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词汇 promiscuous
释义 pro·mis·cu·ous 英prəˈmɪskjuːəs美prəˈmɪskjuəsAHDprə-mĭsʹky›-əs ★☆☆☆☆高SCOCA²⁷⁷⁶⁷BNC²⁵³³⁸iWeb²⁴³⁰²Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

not selective of a single class or person;

Clinton was criticized for his promiscuous solicitation of campaign money

casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior;

her easy virtue

he was told to avoid loose or light women

wanton behavior

pro-,向前,-misc,混杂,词源同mix,miscellany.比喻用法。promiscuous Ned兴风作浪,闹事…
pro-前-misc-uouS,⇒adj.杂乱的⁸⁸;指性随便的;不规则的¹²adj.男女乱交的;漫无目的的;混杂的;偶然的;淫乱的;滥交的;大杂烩的;没有目的的;混乱的;乱七八糟的;混淆的;不加区别的;尤指不分男女的adv.偶然地;胡乱地词根记忆pro多+misc+uous=混合得多=混杂的,滥交的近义词 light光loose松的easy容易的mixed混合的random任意的combined组合的sluttish懒惰的haphazard偶然的scrambled密码形式immoral不道德的licentious放荡的uncritical不批评的<大陆…wanton淫乱的unorganized无组织的indiscriminate任意的unrestrained无限制的uninhibited不受禁止的philandering动词philander的…

用作形容词I didn't understand, did men secretly wantpromiscuousand emotionally detached women?我不理解,男人是不是秘密的想要杂乱的且情绪孤立的女人?
Not to mention Joe's incessant need to keep tabs on hispromiscuoussister, an eye on the precocious little ones and a lustful watch on the girl next-door.在这种杂乱的处境中煎熬,更何况乔还需时刻监视他那混乱地姐妹,在留意早熟的小妹同时,渴望的注视着隔壁的女孩。adj.indiscriminately sexually active
同义词 immoral,profligate,wantonabandoned,debauched,dissipated,dissolute,easy,fast,indiscriminate,lax,libertine,licentious,loose,of easy virtue,oversexed,pushover,unbridled,unchaste,undiscriminating,unrestricted,wild
反义词 careful,good,moral,nicechaste,cold,cool,frigid
conglomerateadjective composite
indiscriminateadjective random, chaotic
licentiousadjective immoral, uncontrolled
abandoned,amoral,animal,carnal,corrupt,debauched,depraved,desirous,disorderly,dissolute,fast,fast and loose,fleshly,impure,in the fast lane,incontinent,lascivious,lax,lecherous,lewd,libertine,libidinous,lickerish,loose,lubricious,lustful,oversexed,profligate,promiscuous,relaxed,reprobate,salacious,satyric,scabrous,sensual,swinging,unconstrained,uncontrollable,uncurbed,unmoral,unprincipled,unruly,wanton
miscellaneousadjective diversified, various
profligateadjective immoral, corrupt
randomadjective haphazard, chance
accidental,adventitious,aimless,arbitrary,by-the-way,casual,contingent,designless,desultory,driftless,fluky,fortuitous,hit-or-miss,incidental,indiscriminate,irregular,objectless,odd,promiscuous,purposeless,slapdash,spot,stray,unaimed,unconsidered,unplanned,unpremeditated“ For the equivalent of the promiscuous, we have these big banks globally who have interconnections with all the other banks in the system,” says Andrew Haldane.
“由于相同的偶然性,还有和系统中其他银行彼此关联的全球的其他大银行也受到了影响。”安德鲁·霍尔丹说。 yeeyan

A survey published in1976 reported that only60 out of the376 young adults interviewed were genuinely promiscuous.
1976年发布的一项调查表明376名被采访的年轻成年人中只有60人是滥交的。 yeeyan

America, in short, is both promiscuous and flighty when it comes to“ special” relationships.
总而言之,当涉及到“特别的”关系时,美国显得既滥交又轻浮。 ecocn

But such men are also more promiscuous and do not care as much about long-term relationships, leaving women to raise their kids alone.
但是与此同时,这类男性也更会拈花惹草,并且不在意长期关系,而将孩子丢给女性独自抚养。 ecocn

Female crickets are promiscuous, mating up to40 times with a single partner but also hopping out for the occasional dangerous liaison.
雌蟋蟀是滥交的,与一个单身的配偶交配40次,但同时还盼望为了偶尔危险的私通而外出。 yeeyan

From this promiscuous breed, that race now called Americans have arisen.
由这种混杂而繁衍产生了一个现叫作美国人的种族。 putclub

I can’t believe the writers would say this paragraphs before mentioning “the 97 percent of mammals that are promiscuous”.
我难以置信这位作者先说了这段话,然后又指出“97%的哺乳动物是乱交的”。 yeeyan

If you want to know how promiscuous females were on the Pleistocene savanna, look at the size ratio of the male to his testicles.
如果你想知道在更新世的热带稀树草原,女人的滥交程度,看男人身体相对于他睾丸尺寸大小的比率就知道了。 yeeyan

Males are promiscuous and females are selective when choosing a mate, biologists have said for decades.
生物学家几十年来一直宣称,选择性伴侣时,男性随便而女性挑剔。 yeeyan

One study of gossip showed that gossipers were concerned about women who are bad housekeepers, and women who are bad mothers, and women who are promiscuous.
一项关于说闲话的研究表明,那些好说闲话的人总是关注那些糟糕的家庭主妇,不负责的母亲,以及私生活混乱的女性。 huanqiu

Past studies have shown that exposure to testosterone in the womb can make humans and apes more aggressive and more promiscuous.
过去的研究已经显示,子宫内所暴露的睾丸激素,能够使人类和类人猿变得更好斗和滥情。 yeeyan

The first is promiscuous connections, a situation where the channels accept a broad range of connections in addition to the intended ones.
第一个问题是混杂连接,此情形是通道接受除预定连接之外的大量连接。 ibm

Their large balls are necessary because they are both inclined to form partnerships with female wrens and be highly promiscuous at the same time.
这巨大的睾丸是必要的,因为他们有助于和雌鹪鹩形成伙伴关系,同时,有助于混乱杂交。 yeeyan

There are also the good-old standbys, behaviour changea euphemism for less promiscuous sex and condom use.
除此之外,其他效果显著的预防HIV感染的建议包括行为改变减少混乱性生活的委婉说法以及使用避孕套。 ecocn

They then took the long gene from the monogamous one and injected it into the brains of the promiscuous one — and the promiscuous one became monogamous.
于是,他们从单配的田鼠中取出那个长的基因,将它注射到那些乱交型的田鼠的大脑中——然后乱交型的田鼠就变成了单配型的了。 yeeyan

This flies in the face of stereotypes that lesbians and gays are promiscuous.
这些发现无疑是对同性恋者乱交这一成见的公然反抗。 yeeyan

This is not about sex or promoting promiscuous behavior.
这个题目,无关乎性,也不是要提倡滥交行为。 yeeyan

Today you can ogle more naked bodies in a single minute online than the most promiscuous Victorian could have seen in a lifetime.
今时今日,在网络上,你一分钟看到的裸体——比维多利亚时代最淫滥的人一生看过的——还要多。 yeeyan

Various state legislators are disgusted by the federal government’s promiscuous dollar- printing.
因为许多的美国议员对于联邦政府胡乱的印刷美元怨声载道。 yeeyan

We have recently shown that promiscuous primate species have low index to ring finger ratios, while monogamous species have high ratios.
我们最近发现,乱交的灵长类物种,其无名指比值指数低,而单配偶的物种比值高。 yeeyan

When such a tool is running in promiscuous mode, it can“ sniff” everything going around on that segment such as logins and data transfers.
当以混杂方式运行这种工具时,它可以“嗅探出”该网段上发生的每件事,如登录和数据传输。 ibm

Women and men alike were expected to be promiscuous.
不论男女,在性爱上放浪不羁都是理所当然的。 ecocn

Yet this is one of the more promiscuous dictionaries, highlighting as many different historical meanings and modern senses as it can by scouring the written corpus for different uses of a word.
然而这却是本更加混淆杂乱的字典之一,它尽可能多地通过筛选语料库找出同一个词的不同用法,来突出许多历史词义和现代含义。 ecocn

Promiscuous ape species have bigger testicles, and the latest discovery finally provides evidence that they also produce more sperm.
滥交的猩猩物种具有更大的睾丸,最新发现提供的证据表明,它们还能制造更多的精液。 yeeyan




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