

单词 prolong
释义 pro·long 英prəˈlɔːŋ, -ˈlɒŋ美prəˈlɔŋ, -ˈlɑŋAHDprə-lôngʹ, -lŏngʹ ★☆☆☆☆高四六研GIMST宝6八COCA¹⁴¹⁶⁸BNC¹⁸²³⁰iWeb¹⁰²⁶⁵Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰

vt. 延长;拉长;拖延

make sth take longer;delay

lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer;

We prolonged our stay

She extended her visit by another day

The meeting was drawn out until midnight

lengthen or extend in duration or space;

We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible

prolong the treatment of the patient

keep up the good work

prolong, elongate, extend, lengthen, protract


extend指直线状的伸展,引申指扩展势力、范围、影响等; lengthen指增加长度或延长时间; prolong指把时间过程延长到超过通常或正常的限度; elongate是技术用语,指空间尺度的延伸; protract指无限地、不必要地或令人厌烦地拖长。

delay,postpone,defer,suspend,prolong,put off







put off口语用词,与postpone同义,但较通俗。

词根词缀: pro-前 + long长的 → 向前拉,向前延prolong the period of validity延长有效期prolong life延年益寿
GRE红宝书pro向前, long长-拉长
pro- 前 + long 向前拉长
pro向前+long长 →拉长
蒋争熟词记忆pro-向前;向前拉;向前延long长⇒拉延长钱博士pro向前,向外+long拉长→向外拉长⇒延长,拖延词根记忆pro向前+long长→向前延长→拉长,拖延pro-向前;向前拉;向前延long长⇒拉延长pro向前+long长⇒向前延伸⇒﹝延长词根记忆pro向前+long=向前长=延长近义词 out出drag拖delay耽搁defer推迟extend延伸stretch伸展persist坚持amplify扩大sustain支持suspend暂停put off不安lengthen加长elongate延长protract延长draw out抽出drag out拖延postpone延期aggrandize增加keep up保持 继续 维持 跟上…spin out尽力维持一些日子, 拖长…反义词 shorten弄短
S+ ~+n./pron.The book fair has been prolonged due to some reason.由于某种原因,书展被延长了。
The ceremony will be prolonged by ten minutes.仪式将延长10分钟。S+~+ v -ingTwo countries prolonged signing an agreement until details could be agreed on.两国推迟签约直到就细节达成协议。Pprolongeda.延续的长时间的Pprolongatevt.延长拖长拖延拉长Pprolongationn.延伸延长延长部分Pprolongablea.可延长的可拖长的可拖延的可拉长的

用作及物动词How can we endeavor toprolongthe brevity of human life?我们怎样才能延长短促的人生?
The meeting may beprolongedinto the evening because so many problems have to be solved tonight.会议可能要延长到夜里,因为今晚有太多问题要解决。
Low leakage current helps toprolongbattery life.低漏电流有助于延长电池使用寿命。
Clear evidence of his intent is toprolongthe ritual.显然他意在拖延典礼时间。
The defendant feigns illness toprolongthe trial.为了拖延审判,被告装病。
Don'tprolongthe agony just tell us the result!别再让我们著急了--快告诉我们结果吧!verb.extend, draw out
同义词 continue,delay,drag out,lengthen,perpetuate,protract,stallhold,increase,pad,stretchcarry on,drag one's feet,hold up,let it ride,make longer,spin out,stretch out
反义词 abbreviate,advance,cease,expedite,further,halt,shorten,stop
continueverb persist, carry on
abide,advance,carry on,carry over,draw out,endure,extend,forge ahead,get on with it,go on,hang in,keep at,keep on,keep on truckin',keep the ball rolling,keep up,last,lengthen,linger,live on,loiter,maintain,make headway,move ahead,never cease,outlast,outlive,perdure,persevere,persist,persist in,press on,progress,project,promote,pursue,push on,reach,remain,rest,ride,run on,stand,stay,stay on,stick at,stick to,survive,sustain,uphold
continuesverb persist, carry on
begins over,begins where one leaves off,carries on,carries over,goes on with,picks up,proceeds,recapitulates,recommences,reestablishes,reinstates,reinstitutes,renews,reopens,restarts,restores,returns to,takes up
deferverb hold off, put off
adjourn,block,delay,detain,extend,give rain check,hang fire,hinder,hold up,impede,intermit,lay over,lengthen,obstruct,postpone,procrastinate,prolong,prorogue,protract,put on back burner,put on hold,put on ice,remit,retard,set aside,shelve,slow,stall,stay,suspend,table,waive
delayverb cause stop in action
adjourn,arrest,bar,bide time,block,check,choke,clog,confine,curb,dawdle,defer,detain,deter,dilly-dally,discourage,drag,encumber,filibuster,gain time,hamper,hold,hold over,impede,inhibit,interfere,intermit,keep,keep back,lag,lay over,linger,loiter,obstruct,postpone,prevent,procrastinate,prolong,prorogue,protract,put off,remand,repress,restrict,retard,shelve,slacken,stall,stave off,stay,suspend,table,tarry,temporize,withhold
delaysverb cause stop in action
adjourns,arrests,bars,bide time,blocks,checks,chokes,clogs,confines,curbs,dawdles,defers,detains,deters,dilly-dallies,discourages,drags,encumbers,filibusters,gains time,hampers,holds,holds over,impedes,inhibits,interferes,intermits,keeps,keeps back,lags,lies over,lingers,loiters,obstructs,postpones,prevents,procrastinates,prolongs,prorogues,protracts,puts off,remands,represses,restricts,retards,shelves,slackens,stalls,staves off,stays,suspends,tables,tarries,temporizes,withholds
dilateverb stretch, widen
amplify,augment,be profuse,be prolix,broaden,develop,distend,enlarge,expand,expatiate,expound,extend,increase,inflate,lengthen,prolong,protract,puff out,swell The New England Journal of Medicine and Weekly World News recently said that men staring at women's breasts prolong their lives by several years.
《新英格兰医学杂志》和《每周世界新闻》最近表示,男人盯着女士的胸部看可以延长他们的寿命,长达数年的寿命。 iciba

The purpose of this article is to outline a strategy that has been proven to address these concerns and prolong the viability of software development organizations that adopt it.
本文的目的是概括一种策略,该策略已经证实能够处理这些问题,并延长了采用该策略的软件开发组织的生存能力。 ibm

A German research published in New England Journal of Medicine and Weekly World News said that men staring at women's breasts in fact prolong their lives with years.
一个在新英格兰医学杂志和世界新闻周刊上登出的德国调查显示,事实上男人凝视女人的乳房可以延长数年的寿命。 yeeyan

But by focusing on the pain—being sad about being sad— you only prolong the sadness.
但是把注意力集中在痛苦上——为悲伤而悲伤——你只是延长了悲伤。 blog.sina.com.cn

But there are many other divisions between developed and developing nations that could prolong talks.
但对有可能延长谈判,发达国家与发展中国家间有许多分歧。 yeeyan

Good news, on the other hand, should be trickled out slowly. If you can prolong the good vibes, do it.
另一方面,应该慢慢地一点一滴地透露好消息,如果您能延长好的信息起到的效果,那么一定要这样作。 yeeyan

He promised to work with them to prolong the Israeli-Palestinian ceasefire, rebuild Gaza and block the smuggling of weapons to Hamas.
他保证将同他们一道为延长巴以停火而努力,重建加沙城并封锁哈马斯的武器走私活动。 ecocn

Her government recently made a controversial decision to prolong the life of the country’s17 nuclear power plants by an average of12 years.
她的政府最近做出了一个有争议的决定,就是把国家的17座核电厂的使用寿命延长为平均12年。 yeeyan

I also agree that doctors deserve to be punished if they prolong the needless suffering of their terminally- ill patients.
我还认为,如果医生延长了垂死病人不必要的痛苦的话,那他们应该受到惩处。 hjenglish

If so, this is a good time to consider making changes to improve your situation, especially because not making the changes can prolong your blues.
如果这样的话,那这也是一个好机会让你来改进自己目前的状况,尤其是如果不这么做,那你的假后综合症可会延长哟。 hjenglish

In higher income countries, surgery and chemotherapy can prolong life for up to a few years in some patients.
在较高收入国家,通过外科手术和化疗,部分患者的寿命可延长到几年以上。 who

In those circumstances, the temptation to prolong wage subsidies and buttress benefits will be great.
在这种状况下,延长工作补贴和支持福利的诱惑是很强的。 ecocn

Others worry not that the Fed will prolong the slump but that it may sow the seeds of the next crisis.
其他人的担忧不是美联储还将延长衰退期,而是美联储将为下次危机埋下种子。 ecocn

Related to the benefit of injury prevention, cross- training can also prolong your running career.
由于和预防伤病相关,交叉训练同样可以延长你的跑步寿命。 yeeyan

That would prolong the crisis to the detriment of all.
如此一来将会延长危机对所有成员国的损害。 ecocn

The theory they were testing was that status per se, rather than the trappings of status, such as wealth, act to prolong life.
他们检测的理论是被检测人自身而非相关的修饰性信息,比如健康,比如为延长寿命所采取的行动。 ecocn

We know what to do to prevent infections and save or prolong lives.
我们知道该怎么去做,来预防感染并且拯救或者延长生命。 who

What factors shorten, prolong or amplify the effect of deception?
什么因素会缩短、延长或扩张欺骗的结果? yeeyan




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