

单词 property rights
释义 property rights 英'prɒpəti raɪts美'prɑːpərti raɪts M短语⁴¹³²⁴

名词 property right:
the legal right of ownership It is useless in a world without laws, property rights or trust in institutions.
在没有法律、财产权和机构信任度的世界中,金钱毫无用处。 ecocn

The voter must abide by an outcome even though he disagrees, and will likely lose property and property rights in the end.
即使投票者有反对意见,他也不得不接受任何后果,甚至是最后失去所有的财产和财产权。 yeeyan

An Italian court has told a98-year-old plaintiff to come back in2010 for the next hearing in her legal battle over property rights, more than10 years after the case first opened.
意大利一法院日前对一位98岁高龄的原告表示,让她在2010年的时候再来参加该财产权案件的下次庭审——这竟然是该案件自提出以来的10多年之后。 cri

Hong Kongers are not, but they enjoy secure property rights and the rule of law in much the same way that Chinese Americans and Chinese Singaporeans do.
香港居民就不是了,但是他们享受很大程度上跟美籍华人和新加坡华人一样的可靠的财产权和法治。 ecocn

Until recently the Kremlin had no need to worry about things like property rights and the rule of law.
直到最近以前,克林姆林宫都无需为财产权或法律规则这样的问题操心。 ecocn

Why would they respect the property rights of someone else?
他们为什么要尊重别人的财产权呢? yeeyan

Yet, in many developing countries, women do not have property rights like men have.
然而,在许多发展中国家,女性并没有和男性一样的财产权。 hjenglish

Yet they’ve done so without an important component of free- market theory: property rights— at least as we in the West understand them.
但是他们这样做的时候缺乏自由市场理论中的一个重要因素:财产权,至少没有我们西方人理解的那种财产权。 ecocn




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