释义 |
pronouncements prəˈnaunsmənts COCA²¹⁴⁰³BNC¹⁷⁶⁹²Economist¹⁵⁰⁴⁴ 基本例句 n.声明;公告pronouncement的名词复数原型pronouncement的复数 The unwary seeker can also become too entranced by expert pronouncements. 不设防的快乐追求者可能也会被专家的言论所迷惑。 blog.sina.com.cn This is the only official printed edition of the consolidated text of the IASB's authoritative pronouncements required for the financial year beginning on1 January2010. 本书为“国际会计标准委员会 IASB”关于从2010年元月1日起执行的国际财务报告准则最权威的唯一官方图书。 www.wellslaw.com.cn And like many other big pronouncements from moral leaders, it will be seen as staking out ground ahead of the Copenhagen conference on climate change in December. 而且就像许多其他精神领袖的重要宣言一样,它将被认为是在12月哥本哈根气候变化会议之前的定标之作。 ecocn China's official pronouncements always emphasized its role as a“ responsible” nation. 而中国在其官方声明中一贯强调它作为一个“负责任”国家的角色。 yeeyan However, other elements of neoconservatism might undercut the long- term viability of proponents' initial policy pronouncements. 然而,新保守主义的另外一些要素,就可能会消弱建议者最初政策见解在长时期内的可行性。 yeeyan In his appointments and pronouncements, Mr Obama keeps hinting that he is neither as radical nor as pure as his progressive supporters dared to hope. 在人事任命工作及其他各种场合,奥巴马都不断地暗示,虽然有些激进的支持者们希望他做得激进一些、纯粹一些,然而他却不会如这些人所愿。 ecocn Infallible papal pronouncements would be seen as tentative, revisable, like Supreme Court decisions, which have the force of precedents but can be and occasionally are overruled. 永不更改的教皇宣言就会被看成是临时性的,可以修改的,就像是最高法院的判决一样虽具有判例的力量,但偶尔可以被推翻。 yeeyan International Financial Reporting Standards IFRSs2010 English is the only official printed edition of the consolidated text of the IASB's authoritative pronouncements. 《国际财务报告准则IFRS2010》英文版是国际会计标准委员会 IASB权威公告统一文本的唯一官方印刷版。 www.wellslaw.com.cn Of course, not all agency pronouncements that fit within the APA's broad definition of“ rule” are legislative rules. 当然,并不是所有符合《行政程序法》关于“规则”的宽泛定义的机关说明都属于立法规则。 dictall On most other questions I should have to fall back on the expert much earlier, and would be less able to test his pronouncements. 在别的大多数问题上,我只得更早地依赖专家的理论,而且更少有办法检验他的结论了。 putclub One doesn't have to search through ancient texts and soothsayer pronouncements to find more modern apocalyptic visions. 人不用遍寻古籍和占卜者的豪言,去找到更现代的天启景象。 joinbbs So if one is to criticize, again it's not a question of criticizing his basic pronouncements. 所以如果人们要批评的话,当然不是批评他的基本观点。163 Such pronouncements carry almost the aura of nutritional religion: carved in stone, not to be questioned. But a few nutritionists and scientists are questioning this conventional wisdom. 这些说法仿佛已成为营养学界的金科玉律,有着不容挑战的权威性。然而,近年来,一些营养学家和科学家开始质疑这种传统观念。 bbs.translators.com.cn Sustainability needs to be firmly grounded in the nitty- gritty details of design. Policies and pronouncements have their place, but ultimately we must address specific design problems. 可持续发展必须牢固根植于繁琐的细部设计中。政策和言论需要关注,但最终我们必须解决具体设计上的问题。 bbs.translators.com.cn That may explain the inability of its senior officials to understand the irritation, or even contempt, which its pronouncements sometimes stir in other places. 那或许能够解释为什么这些高官对教廷的声明时常在其他领域煽起愤怒,甚至是蔑视感到不能理解。 ecocn Unfortunately, the term“ principles” seems to be bandied about to cover all manner of pronouncements reflecting experiential records and opinions by all manner of people. 不幸的是,“原则”这个术语似乎被各色各样的人们随意地使用反映那些来自于经验的记录和看法。 ibm Yet to judge by the leadership's pronouncements at the party congress, it is still fixated on meeting high targets for growth rather than pausing for breath and balancing the books. 然而,根据领导层在大会上的声明,当前政策的目标仍然是保持经济的较高增长,而不是停下来喘口气并且实现财政收支平衡。 ecocn |