

单词 projections
释义 projections 英prəd'ʒekʃnz美prəd'ʒekʃnz COCA¹⁰⁴¹¹BNC¹⁰⁴⁴³Economist⁸⁰⁴⁸
名词 projection:
a prediction made by extrapolating from past observationsthe projection of an image from a film onto a screena planned undertakingany structure that branches out from a central supportany solid convex shape that juts out from somethingpsychiatry a defense mechanism by which your own traits and emotions are attributed to someone elsethe acoustic phenomenon that gives sound a penetrating qualitythe representation of a figure or solid on a plane as it would look from a particular directionthe act of projecting out from somethingthe act of expelling or projecting or ejecting And in the Arctic, an extraordinary summer retreat of sea ice in 2007 has been followed by less substantial losses and projections by some researchers of a possible, if temporary, recovery.
在北极,2007年出现了不同寻常的夏季海冰消退现象,随后情况有所好转,一些研究人员预测如果这种情况只是临时的,还是有恢复的可能的。 yeeyan

All such projections are tentative, of course.
当然所有的这些都是预测。 ecocn

By understanding how your workloads and resource usage vary from your projections, you can better predict how long your current server can support your current environment.
通过理解工作量和资源使用如何与预测不同,可以更好地预测当前的服务器能够支持当前环境的时间长度。 ibm

He complains that the statement on uncertainties is also misleading because it does not reveal that uncertainties about future climate projections are, in his view, immense.
他抱怨说,对于不确定性的声明也是误导,因为它没有披露出未来气候预测中的不确定性,在他看来那是巨大的。 yeeyan

If the global economy is slowing, then the projections are wrong, and so is the conclusion that stocks are cheap.
如果全球经济放缓,那么预测就是错的,于是股票便宜的结论也是错误的。 yeeyan

Neither eyewitness reports nor the projections done by the U. N. are thought to be entirely accurate.
无论是目击者的报告,还是由联合国所做的预测,都不可能完全正确。 yeeyan

On top of this, the templating layer is built like a functional language, which allows you to compose pages with one other using folds and projections in a simple and concise fashion.
基于这一点,我们采取类似于函数式语言的方式来构建模板层,这样用户就可以一种简洁的方式组合多个页面通过折叠和投影了。 infoq

Our chart sets out its projections for potential GDP growth for a selection of countries.
我们的图表列出了其对一些国家的潜在国内生产总值增长的预测。 ecocn

Services can be examined to determine if they are projections using the following code.
您可以检查服务,以确定它们是否为使用下面代码的投影。 ibm

Some of these projections are incredible: they are warnings as much as predictions.
这些预测中有些令人难以置信,它们既是展望,也是警告。 ecocn

The researchers combined data on climate and temperature variation worldwide with projections to calculate the “ temperature velocity” for different habitats.
研究人员把世界各地的气候和气温变化数据与计算不同栖息地“气温速率”的预测结合起来。 yeeyan

These are only projections, of course.
当然,这些仅仅是推测。 ecocn

We’ll talk more about projections next week because I think this is a very important subject for startups and entrepreneurial management teams to wrap their heads around.
在下一周,我们将探讨更多关于规划方面的东西,因为我想对于新手和创业管理团队来说,这是武装他们头脑一个非常重要的工具。 yeeyan

We need to be clear about the uncertainties in our projections while still extracting useful information for practical decision-making.
我们需要对预测的不确定性有清醒的认识,同时仍需为实际决策提炼出可用信息。 yeeyan

We should bear in mind here these projections were drawn up before the Western financial crises.
在这里,我们应该记住这些预测是在西方经济危机之前做出的。 hjenglish

We then heavily factored in cost of living and—to a lesser extent— sunny days, home price projections, and proximity to hospitals, golf courses, and other amenities.
此外,我们纳入了主要的生活费用因素——在较小的范围内——晴天、房价预测以及邻近医院、高尔夫球场和其它便利设施。 yeeyan

Projections in the IMF’s World Economic Outlook imply that China’s exports will account for12% of world trade by 2014.
国际货币基金组织在《世界经济展望》中的预测显示,至2014年中国出口量将占世界贸易的12%。 yeeyan




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