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pro·ges·ter·one 英prəʊˈdʒestəˌrəʊn美proˈdʒɛstəˌronAHDprō-jĕsʹtə-rōn' ★☆☆☆☆高SCOCA³⁴⁴⁵⁸BNC⁵⁹⁶⁰⁷iWeb¹⁴⁹⁶⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹ 基本英英词源搭配记法派生词例句例句 n.孕酮⁵⁹;黄体酮⁴¹ 生命活动的调节
Noun: a steroid hormone trade name Lipo-Lutin produced in the ovary; prepares and maintains the uterus for pregnancy来自pro-,向前,朝向,-gest,带来,承载,词源同gesture.-one,酮。引申词义孕酮。acetoxy progesterone乙酰氧孕酮progesterone-binding globulin孕酮结合球蛋白…uterine progesterone system子宫孕酮系统…progesterone receptor孕激素受体 pro-前-gester-one酮⇒n.孕酮⁵⁹;黄体酮⁴¹n.生化孕甾酮;黄体激素;孕激素;孕烯二酮;妊娠素;荷尔蒙Pketoprogesterone酮孕酮Pdihydroprogesterone二氢孕酮Pmedroxyprogesterone甲羟孕酮Panhydrohydroxyprogesterone脱水羟基孕酮孕烯炔醇酮乙炔基睾丸酮
名词100% 用作名词Bloodprogesteroneremains constant throughout pregnancy.血液孕酮含量在全妊娠期保持不变。 Higher levels of estrogen and particularly progesterone can result in puffy, tender gums that are vulnerable to minor infection. 怀孕的时候雌激素和孕酮增多,会使牙龈浮肿并且很容易感染。 yeeyan It is assumed that sperm are attracted to higher concentrations of progesterone, which is released by the egg and is found in higher levels closest to it. 卵子会释放孕酮,所以卵子周围孕酮的浓度很高,而精子恰好会受到高浓度孕酮的吸引。 yeeyan Just before and during your period, levels of progesterone and estrogen decrease. 在经期前以及经期间,孕激素和雌性激素会减少。 yeeyan The treatment studied was the most commonly prescribed hormone replacement pill, Prempro, which contains estrogens from horse urine and a synthetic relative of the hormone progesterone. 研究的对象是最通常使用的激素替代药物Prempro。这是一种含有从马尿中提取的雌激素和一种合成激素黄体酮的药物。 yeeyan Though the researchers were looking for progesterone in the rotifers, finding the same molecule that is essential to humans still came as a surprise. 研究者们过去一直在寻找轮虫体内的黄体酮,但是找到了竟然和人类的一样的而且对人类来说很重要的分子,的确让人吃惊。 yeeyan A week later, there is a rise in progesterone, the hormone that mimics valium, making women“ feel like cuddling up with a hot cup of tea and a good book,” Brizendine said. 一周后,孕酮素 ——一种类似于镇定药物的激素——水平上升,女人们开始“觉得想蜷缩成一团喝杯热茶、看本好书。” voa365 A new study of Polish women shows that women with large breasts and tight waists have the greatest fecundity, indicated by their levels of two reproductive hormones estradiol and progesterone. 一项针对波兰女性的新研究,通过检测她们的两项生育荷尔蒙雌二醇和黄体酮水平表明:那些波大腰细的女人们拥有最好的生育能力。 yeeyan A week later, there is a rise in progesterone, the hormone that mimics valium, making women“ feel like cuddling up with a hot cup of tea and a good book,” Brizendine said. 一星期后,黄体激素激增,荷尔蒙稳定了,让女性“感觉只想抱着一杯茶和一本好书”,布里曾丹说。 yeeyan Birth control pills and shots affect estrogen and progesterone levels and may ease asthma symptoms in some women. 避孕药和避孕环会影响雌激素和孕激素水平,并且对于一些妇女来说可能会减轻哮喘的症状。 yeeyan Could be your estrogen and progesterone levels are not balanced. 或许你的磁性激素水平和黄体酮水平现在有点不均衡了。 yeeyan During the process, her levels of estrogen and progesterone can vary significantly, causing symptoms like hot flashes and trouble sleeping. 在此期间,她体内的雌激素和黄体酮的水平会有很大的波动,发生潮热和失眠等症状。 yeeyan Enovid, a drug the FDA approves for menstrual disorders, comes with a warning: The mixture of synthetic progesterone and estrogen also prevents ovulation. 炔雌醇甲醚片是得到美国 FDA认可的治疗月经失调的一种药物,但它同时也带来一个副作用:其中的合成的黄体酮和雌性激素会抑制排卵。 yeeyan Heartburn, also know as acid reflux, is caused by progesterone relaxing the valve separating the esophagus from the stomach, allowing acids to seep up the pipe. 胃灼热,同时也被叫做胃酸倒流,这是因为黄体酮使瓣膜松弛把食道和胃分开了,这会让胃酸渗到食管里。 yeeyan Hormone replacement with estrogen or progesterone may improve asthma symptoms in some women who have gone through menopause. 雌激素和孕激素的替代可能会使一些快要绝经的妇女哮喘症改善。 yeeyan In the second, progesterone is circulating, too. 而第二次中血液中还出现了黄体酮。 ecocn In women, the ovaries produce hormones like estrogen and progesterone, which regulate reproductive processes. 在女性体内,卵巢分泌雌激素和黄体酮,以调节生殖系统。 yeeyan Likewise, estrogen and progesterone influence a woman’s voice as well as her body dimensions, which can indicate her reproductive status. 同样的,雌性激素和黄体酮也影响女性的声音和身材,这也暗示了繁殖能力。 yeeyan Natural progesterone creams. These are derived from wild yams and soybeans. Some women report that these creams relieve symptoms. No scientific studies prove their effectiveness. 天然黄体酮。天然黄体酮萃取自野生山药和豆科植物。一些女性称天然黄体酮能缓解症状。尚无科学研究证明其疗效。 yeeyan Natural progesterone creams. 天然黄体酮。 yeeyan Oral contraceptives contain a synthetic version of progesterone, which studies suggest can lead to depression in some women. 口服避孕药包含了人造孕酮的成分,研究表明这种成分会引发某些女性抑郁。 yeeyan Previous work done at Columbia University found that if female addicts are treated with progesterone, both their craving for and their response to cocaine damp down. 哥伦比亚大学 Columbia University先前所做的研究表明,如果毒瘾遭遇了黄体酮,那么女人对可卡因的渴望和反应都得到了抑制。 ecocn Seeing the baby causes the release of progesterone hormone in women and the toy bear has the same effect. 看婴儿怎样引发女人释放黄体酮,玩具熊就也能产生同样的效果。 yeeyan That little devil progesterone may also be affecting your lungs, causing you to huff and puff on long walks, up stairs, even doing the dishes. 这个黄体酮小魔鬼可能还会影响到你的肺,让你在走一段长路时、上楼梯时、甚至洗碗时都会喘气不断。 yeeyan This hormone is produced by the embryo to tell the mother she is pregnant and that she should continue producing progesterone, a second hormone responsible for maintaining the pregnancy. 这种激素由胚胎产生,用来告诉母体她已经怀孕,应该继续产生孕酮——一种维持妊娠的次级激素。 ecocn Unlike the standard contraceptive pill, its synthetic progesterone appears not to bind to breast receptors or cause cell growth. 不像其他的标准避孕药丸,ellaOne当中的合成黄体酮不会进入女性胸部受体或者是引发细胞生长。 yeeyan Progesterone is known to work by affecting gene transcription in cells, but since transcription doesn't occur in sperm, that isn't the answer here. 研究结果给出了答案:虽然孕酮能影响细胞内基因转录产生作用,但是精子细胞中没有基因转录。 yeeyan Progesterone is a great sleeping pill. 孕酮是极佳的安眠药。 cri Progesterone is usually the culprit in the first trimester, relaxing smooth muscle tissue throughout your body, including the gastrointestinal tract. 怀孕前期,黄体酮通常是罪魁祸首,它松弛全身的肌肉组织,包括胃肠道里的。 yeeyan |