the quality of propolis by determining the content of total flavones from propolis.
目的测定不同产地蜂胶中总黄酮的含量,为蜂胶的质量控制提供更多依据。 chemyq

Objective:To observe the therapeutic effects of aloes and propolis ointment on skin burn.
目的:观察芦荟蜂胶膏对家兔皮肤烧伤的治疗效果。 cnki

Objective:To study the effects of propolis against gene mutation induced by powerful mutagens in mice.
目的:探讨蜂胶对环磷酰胺等强诱变剂诱发基因突变的抑制作用。 dictall

Once they've found the perfect spot, the scouts prepare the site by clearing away loose wood or other rubbish and coat the space with a dried tree resin called propolis.
一旦侦察蜂找到绝佳的建造蜂窝点,它们会做好准备工作:清理掉松动的木材或其它杂物,在表层涂上叫蜂胶的干树脂。 down02.putclub.com

The ancient Egyptians prized propolis as an embalming agent.
古埃及人将蜂胶珍视为一种防腐剂。 dictall

Therefore, propolis has been widely used in the field of agriculture, medicine, food and cosmeticprocessing.
因此,自古以来蜂胶在农业生产、医药卫生、食品及化妆品加工等多种领域中备受青睐。 cnki

This result indicates that the plant origin of Chinese propolis is poplar.
实验结果表明:中国蜂胶的主要植物源是杨树。 cnki

This extract is composed by two products with great synergetic harmony: green propolis and wild pollen.
这种提取物是由两个产品很好地协调而成的:绿蜂胶和野生花粉。 www.fcp114.com

Transparent and luring upper layer gives your skin full moisture and smoothness and lower layer can rejuvenate your skin and eliminate light wrinkles like nourishing propolis.
上层透明诱人有如香甜滋润的蜜糖,带给肌肤充分湿润柔滑;下层宛如营养的蜂胶,能延缓肌肤衰老,消除细纹。 http://dj.iciba.com

Propolis is a material which has an extensively biological property.
蜂胶是一种具有广泛生物学活性的物质。 cnki




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