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词汇 prolegomenon
释义 pro·le·gom·e·non 英ˌprəʊlɪˈgɒməˌnɒn, -nən美ˌprolɪˈgɑməˌnɑn, -nənAHDprō'lĭ-gŏmʹə-nŏn', -nən COCA²⁰⁶⁷⁶⁷BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
a preliminary discussion inserted at the beginning of a book or treatisepro-前-lego-menon⇒n.序言⁵⁰前言;绪论⁵⁰近义词 preliminary初步的
同义词 addition,admittance,awakening,baptism,beginning,commencement,debut,essentials,establishment,exordium,foreword,inauguration,inception,induction,influx,ingress,initiation,insertion,installation,institution,interpolation,intro,launch,lead,lead-in,opening,overture,preamble,preface,preliminaries,prelude,presentation,primer,prologue,surveybasic principles,basic text,first acquaintance,first taste,opening remarks,pioneering,proem
反义词 close,closing,completion,conclusion,end,ending,epilogue,finish,termination
forewordnoun introduction to a document
indicationnoun evidence, clue
introductionnoun something new;something that begins
addition,admittance,awakening,baptism,basic principles,basic text,beginning,commencement,debut,essentials,establishment,exordium,first acquaintance,first taste,foreword,hornbook,inauguration,inception,induction,influx,ingress,initiation,insertion,installation,institution,interpolation,intro,launch,lead,lead-in,opening,opening remarks,overture,pioneering,preamble,preface,preliminaries,prelude,presentation,primer,proem,prolegomenon,prologue,survey
lead-innoun introduction
addition,admittance,awakening,baptism,basic principles,basic text,beginning,commencement,debut,essentials,establishment,exordium,first acquaintance,first taste,foreword,inauguration,inception,induction,influx,ingress,initiation,insertion,installation,institution,interpolation,intro,launch,lead,opening,opening remarks,overture,pioneering,preamble,preface,preliminaries,prelude,presentation,primer,proem,prolegomenon,prologue,survey
prefacenoun introduction
preludenoun beginning of event
commencement,curtain-raiser,exordium,foreword,intro,introduction,overture,preamble,preface,preliminary,prelusion,preparation,proem,prolegomenon,prologue,start It has three parts: the prolegomenon, the body and the epilogue.
全文共分绪论、正文、结语三个部分。 cnki

The first of this paper is prolegomenon. The second explains the relation between Buddhism culture and tourism.
本文最后提出了在济南佛教文化旅游开发过程中应遵循的一些原则和对策。 fabiao

The content and distribution of each part are as follows: Prolegomenon: A brief description on how the literary value transformed from May 4th literature to Yenan literature.
各部分主要内容和结构如下:导论:简述了从五四文学到延安文学这一进程中文学如何发生价值转换。 fabiao

The situation of current digital signal processing field is discussed in the prolegomenon.
本文绪论部分说明了当前数字信号处理领域的总体现状。 cnki

This article is comprised by six parts, the significance, world research statuses, problems and achievements are discussed in the prolegomenon.

Beside the introduction, prolegomenon and the epilogue, the whole essay divided into three chapters.
文章除了引言、绪论、结语等部分外,正文的主体结构分为三章。 fabiao

Chapter One is the prolegomenon, which includes the backgrounds, current status and the related concepts.
第一章为绪论,主要探讨有关本课题所研究的背景及其相关的一些概念界定。 fabiao

Chapter one is the prolegomenon, which includes the backgrounds, current status, the research and the significance of the IT-assisted teaching and the frame of the thesis;
第一章是绪论部分,主要包括四个方面:问题研究的背景、问题研究的现状、问题研究的意义以及本论文的研究框架; fabiao

First in prolegomenon, the paper introduced the research status quo of the biological effects and the mechanisms of LPLI.
论文绪论部分介绍了激光生物效应及其机制研究的现状,同时说明了本课题的研究目的与意义; cnki

In the prolegomenon, Author makes a brief review on the history and technology development of hydraulic turn tables, their direct driving motors and their control systems.
文章在绪论部分简明扼要回顾仿真转台、液压仿真转台直接驱动伺服马达及液压仿真转台控制系统的发展概况、关键技术等。 cnki

In the prolegomenon the writer give a brief introduction to the theme, the content and the aim of this article, and introduces the way to get the literatures and the materials.
本文绪论部分简要地介绍了论文选题的基本内容、研究现状和语料来源,并对本文拟采用的基本方法加以说明。 boshuo

The article includes five sections, Chapter I: Prolegomenon.
全文共分五部分,第一章:绪论。 boshuo

The first one is prolegomenon which introduces the research background and significance as well as methods;
第一章为绪论,主要说明研究背景、意义和研究方法等; fabiao

The first chapter is prolegomenon, which introduces the background, object, significance, and method of research.
第一章是绪论,介绍研究的背景、目的与意义、内容与方法; fabiao

The first chapter is prolegomenon that analyses the dissertation's background, research context, route, and method, and defines the concept and connotation of airport operation efficiency.
第一章绪论分析了论文的选题背景、研究内容、思路和方法,并界定了机场运营效率的概念和内涵。 boshuo

The first part was prolegomenon, mainly on the selection of subjects, the purpose of research and the study of sports events tourism in domestic and overseas.
第一部分为绪论,主要讲述选题思路及研究目的,国内外在体育赛事旅游方面的研究。 cnki

The first Subchapter is prolegomenon, summarizing the achievement and the shortage of the former research, pointing out the purpose, significance and method of the research.
第一部分是绪论,总结前人研究成果和不足,指出本研究的目的、意义和方法; fabiao

The full paper is divided into five parts: The first part is prolegomenon.
全文分为五个部分:第一部分绪论。 fabiao

The prolegomenon part mainly introduces the background and purport, a summary of literature research, the research method and the research logic as well.
本文在绪论部分总体介绍了本论文的研究意义和研究背景、研究文献综述和本文的研究思路和研究方法。 cnki

The prolegomenon mainly includes four aspects.
绪论部分包括四个方面的内容。 cnki

This thesis consists of five parts: The first part is the prolegomenon which states of the background, the meaning, the methods, the theoretical foundations and the range of research.
本论文研究内容共有以下五个部分第一部分,阐述了、研究及意义、研究方法及思路、研究的理论基础及研究范围。 boshuo

Prolegomenon part of the article introduces super capacitor characteristics, application situation, system profile and the work done by the author.
绪论部分介绍了超级电容的结构特点、现状和应用情况,介绍了整个系统概况,并对作者所做的工作给予说明; cnki




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