

单词 promptness
释义 prompt·ness 美prɑmptnɪs 高COCA⁸²¹⁷²BNC⁶²⁵³³iWeb³⁵⁷⁶⁰

the characteristic of doing things without delaythe quality or habit of adhering to an appointed timeprompt迅速的
词根记忆prompt迅速的-ness名词后缀⇒n.敏捷⁵⁹;迅速⁴¹近义词 pace速度speed速度haste急速celerity敏捷rapidity迅速alacrity敏捷velocity速度precision精确swiftness迅速expedition远征timeliness及时punctuality准时timekeeping计时promptitude机敏

用作名词Herpromptnessof action showed that she considered the case as pressing as Mrs. Archer.她迅速的举动表明,他跟阿切尔夫人一样觉得这事迫在眉睫。
This method is characteristic of visualiaztion andpromptness,and it improves the precision of acquiring data.这种联机方式,数据采集与处理直观迅速,且采集之电导数据精度明显提高。noun.preparedness
同义词 agility,preparation,punctuality,quickness,readiness,speed,swiftnessnoun.immediate execution
同义词 alacrity,dispatch
agilitynoun physical or mental nimbleness, deftness
celeritynoun swiftness
dispatchnoun speed in carrying out action
eagernessnoun enthusiasm, anxiousness
expeditionnoun speed;speeding up
hastenoun extreme speed, hurry
alacrity,briskness,bustle,carelessness,celerity,dash,dispatch,drive,expedition,expeditiousness,fleetness,flurry,foolhardiness,hastiness,heedlessness,hurly-burly,hurriedness,hustle,hustling,impatience,impetuosity,incautiousness,nimbleness,pace,precipitancy,precipitateness,prematureness,press,promptitude,promptness,quickness,rapidity,rapidness,rashness,recklessness,rush,scamper,scramble,scurry,scuttle,swiftness,urgency,velocity Also their desire to communicate with all the patients and promptness in addressing the needs of each and everyone.
他们主动地跟每个病人沟通并能对他们的需求给予迅速的回应。 orienttumor

Her promptness of action showed that she considered the case as pressing as Mrs.
行动的迅速表明她跟阿切尔太太一样觉得情况紧迫; kekenet

The remote video conferencing system is one of the important parts of the Regional Networked Manufacturing, and its quality of service and promptness will bring effect on the whole system.
远程视频会议系统为区域网络化制造系统重要组成之一,其服务质量和敏捷性将影响整个系统的成效。 cnki

With the standard of “ safety, promptness, accuracy, economy and satisfactory” We will be trying our utmost to provide our clients with the logistics service.
我们将努力为客户提供安全,快捷,准确,节省、满意的物流服务。 iciba

All localities, departments and units shall amplify the system of examination and verification of statistical data and guarantee the accuracy and promptness of statistical data.
各地方、各部门、各单位应当健全统计资料的审核制度,保障统计资料的准确性和及时性。 jukuu

American value promptness and may become angry if a person is more than15 minutes late without a good reason.
美国价值迅速提升,他会变的很生气,如果一个人迟到超过15分钟,没有一个好的理由。 blog.sina.com.cn

As the information quantity grows larger and information selection becomes harder, web users will have higher demands for information's authoritativeness, promptness and correctness.
信息的海量化,甄选难度加大,网民对信息的权威、及时和准确将会提出更高的要求。 www.scio.gov.cn

By using graphics technique, Paris information input method is carried out with the aid of graphics menu, graphics promptness and graphics taking.
作者利用图形技术实现了图形菜单、图形提示及图形追踪的图形辅助输入零件信息的方法。 cnki

Economy and the high and new technology promptness development is the direct agent of that higher vocational education coming into being and developing.
经济和高新技术的迅速发展是高职教育产生和发展的直接动因,区域经济对高职教育具有制约作用。 fabiao

I must write to you to say how much we appreciate the promptness with which you settled your accounts with us during the pase year, especially as a number of them have for very large sums.
本公司非常感谢阁下,去年一直都很及时的结算账款,而且有不少账款数目是很大的。 blog.sina.com.cn

It is not only the promptness of taking a decision but also having the authority of implementing decisions that are taken.
不仅要能迅速作出决定,还要具有执行决定的权力。 tingvoa

It is the key to wholly raise the traffic organization levels and attain economic benefits with promptness.
它是全面、迅速提高运输组织水平和经济效益的关键。 cnki

The author believed that such survey result instead showed from another angle this interview program conducts promptness and successful.
笔者认为,这样的调查结果反而从另一个角度说明了本次访谈节目举办的及时和成功。 www.mscenter.edu.cn

The central meaning shared by these nouns is. rapidity or promptness of movement or activity.
这些名词所共有的中心意思是。行动或动作的快速或迅速性。 poptool

This is a recurring job if you can maintain the quality and promptness of supply.
这是一个经常性需求,如果你能维持供应的质量和及时性。 etradenow

With the fact that society economy promptness develops the ceaseless rise composing in reply the people living standard, demand of human society to water quantity and mass is higher.
随着社会经济的迅速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,人类社会对水的数量与质量的要求就愈高。 tc5

Promptness on the job is a must.
工作上准时是绝对必要的。 yoope




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