

单词 proliferate
释义 pro·lif·er·ate 英prəˈlɪfəˌreɪt美prəˈlɪfəˌretAHDprə-lĭfʹə-rāt' ★★☆☆☆高四GMST宝ICOCA¹⁸⁶⁴¹BNC³⁹⁷⁹⁰iWeb¹⁹⁰¹¹Economist¹⁷⁵⁹²

vi. 激增;迅速繁殖;增生

increase in mumber rapidly;multiply

vi. 扩散

spread rapidly and widely

grow rapidly;

Pizza parlors proliferate in this area

cause to grow or increase rapidly;

We must not proliferate nuclear arms

GRE红宝书pro前, lifer生命, ate吃-生命吃饭-繁殖
pro前 + life 生命 + ate动词,生命向前→繁殖
pro向前+lifer后代+ate→后代增加→ 繁殖
proli后代+fer孕育-ate…的拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,在此用作动词后缀⇒增殖,扩散。GRE难词记忆proliferate → proli=prolet=offspring 后代+fer=to bear 生育+ate→增生词根记忆pro许多+ lifer生命+ ate → 产生许多生命 ⇒繁殖词根记忆pro+lifer带来+ate=带来很多生命=繁殖近义词 bloom花boom繁荣grow增加breed繁殖beget产生multiply乘thrive兴旺burgeon发芽flourish茂盛increase增加mushroom蘑菇reproduce再生propagate繁殖procreate生育replicate复制
S+~+ARabbits proliferate when they have plenty of food.兔子有充足的食物就会繁衍得很快。
Influenza proliferated throughout the country.流感在全国蔓延。
Health food shopsproliferatein this region.保健食品店在这个地区增加了。
Fantasiesproliferatewhere facts are few.事实缺乏则幻想增多。
Dishonest vendorsproliferate, forcing true entrepreneurs out of the industry.无信用的小商贩激增,将好企业从行业中驱赶出来。
There is a fear that nuclear weapons mightproliferate.对核武器扩散有恐慌。verb.increase quickly
同义词 breed,burgeon,escalate,generate,multiply,mushroom,propagate,reproduce,snowballengender,expand,procreategrow rapidly,run riot
反义词 decrease,destroy,kill,lessen,shrinkdecline,fall off
aboundverb exist in abundance
be alive with,be all over the place,be knee deep in,be no end to,be plentiful,be thick with,be up to one's ears in,crawl with,crowd,flourish,flow,have a full plate,infest,overflow,swarm,swell,teem,thrive
aboundedverb exist in abundance
crawl with,crowded,flourished,flowed,had a full plate,infested,overflowed,proliferated,swarmed,swelled,teemed,thrived,was alive with,was all over the place,was knee deep in,was no end to,was plentiful,was thick with,was up to one's ears in
aboundsverb exist in abundance
crawl with,crowds,flourishes,flows,has a full plate,infests,is alive with,is all over the place,is knee deep in,is no end to,is plentiful,is thick with,is up to one's ears in,overflows,proliferates,swarms,swells,teems,thrives
branch offverb extend
add to,branch out,develop,diverge,diversify,divide,enlarge,expand,extend,fork,grow,increase,multiply,part,proliferate,ramify,separate,spread
branch off/branch outverb extend beyond main part
add to,develop,diverge,diversify,divide,enlarge,expand,extend,fork,grow,increase,multiply,part,proliferate,ramify,separate,spread out
branched offverb extend
added to,developed,diverged,diversified,divided,enlarged,expanded,extended,forked,grew,increased,multiplied,parted,proliferated,ramified,separated,spread out According to Clements, minocycline reduces the ability of T cells to activate and proliferate, both steps crucial to HIV production and progression toward full blown AIDS.
克莱门特斯表示,二甲胺四环素能够降低 T细胞的激活和增殖能力,这是从 HIV感染者变成艾滋病患者所要经历的两个重要步骤。 yeeyan

And unlike aggressive T cells that die shortly after killing their targets, weak T cells proliferate.
区别于杀死目标后很快自身就会死亡的攻击性 T细胞,抑制性 T细胞可以不断增殖。 yeeyan

India’s nuclear arsenal is mainly a deterrent and the country has not made any attempts to proliferate nuclear weapons, unlike China or Pakistan.
印度核武库是个主要的威慑,而且印度还未有过任何扩散核武器的举动。 yeeyan

To begin with, uncertainty about ship“ survivability” is increasing as missiles proliferate, says Steve Zaloga, a missile expert at Teal Group, an aerospace consultancy in Fairfax, Virginia.
Steve Zaloga是美国蒂尔集团一家位于弗吉尼亚费尔法克斯的航空咨询公司的一位导弹专家。 他表示:随着各种导弹的激增,水面舰艇的“生存性”变得越来越没有把握。 ecocn

As apps proliferate, so will malware attacks on mobile devices.
由于良莠不齐的应用程序激增,移动设备上难免遭受恶意攻击。 yeeyan

As digital screens proliferate and people move from print to pixel, how will the act of reading change?
随着电子屏幕的激增,印刷体纷纷被转换成像素,人们的阅读习惯将相应做何改变呢? yeeyan

As social media and user- generated reviews proliferate, the power of negative feedback will only increase— making it even more imperative that products be ready before they hit the market.
随着社会媒体和用户评论系统的激增,消极影响只会越来越多--因此当万事俱备才将产品发布越显重要。 yeeyan

AS TELEVISION channels proliferate and audiences fragment, sports events have unparalleled pulling power.
随着电视台频道数量不断增加和收看电视节目的观众的兴趣日益广泛,各项的体育赛事得到了前所未有的关注。 ecocn

But if Russia and China go on blocking efforts to squeeze Iran hard enough to get it to mend its ways, the dangers and probably nuclear weapons themselves are likely to proliferate alarmingly.
但是,如果俄罗斯和中国继续阻挠向伊朗施加足够严厉的措施以修整其行为方式的努力,那么威胁并且有可能包括核武器自身在内将会以惊人的速度迅速激增。 ecocn

Corruption, economic mismanagement, repression and instability will proliferate.
腐败,经济管理不善,压迫和不稳定将激增。 yeeyan

Despite the difficulties, investors assume such deals will continue to proliferate.
尽管困难重重,投资者认为这种交易仍将继续激增。 yeeyan

During development of an embryo, cells proliferate and organs grow.
在胚胎发育过程中,细胞会发生增殖,然后器官形成。 scifans.com

Few areas of life are spared and acronyms and abbreviations proliferate.
生活的一些方面将节约并缩略增殖。 ecocn

I expect this type of innovation to proliferate, for three reasons.
我预计这种革新将迅速扩张起来,理由有三个。 yeeyan

Immune cells, known as T- cells, have been found to proliferate in response to cow- milk proteins in newly diagnosed type1 diabetic children.
在新诊断出患1型糖尿病的儿童体内已发现称为 T-细胞的免疫细胞为抵抗牛奶蛋白而激增。 yeeyan

In doing so, he created an APC doppelganger that could repeatedly activate the weak T cells, causing them to proliferate and kill the real APCs.
这样他制造了一个抗原呈递细胞的副本,这个颗粒可以反复的激活抑制性 T细胞,使他们增殖并杀死真正的抗原呈递细胞。 yeeyan

Magazines, books and CD-ROMs proliferate.
杂志、书籍和光盘只读存储器的数量也激增。 ebigear

Now we can look at the optimum condition that is best for the cells to proliferate and differentiate.
钱教授补充道,“如今我们能够找到最适合细胞繁殖和分化的优化条件。” yeeyan

Organisms rely on phosphorus to build nucleic acids and other molecules to grow and proliferate.
有机物依赖于磷来制造核酸和其他生长与繁殖所需的分子。 yeeyan

Recent research has shown that aberrant versions of this cluster are involved in preventing pre- cancerous cells from dying and allowing them to proliferate into tumors.
新近研究显示,这一簇 miRNA的异常表达可防止癌变前细胞死亡,并令它们增殖成肿瘤。 scifans.com

Seeing shifts in design standards proliferate around the web is a bit like watching a herd of wilder- beast crossing alligator-infested waters.
眼见网页设计标准的激增就如同看着一群野生鳄鱼在水面厮杀般令人眼花缭乱。 yeeyan

Stem cells must reach the site of the fracture, proliferate and turn into osteoblasts at the right moment.
干细胞必须到达骨折所在的位置、增殖并在适当的时候分化成成骨细胞。 ecocn




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