

单词 promises
释义 promises 英'prɒmɪsɪz美'prɒmɪsɪz COCA⁶⁸⁶⁷BNC⁶⁹⁷⁹Economist¹²⁴⁴
名词 promise:
a verbal commitment by one person to another agreeing to do or not to do something in the futuregrounds for feeling hopeful about the future
动词 promise:
make a promise or commitmentpromise to undertake or givemake a prediction about; tell in advancegive grounds for expectations用作名词The boss is cautious about makingpromises.老板对承诺持谨慎态度。
She acted in reliance on hispromises.她凭他的承诺而行动。noun.one's word that something will be done
同义词 agreement,assurance,commitment,guarantee,obligation,pact,pledge,vow,wordaffiance,affirmation,asseveration,avowal,betrothal,bond,compact,consent,contract,covenant,earnest,engagement,espousal,insurance,marriage,oath,parole,pawn,plight,profession,security,stipulation,swear,swearing,token,troth,undertaking,warrant,warrantypromissory note,sacred word,word of honor
反义词 breach,break,disagreement,denial,divorcehopelessness,impossibility,renegenoun.hope, possibility
同义词 potential,talent,abilityoutlook,capacity,encouragement,capability,aptitude,flairgood omen
反义词 renege,breakineptness,impotenceimpossibility,hopelessnessincapacity,incompetence,weakness,inability,lackverb.give word that something will be done
同义词 affirm,agree,assure,vow,ensure,commit,declare,guaranteepledge,pawn,consent,assent,subscribe,betroth,undertake,pass,plight,hock,secure,compact,accede,mortgage,warrant,covenant,underwrite,stipulate,vouch,insure,engage,bind,bargain,contract,swear,espouse,obligate,professanswer for,string alongaffianceasservatecross heart,live up to,say so,swear on bible,swear up and down,take an oath
反义词 discouragebreak off,untie,unfasten,loose,let go,give up,lose,disagree,breakrenegerelease,enlarge,loosen,divorce,reject,refuse,protest,dissent,disapprove,disavow,denyverb.bring hope, possibility
同义词 suggest,encourage,hint,indicatelook,bode,omen,betoken,denote,foreshadow,forebode,bespeak,augur,portend,presage,like,foretokengive hope,hold out hope,hold probability,lead to expect,seem likely,show signs of
反义词 discourage,break,renegeignore And he promises to pour his love into our hearts.
他应许要将他的爱倾注于我们的心里。 yeeyan

And within days even some of their promises looked thin.
几天的时间里,一些承诺甚至显得苍白无力。 ecocn

Beware of hollow promises.
谨防空洞的承诺。 hxen

But they are not just victims: they are also willing conspirators in a cycle that promises everything and delivers nothing.
但是,查尔斯和桑德拉也不仅仅是受害者,他们更是承诺一切,却一事无成这个恶性循环的同谋。 yeeyan

But without a government that can deliver on its promises, without a government that listens and treats its citizens fairly, those hopes and dreams cannot be realized.
但是,没有一个能够履行承诺的政府,没有一个聆听和公平地对待其公民的政府,这些希望和梦想就不能实现。 worldbank

He made promises of a large reward.

His promises are written in water; he never keeps his word.

If the Dreamliner starts rolling off the production line towards the end of this year, as Boeing promises, it will be billions over budget and three years behind schedule.
如果梦幻客机在今年年底开始投入生产线,就像波音承诺的那样,将会超过预算数十亿美元,而且比计划晚三年时间完成。 ecocn

Meet each of the candidates and read their campaign promises and find out why their supporters decided to vote for them in this class election.
查阅每个候选人,阅读他们的选举承诺并找出为什么他们的支持者会在这种级别的选举中投他们一票。 yeeyan

Mr Obama knows all this: he promises repeatedly not to leave the problem to his successors.
奥巴马对这些都很清楚:他反复承诺不会将这个问题留给他的继任者。 yeeyan

No one will believe those promises because they know that later it will not be in your interest to deliver.
没人会相信你的那些承诺,因为人们都了解,以后履行这些承诺不会符合你的利益。 hjenglish

So when we who believe in democracy triumph, I ask you to judge us harshly if we fail to live up to our promises.
所以当我们这些相信民主的人受到欢呼的时候,我请你们严厉的评判我们,如果我们不能兑现自己的承诺。 ecocn

The politician deluded the voters with election promises.

Then again, in crises of this magnitude, promises sometimes get broken.
再说,在这么大规模的危机中,承诺有时一文不值。 ecocn

We keep your promises.
我们遵守您的承诺。 edu.sina.com.cn

We say in criticism of capitalism: Your system has never kept its promises for one single day since it was promulgated.
我们在批评资本主义时说:你们的制度自公布以来,从未有哪一天信守过自己的诺言。 ebigear

When this happens, they will dishonour their own promises.




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