

单词 promulgates
释义 prom·ul·gate·s 英'prɒmlɡeɪt美'prɑːmlɡeɪt COCA¹²⁶⁶²¹BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
state or announce;

`I am not a Communist,' he exclaimed

The King will proclaim an amnesty

put a law into effect by formal declaration近义词 state情形spread传播decree法令endorse赞同trumpet喇叭promote促进exclaim大叫transmit传达announce宣布publicize宣传broadcast广播propagate繁殖circulate流通pronounce发音disseminate散播proclaim正式宣布declare宣布声明…

用作及物动词It is proved that the control system can satisfy the users' requirement topromulgatetest information.实践证明,基于该方案设计的控制系统能够基本满足显示屏用户的文本发布需求。
Our group especiallypromulgatethe most novel production with modern design elements for you in 2007.我们的开发团队特为您发布2007年最高档新颖数码相框外壳前板。
The kingpromulgateda decree.国王发布了一道命令。
The school shall erect regulations to implement gender equity education, andpromulgatethem.学校应订定性别平等教育实施规定,并公告周知。 Ministry of Commerce formulates, revises and promulgates annual Catalogue of Goods Subject to Export License Administration together with General Administration of Customs.
商务部会同海关总署制定、调整和发布年度《出口许可证管理货物目录》。 lawyee

Ministry of Commerce formulates, readjusts and promulgates annual Catalogue of Goods Subject to Import License Administration together with General Administration of Customs.
商务部会同海关总署制定、调整和发布年度《进口许可证管理货物目录》。 lawyee

The model also promulgates the deficiency of consumption demand already showed in the middle of the1980s in China, and that not all inferior goods were in absolute surplus in the 1990s.
模型还揭示了我国消费需求不足早在1980年代中期已有所表现,低档品在1990年代并非均处于绝对过剩状态。 cnki

FIDIC league constitutes and promulgates many files of criterion, which are applied in international engineering project area.
FIDIC联合会制定和颁布了许多规范性文件,被广泛应用于国际工程中。 cnki

International Marine Bureau collects the information relating to pirates attack incidents of last year and promulgates the statistics to the relevant users at the beginning of a year.
国际海事局会在每年年初对上一年度在全球发生的海盗袭击事件进行统计并免费向感兴趣的用户公开。 dictall

Our country environmental protection bureau promulgates“ Air And Waste gas Monitor Analysis method”, has established many organic pollutant monitor analysis methods.
而我国国家环保局颁布的《空气和废气监测分析方法》中,确立了许多有机污染物的监测分析方法。 cnki

Seeks and promulgates the necessity and the possibility which the Rogers humanism thought and our country thought political education agrees with.

Since the Supreme People's Court promulgates the judgment documents regularly, investigating the determinacy degree of the legal rules under the written law system becomes possible.
成文法体系下法律规则确定性程度的考察,由于最高人民法院定期公布裁判文书的举措,而成为可能。 cnki

The article begins with the background of moderate scale management pattern of farm machinery, promulgates the inevitability of this pattern.
本文从农机适度规模经营模式的产生的背景入手,揭示了这种模式产生的必然性。 cnki

The board also promulgates guidelines for applications for developments in areas covered by statutory plans.
城规会亦就法定图则所涵盖地区的发展申请公布指引。 hotdic

The church promulgates hierarchy, which can be seen in all Italian relationships.
教会宣扬等级制度,这在意大利的关系中可以看出来。 blog.sina.com.cn

The government promulgates a decree.
政府颁布法令。 iciba

The first part mainly interprets the background of the conflicts and promulgates the objectivity and inevitability which Protagoras and Socrates conflicts.
其中,第一章主要对这场冲突的背景进行必要的阐释,揭示出普罗泰戈拉和苏格拉底冲突的必然性; iciba

This article does on Wang Xifeng's individuality analyzes, promulgates the modern feminine consciousness which in its disposition conceals.
本文就王熙凤的个性作以分析,揭示其性格中隐含的现代女性的意识。 fw789

This paper starts from analyzing the relationship between current value and par value, and promulgates essence of fair value measurements of liability.
本文从分析面值与现值的关系出发,揭示了负债公允价值计量的实质。 cnki

Promulgates in the new accounting standards in our country, the discrete principle obtained further manifestation.
在我国颁布新管帐准则中,审慎性原则得到了进一步的表现。 zahopu




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