

单词 propitious
释义 pro·pi·tious 英prəˈpɪʃəs美prəˈpɪʃəsAHDprə-pĭshʹəs ☆☆☆☆☆高四GIMS宝COCA⁴²⁵³⁴BNC³¹⁸⁵⁸iWeb³⁹⁰¹⁴Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰

presenting favorable circumstances; likely to result in or show signs of success;

propitious omens

propitious gales speeded us along

a propitious alignment of planets for space exploration

来自propitiate,安抚,使息怒。引申宗教词义向上帝赎罪,与上帝和解,向上帝弥补过错,后引申词义吉祥的,吉利的。GRE红宝书pro前, pit = pet寻求, ious-向前寻求吉利的
pro支持,倾向 + pity 同情,怜悯,有同情心的人是善良的,也会吉祥如意一帆风顺的
pro向前+pit=pet 寻求+ious→所寻求的→吉利的
词根记忆pro向前+ piti=pet寻求-ous具有→ 所寻求的 ⇒吉利的词根记忆pro向前+ piti=pet寻求+ ous → 所寻求的 ⇒吉利的GRE难词记忆propitious→pro向前+pit=seek 寻求+ious→吉利的词根记忆pro前+pit+ious=在别人前面追到=幸运的近义词 timely及时的fortunate幸运的favorable有利的profitable有益的advantageous有利的反义词 unpropitious不吉利的

用作形容词The circumstances were notpropitiousfor further expansion of the company.这些情况不利于公司的进一步发展。
It was not apropitioustime to start a new business.这个时候开张不吉利。
People like to hearpropitioussentences.人们都喜欢听吉利的话。adj.full of promise;good, favorable
同义词 advantageous,auspicious,opportunebeneficial,benign,brave,bright,dexter,encouraging,favoring,fortunate,happy,hopeful,lucky,pat,promising,prosperous,rosy,seasonable,timely,toward,useful,well-timed
反义词 inauspicious,inopportune,unluckycold,cool,unfavorable,unfriendly,unpromisingadj.friendly
同义词 benevolent,benign,favorably inclined,gracious,kind,nice,well-disposed
反义词 cold,cool,inauspicious,unfavorable,unfriendly,unpromising
advantageousadjective favorable
auspicious,beneficial,expedient,for the best,fortunate,helpful,opportune,profitable,worthwhile
auspiciousadjective encouraging;favorable
beneficadjective beneficent
beneficialadjective advantageous
benign,constructive,favorable,favoring,gainful,good,good for what ails you,healthful,helpful,profitable,propitious,salubrious,salutary,serviceable,toward,useful,valuable,what the doctor ordered,wholesome,worthy
benignadjective advantageous
brightadjective hopeful, promising
airy,auspicious,benign,breezy,cheering,encouraging,excellent,favorable,golden,good,optimistic,palmy,propitious,prosperous,rosy The timing is propitious: for separate reasons, one of the government’s main allies, Mohammad Ershada former dictator, has threatened to quit the ruling coalition.
他们时机抓得恰到好处。 由于几个原因,政府的主要盟友之一的穆罕默德•艾沙尔德前独裁者威胁要退出执政联盟。 ecocn

Among the twelve, the dragon is the only mythological beast, and to be born in the Year of the Dragon is regarded as propitious.
在十二生肖中,龙是唯一的神话兽,在龙年出生的人被认为吉祥的。 yeeyan

An easy explanation for this reversal is that Mr Cameron has been lucky: he happened to be in charge when the circumstances were propitious for a Tory revival.
对这次的逆转一个简单的解释就是卡梅隆很幸运:在托利党天时地利逢复兴的时候碰巧是他在领导。 ecocn

AS THE coalition government drew up its detailed plans to cut public spending last autumn, in order to deal with Britain’s swollen budget deficit, the economic backdrop was unexpectedly propitious.
去年秋天,当联合政府为应对英国庞大的预算赤字拟定减少公共开支的详细草案时,经济形势出人意料地有利。 ecocn

But the timing may not be so propitious for Mr Strauss- Kahn this time.
但这一次,时间安排对施特劳斯-卡恩并不太有利。 ecocn

But if the signs in the laboratory look propitious, out in the fields the distribution problems are formidable.
但是如果实验室当中的迹象是乐观的,但是田野中的分配问题却是艰巨的。 ecocn

But it seems unlikely that the atmosphere will be as propitious for Mr Brown in2009 as it became at the end of2008.
但对布朗先生来说,气氛在2009年将象在2008年末那样变得吉祥似乎是不大可能的。 ecocn

Especially at the beginning, when circumstances were propitious, Mr Yushchenko should have been tougher.
尤其在情况有利的起始阶段,尤先科本应该更狠更严厉。 ecocn

He awaited the propitious moment with the crafty patience of the sick.
他怀着病人所特有的那种阴郁的耐心等待着有利的时机。 ebigear

Her first proposal would have to be deferred to a more propitious time and a more eligible suitor.
她的第一次求婚应当推迟到一个更为吉利的时辰,求婚人也必须更为可取。 ebigear

I know many people will say we were successful because we used this new type of IVF, but I also like to think we chose a propitious time.
我知道很多人认为我们之所以成功,是因为采用了最新的人工受孕技术,但我还是认为我们选择了一个正确的时间。 yeeyan

Mount Tai located in a coastal province in eastern China, has been regarded as a propitious place.
位于中国东部沿海省份的泰山被视为吉祥之地。 putclub

On the right, down stream, the bridge of Jena was discernible, on the left, upstream, the bridge of the Invalides; the place would have been a propitious one in which to await the night and to escape.
在河右边下游,还可以辨认出耶拿桥,左边上游是残废军人院桥;待到天黑再逃走,这是个很合适的地方。 ebigear

Some people believe that the appearance of a black cat is a propitious sign, others believe that black cats are unlucky.
有人认为黑猫的出现是吉祥之兆,有人则认为黑猫是不祥之物。 chinafanyi.com

The new year looked propitious.
新的一年看起来运气还不错。 ecocn

The company looked at making a major investment in Times in2006, but the timing may be more propitious for it now.
2006年,该公司曾试图在时代零售进行一笔重大投资,不过现在可能时机会更好。 iciba

The ideal models are propitious to evaluate the validity or the reliability of a certain education research correctly, and help the educational theory research to develop more maturely and healthily.
依据这种理想模型,将有利于恰当地评价某项教育研究的有效性或可靠性,并促进教育理论研究更成熟和更健康的发展。 cnki




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