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autocrats ˈɔ:təˌkræts COCA⁶⁶⁰⁷⁰BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²Economist¹¹²¹⁶ 基本例句 n.独裁统治者autocrat的名词复数;独断专行的人原型autocrat的复数 In some of the states of the former Soviet Union, autocrats still reign. 前苏联的一些国家,仍然由独裁者统治。 bomoo The 350m-strong Arab world is abuzz with expectation; its ageing autocrats are suddenly looking shaky. 阿拉伯世界已处处是期待与憧憬,它的日渐年老的执政者突然看上去是那样的弱不禁风。 ecocn The Arab world is full of autocrats who rule their countries by oppressing their people with America's blessing. 阿拉伯世界充满了独裁者,他们依靠美国的支持,通过压迫民众来统治国家。 yeeyan The autocratic Chinese leadership gets things done fast currently the autocrats seem to be highly effective. 目前看来,独断专行似乎非常有效。 chinaacc The old autocrats deprived their people of freedom and opportunity; and the stability they promised, it is now clear, could not endure. 年老的独裁者剥夺了人们的自由和机会;他们曾许诺的稳定不会长久,这一点现在看来非常明确。 ecocn The autocrats of the Gulf, especially in Saudi Arabia, are looking askance at the democratic upheavals all around them. 海湾国家的独裁者们——尤其沙特国王——对周边国家的民主剧变不以为然。 ecocn But the free- market autocrats stand in far better shape than the rest of the world. 但与世界其他地方相比,这些自由市场的专制者们的处境要好得多。 yeeyan But were the autocrats right all along? 但是独裁者就始终是对的吗? ecocn But autocrats rarely plan for their own removal, as the sad state of the Middle East shows. 但是独裁者们从不愿意下台,正如中东的悲惨状态反映出的那样。 ecocn Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, accused of corruption and involvement in killing protesters, went on trial Wednesday, ringing an alarm bell for other autocrats around the Arab world, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,当地时间3日,埃及前总统穆巴拉克因被控腐败和参与杀害示威者出庭受审,为阿拉伯世界其他独裁者敲响警钟。 mpaper366 For years European officials negotiated action plans with countries and wrote reports bemoaning their lack of democracy, yet kept paying autocrats billions of euros. 多年来,欧盟官员一方面同各国商讨行动方案;撰写报告,悲叹他们缺乏民主; 另一方面继续向独裁者支付几十亿欧元。 ecocn In some places, like Saudi Arabia and Iran, the autocrats and the Islamists have merged into one. 在很多地方,像沙特和伊朗,独裁者和伊斯兰已经融合在一起。 ecocn The 82-year-old Mubarak's downfall after unprecedented mass protests is an historic victory for popular power and is sure to rock autocrats throughout the Arab world and beyond, said analysts. 现年82岁的穆巴拉克退位,是史无前例的大规模抗议活动取得的历史性胜利,证明民众的力量是足以推倒阿拉伯世界及全世界的独裁者的。 putclub The way to do so is not to equivocate between democrats and autocrats, as Lula seems to think. 达到这一目的的方法不该像卢拉认为的那样周旋于民主国家与独裁政权之间。 ecocn This is the kind of fresh, youthful secular Arabism the West should get behind, liberating them from the squeeze between autocrats and would-be theocrats. 这才是西方应该支持并帮助他们从独裁或是神权政治的打压下解放出来的那种年轻而富有活力的世俗阿拉伯国家。 blog.sina.com.cn Whatever else the British Government did, it was not going to repudiate its debts in the manner of Continental autocrats. 无论英国政府作了些其他什么,它不会象欧洲大陆的独裁者那样不履行自己的债务。 ssreader Why indeed have they dealt with autocrats and kings across the Middle East only to see the people rise up? 为什么仅当看到人民起义了他们才确确实实地与中东诸国的独裁者和国王进行交涉呢? ecocn Yes, those who mocked his belief in the Arab appetite for democracy were wrong; he is to be admired for championing reform and nudging autocrats towards pluralism. 是的,那些嘲讽过他认为阿拉伯需要民主的想法的人是错误的;他理应因其主张改革并催促独裁者接受多元主义而受到尊敬。 ecocn |